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Questions tagged [post-ban]

A post ban means that a user is blocked from asking new questions, or posting new answers.

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How can I improve a question if its basis is fundamentally flawed?

I recently received a warning that I was close to losing the ability to ask questions on SO some time after a particular question received a large amount of negative score (-6) and was deleted for &...
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1 vote
0 answers

Will self-deleted, 0-scored, unanswered questions count against us? [duplicate]

If I have too many self-deleted, 0-score, unanswered questions, could that result in a question-ban? Or in general, can quality bans be applied due to self-deleted, zero-scored, unanswered posts? ...
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1 vote
0 answers

Are question bans only lifted following improvements to your questions? What other positive contributions also count? [duplicate]

I'm currently under a question ban. Yes, it's annoying, but it's obviously my fault for being careless. I'm working on getting out of it now, and I've tried everything I can to improve my questions. ...
Geza Kerecsenyi's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Remove the quality filters from Stack Overflow for Teams, or allow Team Admins to remove post-bans [duplicate]

One of my accounts in SO teams is blocked from answering with the reason We are no longer accepting answers from this account. Can this be removed? Or allow team admins to lift it. This is not a dupe ...
randomuser5215's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Another approach to get rid the warning banner [duplicate]

I had two improper questions which were deleted by the community about a year ago, and I'm shame about it. Now there is a banner warn me about "not been well-received." I saw someone commented "Took ...
Hartman's user avatar
  • 295
1 vote
0 answers

What to do when a new user delete content their question after It has been answered correctly? [duplicate]

This user deletes the content of the question after It has been answered correctly, then, I flagged "need of moderator intervention" I requested to ban the user
Jose Ricardo Bustos M.'s user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why hasn't my ban on asking questions been lifted [duplicate]

I know that I was getting lots of down-votes and close-votes on my questions and that's why I was banned. But the thing is, My "positive contributions" do outweigh my negative ones. When I asked ...
DividedByZero's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to improve a bad question to aid in a question ban?

I have this question. As of the writing of this question, it has a score of -2. I've edited it a few times to try and bring up the score, to try and get out of my question ban. It seems that it's just ...
CATboardBETA's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Question ban lift acting up - should have been lifted [duplicate]

About 7 months ago I was question banned - I understand the reasons, for the questions I asked were unclear and... Well I see why anyway. I've also since increased nearly 500 rep since, through good ...
Legorooj's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Answer Ban, only one answer I can edit (other ones deleted) require mod to list deleted [duplicate]

I have read all of the following post. What can I do when getting “We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account”? Background (skipable) I've used this site since I've started ...
ModestMonk's user avatar
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Is there any method to bring back my old deleted question to edit? [duplicate]

I accidentally deleted my question. I can't currently change it because I am now question banned, but the question helper is telling me to edit my question in order to get approval. How can I get my ...
Akos. prestigio's user avatar
0 votes
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Question wait time bug? [duplicate]

I was told yesterday by the system I couldn't ask any more questions because I had already asked too many, and that I would have to wait one day. I have come back today, and I apparently still need to ...
Anonymous Noob's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow is no longer accepting questions from my account. How should I go about fixing my existing questions? [duplicate]

As the title states. I've been banned from asking any more questions. Previously, my questions have been downvoted and I've recently tried to improve the quality of my questions. My most recent ...
JavascriptLoser's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Cannot answer although I could answer normal and protected questions [duplicate]

Now I got "Remove New User Restrictions" and have "Create Wiki Posts", "Participate In Meta" and finally "Create Posts". It's nice to collect some trophies. I'm a new user, but I cannot answer any ...
Gerhard Stein's user avatar
0 votes
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I repent asking bad questions. Is there a way to check the status or my question-asking privileges? [duplicate]

Last night I was banned from asking questions on Stack Overflow. Since then, I have read all of the articles linked to in the help center, gone through and edited all of my questions so as to conform ...
Goodword's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How can I migrate a deleted question?

