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How many reputation did I spend on bounties?

Is it possible to know how many reputation I spent on bounties? Example: Let's say one user spent 50 reputation on one bounty, 150 on the second and 500 on the third. The total would be: 50 + 150 + ...
BPL's user avatar
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Why are there no users with ID 6-17

I was just looking at some of the founder users of stack overflow, but found that: some of them produce a page not found error. Why are these positions empty? ...
anshabhi's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Flag user profile

Is there any way to flag a part of the description or links in a user's profile? For example, I have found a link, that might have been the domain of that user some day but the user doesn't use it ...
plocks's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is community not removing this user profile? [closed]

See this user profile a very good profile at first look, good reputation, badges, the last activity year (2011) , yes his last seen is in the current month only (that's December '14). Don't know how, ...
Hemang's user avatar
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How can you search for a user on Stack Overflow?

I would like to know how can I search for a Stack Exchange user and see their profile.
dragosb's user avatar
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3 answers

How should we deal with a user who uses abusive words in the "About Me" section?

I have recently visited a user profile page with abusive words in the "About Me" section. I feel the language is offensive. What should be done about that? Here is a screenshot of what I am ...
Satpal's user avatar
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