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Questions tagged [post-ban]

A post ban means that a user is blocked from asking new questions, or posting new answers.

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53 votes
1 answer

What can I do when getting “We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account”?

Do not repost the question you were about to ask until you have READ EVERYTHING IN THE ANSWER BELOW. The answer below is the best information we have for people who are getting a notice that the ...
68 votes
2 answers

Can self-censoring end up with a question ban?

We are told The exact formula for the bans is not disclosed, but users are only banned if they have a significant number of ... deleted posts. I'm only starting here, and I know I'll (hopefully) ...
Ger's user avatar
  • 939
35 votes
1 answer

Why am I receiving a warning that I could be blocked? [duplicate]

I was just faced with a message on the Ask Question page: Wait! Some of your past questions have not been well-received, and you're in danger of being blocked from asking any more. For help ...
Roman Matveev's user avatar
-73 votes
1 answer

Request to let banned users ask one question every week [duplicate]

I noticed that other Stack Exchange sites allow banned users to post, but they limit the number of posts they can post per week to 1. Why wouldn't this site follow suit? I know the system can be ...
user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Why hasn't the question ban on my account lifted after six months? [duplicate]

I keep getting an error saying I have a question ban. The site then shows me a page of why I may be banned and how to fix it, however; when I view all of my questions each one is positively voted, and ...
PC3TJ's user avatar
  • 852
142 votes
4 answers

So you got banned? No problem, just create a new account (or not?)

The bottom line of post-bans and creating new accounts has in the past always been "don't try to circumvent bans in that way, it will get you into trouble". Now, disregarding some of the ...
Bart's user avatar
  • 20k
56 votes
2 answers

Can I get out of my question ban by answers?

I have been banned from the privilege of asking questions on Stack Overflow. It has been a few days since then. In those days I have tried a lot of things: I have answered many questions, made edits, ...
Daksh Shah's user avatar
  • 3,083
2 votes
1 answer

What triggers the question ban? [duplicate]

When will I know I'm getting close to a question ban? Is there an average question score or minimum to watch for? And how much rep do I need to get out of it? Is there not something that indicates ...
KugBuBu's user avatar
  • 630
22 votes
1 answer

Do you get question bans by deleting your own posts? [duplicate]

I have recently been question banned, probably because I keep deleting some of my answers and comments. Sometimes, reading through a question can take a few minutes, and solving it can take another X ...
Othya's user avatar
  • 410
22 votes
1 answer

What should a user do with unsalvageable questions when they have been question banned?

Let's say a user has posted a lot of really bad questions that can't be improved and has reached the question ban (not the new "throttles" but the actual ban, like back in the old days). What are they ...
user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

What are the reasons for not allowing people to drastically edit off-topic, unanswered, downvoted questions, if they are banned?

Sometimes people get blocked from asking new questions, because a few of their previous ones have been downvoted. The guidance in these cases is for the user to improve his poorly received question, ...
user000001's user avatar
  • 33.1k
14 votes
1 answer

On the use of multiple accounts to pre-emptively get around a question ban

There's this one guy I've seen around Stack Overflow the past week or two, posting the normal "I'm stuck on my homework, please help me" questions. However, he seems to be doing it in a fairly ...
awksp's user avatar
  • 11.8k
28 votes
1 answer

What is the appropriate way to report someone who created a new account to get around a ban? [duplicate]

If a user asks a question, but it is closed and the account (for some reason) is banned, what is the appropriate way to report this account and the relevant question? This happened just today (as some ...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

How much of an effect do deleted questions have on bans? [duplicate]

I have done some reading and learned that good answers can get you out of a question ban, so hopefully I won't be blocked for too long, but how big of an impact do deleted questions have? I have one ...
user avatar
57 votes
1 answer

On average, how often do users redeem themselves from a post ban of either kind?

This is something that I've been curious about for a bit, since I don't have any anecdotal evidence to go off of, and maybe one or two cases that come to mind of this happening. But, what are the ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
37 votes
1 answer

How do Zero-Score Questions Impact a Question Ban?

I was recently question banned on SO and have been doing everything I can to reverse the ban. I have no negative-score questions (although this question was at -2 before it was revised: Scrolling ...
JAL's user avatar
  • 42.4k
187 votes
12 answers

Allow old, poorly-asked questions to eventually age away for purposes of the question ban algorithm

The question-banning system punishes people who have demonstrated the ability to ask a good question within their six month rate-limited window, because it remembers the entire history of their poorly-...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
68 votes
4 answers

Is it a good idea to have an IP-level question ban?