I have a deleted question that was asking for a tool, which is off-topic for SO but on-topic for SR. I want to migrate it and then edit it to match SR's rules. Unfortunately, 60 days have passed and I ...
niceman's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Too many edits—how can I contact a moderator? [duplicate]

I've been banned from asking questions. I have to ask some necessary questions urgently. I found that the only way to remove the question ban is to improve the question quality. So, I edited my old ...
Don Chakkappan's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Spam from your network problem solution with ZenMate [duplicate]

Your post cannot be submitted at this time due to the volume of spam and abuse originating from your network. We apologize for any inconvenience. See the help center for more. I kept seeing this and ...
SDG's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Would it be ok to change a downvoted question into a completely different question so you can ask it when post-banned?

I am currently still banned from posting questions on SO (even though my rep has increased more than a 100 points and I now have vote down privilege), and at least one of the questions I see hurting ...
cluemein's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

I asked three questions and got banned. Why?

I have asked only three questions yet and only one received an upvote. The rest are neither downvoted nor flagged or anything. Then, why I am getting this message? You have a history of asking low ...
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-2 votes
1 answer

Is there a better mediation method to help lift their question ban?

I will not sugar coat it, I am question banned. I have 1 downvoted question. I have gone to the suggestions page on how to get the ban lifted and followed the steps. Luckily I only have 6 questions. I ...
JukEboX's user avatar
  • 385
-3 votes
1 answer

Will correcting other users' questions remove my question ban? [duplicate]

After the question ban I have had during these days, I tried editing questions (not my own) and gained some reputation. Will it have any effect on removing the question ban? Please don't mention ...
FabioSpaghetti's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Why the extreme negative reaction?

This post received 5 downvotes very quickly from the time I posted it. My account was blocked from posting any more questions shortly after. It also had several "close" requests. So, I figured I was ...
Isaiah Taylor's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Question ban:Edited all questions and have two questions that is still in the -

I have edited all my questions and only two are still negative. I have edited several times. Now what? My "removed" question was removed my my profile by a mod (I requested that). But what should I do ...
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-3 votes
1 answer

New user and beginner programmer risk of being question-banned [duplicate]

I know that this website was founded on the idea where users of a special field (in this case programming) come to ask creative and productive questions. Unlike its other web counterparts (Quora, ...
cat000's user avatar
  • 35
-3 votes
1 answer

Where I can check the number of questions asked and remaining in a month?

I have been asking questions and giving answers on the Stack Overflow since a long time. One day suddenly, I have got a notification while I was trying to post the question. The notification says "You ...
Jaffer Wilson's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Making my questions better

For a while I had been banned out from making new questions, but today I checked and now I have been re-enabled in the system, but I'm worried about doing something against rules that might lock me ...
gvasquez's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How do we get out of question ban? [duplicate]

I got a question ban on SO because of some unknown reason: my questions were downvoted even if they were well-formatted and well-organized. Lately, I've been answering lots of questions contributing ...
ForceBru's user avatar
  • 44.6k
-4 votes
1 answer

How can I be sure I am not a victim of someone else's IP address ban? [duplicate]

I have been banned from asking questions. But if you look at my profile I don't have very bad questions. I don't know why I got banned. How can I be sure that I am not a victim of someone else's IP ...
Pouya Samie's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Can I improve the low-quality question by changing all the text to a new question? [duplicate]

I read this link: How can I get out of a question ban? Begin by improving your existing questions: do as much as possible to make them clear, ...
aircraft's user avatar
  • 26.6k
-5 votes
1 answer

How can I get out of questions Ban twice? [duplicate]

I have managed to get out of question Ban for the first time by answering multiple questions until I reach 100 reputation, but then I asked a new question which get some down votes and I get in ...
Nidal's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Notify someone as they near their question ban

Today I was banned from asking questions because some people 'down voted' my question. I wasn't warned by StackOverflow that if I ask another question which may be of poor quality, then I will be ...
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-5 votes
1 answer

Deleted a question with no answer and banned [duplicate]

I deleted a question because it was marked as a duplicate, so I deleted it. There was no comment-answers, just my question there, probably a moderator marked as a duplicate because it was so fast ...
GLHF's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Why has my account been blocked? [duplicate]

My account has been blocked because I asked a question which wasn't well-received, but the documentation says that I have to review my questions and the system will automatically take it into account....
FrankTan's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

What does "Begin by fixing your existing posts" in the Help Center mean?

