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Cannot select next badge to track

Today, I earned a badge and I wanted to pick the next badge to track myself. To my surprise, the list is unresponsive when I tap the desired (any) badge option.
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Only tag-related badges appeared available for tracking after a badge was earned

I was awarded the Inquisitive badge (30 well-received questions) on Stack Overflow (which was a tracked badge). The badges section on the profile page showed the options to "Choose a new badge&...
Eggon's user avatar
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The background for the circle next to a tag badge has a black background in dark mode [duplicate]

As the title says, the background of the circle next to a tag badge has a black background, but only in dark mode. Example: This doesn't happen in light mode:
shreyasm-dev's user avatar
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Profile Page Track Next Badge Showing Wrong Number

On my profile page, when I set it to track next badge, it tells me I am at 248/400 for score on the silver python badge. Meanwhile, the popup dialogue that lets me pick which one to track says my ...
Zags's user avatar
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Gold tag badge not awarded, despite congratulations banner

I get this on my user page: Why do I get shown this, when I don't actually own the badge? When I click "track the next one", it shows my progress towards python again: Surely it's a bug to, within ...
Eric's user avatar
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