While reading about question ban, I found this comment by Jeff Atwood, explaining that users are banned by IP address so that they cannot circumvent the ban by creating a new account. I don't know ...
Stefano Sanfilippo's user avatar
48 votes
1 answer

How can I know if I'm banned from answering without trying to answer?

I gave some bad answers on Stack Overflow and as a result I'm banned from answering again. I know that to lift up the ban, I need to gain reputation by asking questions and eventually the ban will be ...
Alex Weitz's user avatar
  • 3,329
32 votes
1 answer

What to do regarding users posting low quality questions?

A certain user keeps posting low quality plzsendmetehcodez type of questions. I added a comment on one of his posts telling him what to do but he seems to have ignored it and posted another ...
Keale's user avatar
  • 4,004
22 votes
2 answers

Does a zero-vote question affect rate limit/question bans?

I know this is a close duplicate of some other questions but none appears to ask exactly this question. Does a zero-vote question affect ability to post in future? I am having trouble getting my ...
Patrick's user avatar
  • 779
8 votes
1 answer

Can I get out of a question ban by editing my previous questions into completely new ones? [duplicate]

I've been banned from asking new questions. I wanted to clean up the mess I've created and think I really understand now how to make a good question. By editing the questions I've already asked into ...
Cary Bondoc's user avatar
  • 2,988
5 votes
1 answer

What are positive contributions that users can make to be removed from question bans? [duplicate]

Would the system classify all of these as positive contributions? Code formatting (edit) Grammar editting (edit) Editing single spelling mistake (edit) Editing Question formating (e.g. line breaking ...
Jamie's user avatar
  • 1,094
4 votes
1 answer

Need help improving my question to remove the Question Ban

Here is the question that I think is preventing me from asking further questions: Do I need to use Firebase to Access All Hacker News Articles? I have a Question Ban was imposed on me about 5 days ago,...
Emeka A's user avatar
  • 59
4 votes
2 answers

Why are deleted questions always considered as a bad thing? [duplicate]

I've just discovered that I'm banned from asking questions on SO and I'm really sad to see that. In total, I have 6 downvotes and 7 upvotes, so I don't understand why I'm considered as a "bad" user. I ...
Jeroen's user avatar
  • 544
-13 votes
1 answer

Possibility to report/flag/downvote a whole user (instead of an answer) [duplicate]

Sometimes I feel there's a need for downvoting a whole user (not a specific answer). I'll illustrate with an example. Take a look at this guy and, for example, this question: You can see his ...
maganap's user avatar
  • 2,729
-116 votes
4 answers

I got answer-banned because I answered instead of commented, but I cannot comment [duplicate]

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: How do you pack a c++ DLL that can still be injected into a game? Just recently, Jay Hanlon had a blog post posted, which concerned the feelings ...
Mistercookiebite's user avatar
120 votes
3 answers

Allow post-banned users to see all of their posts, including the old deleted ones

A few times per month week, we get a post from a banned user asking how can (s)he be banned with only a single "bad" question. That invariably resolves itself with a moderator looking up the old posts ...
user avatar
68 votes
1 answer

What can be improved with my questions to prevent 0 votes? [duplicate]

My account was recently banned from asking more Stack Overflow question on grounds of having too many "zero-voted" questions. I'm not sure how to go about getting more upvotes, however. I went ...
jeanluc's user avatar
  • 1,708
41 votes
1 answer

Does a post-ban get lifted after serial downvotes have been reversed?

I noticed someone intentionally downvoted a few of my questions. I lost about 16 reputation points, and now I am banned from asking questions. Now that I got my reputation back, can I get the ban ...
user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Does the same mechanism for an automatic question ban apply on MSO?

Say a new user (low rep) is constantly asking the same question over and over which is getting downvoted and closed as duplicate or any other reason which applies. That user keeps deleting the ...
user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Question ban problem [duplicate]

I am having a problem in Stack Overflow. A while ago, I got into a question ban because one of my questions were marked as too broad. After that, I did everything I could to get out of it. I offered ...
Santiago Benoit's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Earned 152 rep today, and I'm still banned from asking questions

I'm not sure what's going on, but I've been banned from asking questions for a while now, and today I recently decided to try and get unbanned. I heard from my friend that if you answer good ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

It's hard to get out of a question ban on Stack Overflow - can that be fixed? [duplicate]

What is a question ban? Questions bans are triggered by automatic filters by many low-quality questions. The exact formula is secret, but users are only banned if they have a significant number of bad ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 2,598
-25 votes
1 answer

What is the mathematical logic of question ban?