I am wondering what "Begin by fixing your existing posts" means in the 'Asking' section of the Help Center. What if someone deleted their negative voted post? Does it mean that they don't even ...
Rahul Sharma's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Is my question privilege revoked just because I am less active? [duplicate]

First of all I am banned from asking questions, my first thought was maybe I asked some stupid questions in past but there are no questions from my account. Then I thought maybe I have too many bad ...
Rijul Gupta's user avatar
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-6 votes
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Does contributing to Review Queues help to lift a question ban?

I have a question ban, but have been regularly editing, answering, commenting, voting, flagging, and now also reviewing. I know just about everything else can help against a question ban, but what ...
CATboardBETA's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Having upvote on an answer trade off a downvote on the question? [duplicate]

I wonder if a Stack Overflow user can escape from the warning danger of being blocked from asking any more by posting a well-received answer instead of posting well received question of fixing old ...
Taeyun's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

Is there still a "penalty box" on SO?

I read about the existence of a penalty box, but have never seen this in practice. Is this because the post is from 2009 and this particular quality-control has been stopped and replaced with the ...
splinter's user avatar
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-7 votes
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Can my badges increase my reputation? [duplicate]

Can my badges increase my reputation? For example, could I use them to start a bounty? Also, I was banned for editing and asking questions; can anyone give some suggestion about how to remove that ...
Nirav Prajapati's user avatar
-8 votes
4 answers

Fresh Question Shielding -- now with no effect on users with less than 5 answers

Based on the support for @HolyBlackCat's preferred rule modification to my previous meta question, I'd like to crystalize the level of community support for my feature request in the name of progress. ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
  • 46.9k
-8 votes
1 answer

Why hasn't the question ban on my account lifted after six months? [duplicate]

I keep getting an error saying I have a question ban. The site then shows me a page of why I may be banned and how to fix it, however; when I view all of my questions each one is positively voted, and ...
PC3TJ's user avatar
  • 852
-8 votes
1 answer

Why, exactly, is opting to delete your account, then opting to later return to the site, not recommended if you are question banned?

If you are question banned, rate limited to 1 question per 6 months, and then you delete and recreate your account, you will be limited 1 question per week. This is by design because otherwise they ...
user22200698's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Why is it so hard to get out of jail? [duplicate]

I get 4 downvotes from a question and my account gets banned from asking a question. I work my tail off to get these upvotes, but rarely does anyone vote for my answers, even when they are detailed ...
r3wt's user avatar
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-8 votes
1 answer

Why have I been question banned? [duplicate]

Today I went to ask a question about navigation bars, and found I was question banned. I only have 1 negatively received post (out of 4), and I deleted it once I was told why it wasn't suitable, and ...
Zeusoflightning125's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

I'm "in danger of being blocked from asking any more" and I asked questions which got correct answers but no upvotes [duplicate]

I've got the "in danger of being blocked from asking any more" message and asked a question which got no upvotes, but a good answer which I accepted. Does this bring my ability to ask questions down, ...
Nicolo Lüscher's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Help fixing some of my questions in order to (hopefully) lift the question ban

I have asked 10 questions in total on Stack Overflow. Of those, 7 are negatively-scored, 2 have scores of 0, and 1 has a positive score. I am now hitting a question ban, and I see that what I should ...
Jamal Yarfoor's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

My account been banned from asking questions, how can I delete my account?

My account been banned from asking questions and I'd like to delete my account. Can the same mail address be used on more than one Stack Overflow account? What happens if I delete my account, and ...
Johnny's user avatar
  • 387
-9 votes
3 answers

Should an answer ban happen when there are too many zero-score posts?

The Help Center section explaining question bans states that zero-score questions might lead to a question ban, but I wasn't able to find something similar for answers. I ask this because I found an ...
Iulian Popescu's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Why was I banned from asking questions on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Why was I banned from asking questions on Stack Overflow? I understand that many of my questions mostly have 0 up votes, but that is mainly because they are very specialized towards what I do, and ...
Nisala's user avatar
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