Questions tagged [questions]

The questions tag should be used when you ask a question on meta that is referencing question(s) on the main site. For example, if you have a question about why questions on Stack Overflow are of such low quality, you should include the questions tag.

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5 votes
1 answer

Should I try to salvage and attract attention to old question or ask new question?

I have a problem that I want to ask a question about. But there already is a question on that topic, but it is broad and was poorly asked until I edited it. From the tags it seems that that asker was ...
Kitalda's user avatar
  • 351
42 votes
5 answers

Is "why is x usually avoided" a valid question?

I want to ask a question about url slugs, specifically if there is a reason why spaces are avoided in slugs. Is this a valid question here or on any SE site?
topher's user avatar
  • 14.9k
25 votes
1 answer

Duplicate question - As the user asking the question what do I do?

A question of mine has been marked as a duplicate. The one my question has in fact got an answer which also answers mine. What do I need to do in order to accept the relevant answer as valid for my ...
geraldCelente's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to better expose a question

A kind person answered my question (my first ever on SO) within the hour. I, having only 8 points of reputation, could not give his answer an upvote. All I could do was approve his answer and comment ...
Evo Sae's user avatar
  • 73
-1 votes
1 answer

The proper place for non problem specific programming questions [duplicate]

Since the proper question guidelines have been tightened somewhat the last couple of years, I've been wondering what is the proper place to ask questions which are not focused on a particular problem, ...
dtech's user avatar
  • 1
1 vote
0 answers

How do you bring a bug post back into attention [duplicate]

On December the 29th 2014 I've posted a bug on Stack Exchange websites occuring in Internet Explorer: Bug: Stack Overflow not clickable anymore when saving comment edit with enter This bug is on ...
Mouser's user avatar
  • 13.3k
2 votes
1 answer

Reworking a question asked long time ago with already an answer

I asked this question in 2014, with a use case illustrating my issue. The answer was not bad, but it was more about my use case than the real question's title. Today, I have the same issue as ...
FunkySayu's user avatar
  • 7,841
45 votes
2 answers

Performance question - Stack Overflow or Code Review?

I've been working on a VBA macro that parses HTML into a an Excel sheet. The code is functional, but extremely slow (it takes roughly 20 seconds to fill 270 lines from columns B to M). Due to the code ...
Looker's user avatar
  • 144
1 vote
1 answer

Ask for question undeletion with less than 10k reputation

There was a question that was asked very poorly, but what was being asked was actually not that dumb. I have a good answer for it, but the question got deleted. Assuming that it wasn't deleted by OP ...
ndnenkov's user avatar
  • 35.8k
25 votes
3 answers

Dealing with solutions that end with a new error

I was recently setting up some software but I had to come to SO for an error partway through the process. After following a solution someone had posted, a different error was created. I guess I have ...
drawde83's user avatar
  • 129
2 votes
0 answers

Create a warning for UI questions without a corresponding framework tag

I monitor the c# and .net tags, and there is a thing that has become a pet peeve of mine: People asking UI-related questions without mentioning and/or tagging which UI framework they are using. For C#...
Sebastian Negraszus's user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

There are lots of bad questions out there. Is the rep reward for asking good questions too low?

I'm sure this has been suggested a zillion times over the years, but it seems that as the SO community grows, it's become a lot harder to find a good question than it is to find a good answer. ...
Jeremy Holovacs's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How should I ask questions containing a qt project?

I have currently the problem that I have a problem with a qt project. When I want to provide a minimal running sample of my project, it needs already just for being able to compile four different ...
arc_lupus's user avatar
  • 4,028
20 votes
1 answer

Can I ask a question about a library that does not have a tag?

I would like to ask a question on Stack Overflow about an open source library that does not have a tag. The library is mostly commented in Chinese, but its variables, methods, and class names are all ...
Phillip's user avatar
  • 255
-4 votes
1 answer

What to do with a question that's directly addressed to a customer service department? [duplicate]

I saw this post earlier today: What is the best way to deal with it? Is there any link to explain ...
MKII's user avatar
  • 891
38 votes
1 answer

Can Stack Overflow notice a regular expression question and maybe suggest something apart from other like questions?