How does the algorithm get an account question banned? I wonder if anyone knows for example how many down votes you must have to get banned, or how many non-answered questions? Does it consider ...
Onix's user avatar
  • 2,169
103 votes
5 answers

Can I sit under my oak tree or do I need to go on rep hunt?

I'm answering questions on low traffic tags and I have always had a bit of fear of the answer ban. My tactics has been to now and then go on rep hunt in the high traffic tag Java, pass a quick answer, ...
Petter Friberg's user avatar
90 votes
3 answers

The "why have I been question banned" FAQ isn't very good at effecting a change in behavior

The situation Today I saw another one in the slew and endless torrent of meta questions about "why have I been question banned?". As usual, it was closed as a duplicate of this FAQ entry. ...
Magisch's user avatar
  • 7,333
56 votes
1 answer

I'm very uncertain why my questions on SO were deemed low quality and my account was banned

I've read the help page which comes up, I've reviewed the information on the meta page about this issue, and I've reviewed my questions from the past. I understand many of them received no up-votes, ...
ThisIsNotAnId's user avatar
47 votes
0 answers

Do duplicate questions count towards a ban?

Six months ago I earned myself a question ban. I asked a bunch of sub-par questions and I deleted them when they hadn't been answered in a few days, not knowing that deleting questions would add ...
jackwise's user avatar
  • 324
30 votes
0 answers

Send users in a question ban to the Staging Ground when asking a question

This is something that has been raised a few times, both on announcement posts and in the private Team; however, I am posting a formal request to make it so that users that are in a question ban are ...
Thom A's user avatar
  • 94.3k
21 votes
0 answers

I received a question ban without seeing any warnings

Update: I am now unbanned! I finally did get that warning too. Thanks! Update 2: Rebanned... Update 3: I asked support for help, and they untied bad questions from my account! I'm unbanned now. I ...
Blue Robin's user avatar
  • 1,084
18 votes
6 answers

Should we get rid of the quality-control bans (post bans) in Stack Overflow for Teams? [closed]

While testing out Channels (now known as Stack Overflow for Teams), we downvoted all the posts of a user and made sure that they got answer banned. Does it make sense to have quality control bans in ...
Bhargav Rao's user avatar
  • 51.8k
16 votes
1 answer

Why am I still question banned?

Can you explain why I'm still banned? Is this definitive or could the ban be lifted in future? I've read the Help Center articles and this FAQ entry. It says I need to improve my questions, but ...
user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Does undeleting questions help to unban an account?

I have recently been wondering if undeleting a deleted question in an account leads to the possible un-ban of question asking. I know it states that if a user's positive contributions outweighs their ...
sbswim's user avatar
  • 276
5 votes
1 answer

How can I improve my question “win32 function not resolved even when header is included”

Win32 Function Not Resolved even when header is included I got -2 downvotes on this question even though I had revised it. The question is already solved, but the downvotes are taken into account of ...
user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is there a better mediation method to help lift their question ban?

I will not sugar coat it, I am question banned. I have 1 downvoted question. I have gone to the suggestions page on how to get the ban lifted and followed the steps. Luckily I only have 6 questions. I ...
JukEboX's user avatar
  • 385
-5 votes
1 answer

Notify someone as they near their question ban

Today I was banned from asking questions because some people 'down voted' my question. I wasn't warned by StackOverflow that if I ask another question which may be of poor quality, then I will be ...
user avatar
-8 votes
4 answers

Fresh Question Shielding -- now with no effect on users with less than 5 answers

Based on the support for @HolyBlackCat's preferred rule modification to my previous meta question, I'd like to crystalize the level of community support for my feature request in the name of progress. ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

My account been banned from asking questions, how can I delete my account?

My account been banned from asking questions and I'd like to delete my account. Can the same mail address be used on more than one Stack Overflow account? What happens if I delete my account, and ...
Johnny's user avatar
  • 387
-25 votes
4 answers

A proposal to put all answerers on a path to curating better content

What's not working well and why: New users very, very, very seldom understand the difference between a good, clear, unique, on-topic question and a question that should be closed. In fact, we have ...
mickmackusa's user avatar