The regular expression questions continue ad nauseam despite apparent consensus as to the inappropriateness of the general form. How else can they be discouraged or preempted? Perhaps add into the "...
dlamblin's user avatar
  • 44.7k
-2 votes
1 answer

Why do so many Java questions involve java.util.Scanner? [closed]

In my professional career (mostly pushing json around java middleware components, so not very broad I'll grant you) I have never come across or had a need to use java.util.Scanner. Only in the last ...
user1886323's user avatar
  • 1,189
3 votes
2 answers

Avoid specific numbers in questions

This is my first Meta question, so if it is not correctly asked or out of place please let me know so I can learn. I think that questions like this one, this other one and in general, all questions ...
Alvaro Flaño Larrondo's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

What happens to all the questions that never get answered?

To clarify, I'm not talking about worthy questions as discussed here, nor am I asking about how to attract more attention to an unanswered question. My assumption is that no one is going to answer the ...
user1886323's user avatar
  • 1,189
-8 votes
2 answers

Why can Pygame questions be considered Stack Overflow questions?

If anything, wouldn't Pygame questions be better placed under the Game Development site? Just wondering why they are accepted.
Bagel's user avatar
  • 82
0 votes
0 answers

Could approved edits be immediately visible to whoever approved it without waiting for other peer-reviews? [duplicate]

I was reviewing an edit to a question and I though the edit was improving in many ways the original post (mostly by indenting the code properly). So I accepted the edit and it was still pending for ...
D4V1D's user avatar
  • 5,825
41 votes
3 answers

Are questions that boil down to errors in off-site resources on-topic?

This question asks for an explanation of a snippet of code in an off-site resource. If you take the off-site resource out of the question, the question is essentially: Q: What does this syntax ...
Ant P's user avatar
  • 25k
12 votes
1 answer

How to deal with potential spam seeds?

I stumbled upon this awful question: How to use upload image in c sharp with wcf service The question was utterly rubbish. Made no sense whatsoever. So I did my duty: down-voted and voted to close ...
Bjørn-Roger Kringsjå's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

How to deal with "translate this for me" [duplicate]

I've come across a number of questions (this one being the most recent) which is asking for someone to translate some code from language A in to language B, often without showing any effort on their ...
Mike Cluck's user avatar
  • 32.2k
54 votes
2 answers

Detect walls of text

I'm yet to see "wall of text" questions that were good, but I constantly see ones that are hard to read and make it really hard to answer. A simple algorithm to detect "wall of text&...
Benjamin Gruenbaum's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Upvoting Questions to Answers that help you?

One of the main reasons that made me create a stackoverflow account at all was the urge to contribute to the community that provided me with so much useful information over the years and helped me ...
M463's user avatar
  • 2,073
16 votes
1 answer

Updating Unanswered Questions [duplicate]

I recently posted a question that discouragingly received only a handful of views and no comments or answer attempts, likely the result of how it addressed an uncommon subject. I have continued to ...
Spencer H's user avatar
  • 663
-7 votes
2 answers

How to deal with users asking for homework help [closed]

NOTE: Not a duplicate of Stack Overflow and homework questions - I'm asking about how best to help, not if we can help. What is the best way to help someone who needs homework help, but has not put ...
Ryan Kreager's user avatar
  • 3,581
2 votes
1 answer

See all my questions on a single page?

In my profile I can see all my questions. However, it is paginated, which makes it difficult to find old questions through either eye-balling or searching. Is there a way to either a) display all my ...
histelheim's user avatar
  • 4,988
2 votes
1 answer

what if given answer is correct but I solved the problem before, should I accept the answer?

I have posted a question and after a while I solved it my own, but somebody also posted an answer on my question which is correct. Should I accept the answer or update my question?
Jyo the Whiff's user avatar
33 votes
1 answer

Can I link to my own previous question if I think it may add some context?

I have asked a question here based off of another question I received an answer for that I accepted. Rather than copy all of my code and wording across two different questions and run the risk of it ...
tomdot's user avatar
  • 551
2 votes
1 answer

Add option to close question because there is no answer/problem

I sometimes ask a question for which there might be no answer - for instance my latest question ACRA send report without exiting app. While I was updating my answer, to give more information, I ...
Danielson's user avatar
  • 2,669
83 votes
8 answers

How do I find questions that are more "my level"?

I'm new here and would love to help the community as much as possible but I keep running into the problem where either questions are already answered or are far past my level. Is there anything I can ...
user avatar
53 votes
2 answers

How can I improve my own experience of Stack Overflow?

I don't post very much as I'm not anywhere near a professional developer or programmer; however, whenever I do, I am increasingly frustrated by what I view as requests to append or re-examine my code, ...
tomdot's user avatar
  • 551
40 votes
1 answer

How to handle question titles that end up being irrelevant corner-cases to the problem?

This issue plagues Stack Overflow questions. Do you encounter this a lot? Click on a high ranking Google result of your carefully crafted keyword-rich query "How does foo work with bar" Perfect! ...
xyphenor's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How do I follow a question on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I would like to follow a recent question I've read on Stack Overflow which currently doesn't have an answer. Is that possible? With current grades I can't even vote it up. Thank you!
MicroMachine's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Pressing the back button after editing a question only refreshes the edit page

This is a navigation bug in Stack Overflow. I go to my user page, and I click on the "Questions" tab. I click on a question, I edit that question, and I try to return to my user page. I press the ...
clickbait's user avatar
  • 2,927
2 votes
0 answers

Why is there no reference request tag here? [duplicate]

i'm an active user of math.stackexchange and occasional user of stackoverflow. I noticed a question on our forum which seemed better asked here
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What should be done with my answer to this closed question?

I answered the question here and noticed it was down voted and recently closed as too broad. Now I understand the author worded the question horribly, and showed no attempt at a solution. However to ...
Epic Byte's user avatar
  • 33.9k
85 votes
3 answers

How can I revive a long-dead question?

Let's say I have a question I want to ask on Stack Overflow. But a quick Google search tells me that question has already been asked before (let's say around one year back). But no answers are ...
Codebender's user avatar
  • 14.4k
65 votes
1 answer

Bookmarks for the close -> duplicate interface

Most of the times, when I close a question as duplicate, I open a new tab to make a quick google search to get the question ID, to then close the question. I almost never find the duplicate, which I ...
Rizier123's user avatar
  • 59.3k
2 votes
0 answers

Why would this "off-topic" flag be disputed [duplicate]

Fisrt let me begin with "sure the question has been asked many times" and I get that, but I think each case is it's own, so still asking. So I recently flagged ( because I can't close vote yet ) this ...
Blakes Seven's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Popular question with bounty - no comments and answers [duplicate]

I had a question with just a few views (4-5) and then I've set a bounty and now bounty is ending. Question now has a lot of views and vote ups, but no comments and answers. So where will go my ...
Nikita Zernov's user avatar
-74 votes
3 answers

Please, is anything going to be done about the pedantic question closers?

When Stack Overflow first came about SEO was worse, and disk space was more expensive. The result was a large set of rules about the nature of SO questions as not to pollute the search space with ...
samthebest's user avatar
  • 31.2k
7 votes
1 answer

How can I search question with two tags?

Searching with [c#][.net] results that question with both tags. So, it is and condition when searching that way. But I wanna know how to search with or condition so that the resulting questions have ...
sertsedat's user avatar
  • 3,540
34 votes
1 answer

Notify authors when a bounty is offered

Please automatically inform the authors of the question and any answers when someone posts a bounty. I received an upvote on my answer to How to wrap table cell at a maximum width in full width table....
dippas's user avatar
  • 59.7k
61 votes
4 answers

Will Stack Overflow celebrate the 10M question milestone?

It seems like it would be a big(-ish) deal. 10,000,000 questions on Stack Overflow. Or is it only me?
ericosg's user avatar
  • 4,945
2 votes
1 answer

Does adding a tag, redeem OP from explaining more context in code?

I've stumbled over this question (and others of such kind before): hi guys i work on project detect on opencv and c++ and after weeks of search i get closed way i cant find good idea for my ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Problem is not reproducible anymore. Should I delete my question?

I have asked a question here: Exception while deserializing object in Debug Mode The problem itself seems to have vanished without altering the code or updating the IDE. I guess a simple restart of ...
Moh-Aw's user avatar
  • 3,006
3 votes
1 answer

How are two views shown after posting a question within a second?

I generally noticed whenever I am posting a question and page going to refresh stackovershow view =2 While only I have just posted this question, how can view be 2? It should be 1. Is it a bug or ...
Subodh Joshi's user avatar
  • 13.2k

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