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Questions tagged [not-an-answer]

The 'not-an-answer' tag should be used when you post a question about answers to questions, that are really not answers. For example, if you flagged an answer as not an answer, and it was rejected by a moderator, and you post a question about it on meta, you should include the 'not-an-answer' tag. It is best to include a link to the post you have a question about, in your question.

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9 votes
1 answer

Answer deleted & converted to a comment. Should it link to the comment?

As you know, diamond moderators can convert answers to comments when necessary. Here is how the banner (that appears over such deleted answers) looks like: This answer is hidden. This answer was ...
Red's user avatar
  • 27.4k
9 votes
0 answers

LQR completed with 4 delete recommendations, 1 ok; the post remains - why? [duplicate]

There is a link-only answer. Recently it went through a review. It ended with four delete-recommendations, one "ok". The answer remains. Shouldn't it actually get deleted? What rule keeps this ...
techraf's user avatar
  • 67.6k
8 votes
3 answers

I can't imagine why this NAA flag was declined

Here is the entire answer: Very safe: Granted, this was accepted years ago and it has 91 up votes. But why is such an ...
rmaddy's user avatar
  • 318k
8 votes
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Why can't you retract NAA flags after author-edit?

One of my recent flags was an NAA and was declined because "the moderator found no evidence to support...", but the answer was edited by the author much later to add context to their drive-...
ddejohn's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Bring some consistency to the flagging and deletion of link-only answers

When doing our daily reviews, under "Low Quality Posts", we are asked to judge the quality of answers. If we think it should be deleted we get the following option among others: Should be deleted ...
Benny Bottema's user avatar
8 votes
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What is an answer and what is a comment: with an example (?)

Looking the question here: How do I include a pipe | in my linux find -exec command? , RolfW.Rasmussen's answer appears quickly to be a nice one, as well as fiolo's. Which is better, not a point of ...
guido's user avatar
  • 19.1k
7 votes
2 answers

NAA flag was declined for answer which was asking question to OP [duplicate]

My NAA flag was declined for this answer: Are you sure that you need to use respond_to? maybe use redirect_to ? Why? Should I flag this as very low quality or is the NAA flag appropriate for these ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why were these NAA flags declined for content-less link-only answers?

I recently flagged several link-only answers here, here, and here. Current SE guidance states that "Your answer is over here" or "Take this tutorial (link)" answers are not answers. All three of my ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Should an answer that discusses a general concept but doesn't address the problem be considered NAA?

Here's the example Java 1.7 Override of hashCode() not behaving as I would expect The question, as I interpret it, is: Why, given this conceptually correct implementation of hashCode and equals,...
Sotirios Delimanolis's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Should we flag old questions / answers?

Yesterday I flagged an old answer. I tend to check every post I read, even ancient ones, whether they are okay for SO. So when doing some research, I stumbled on this answer. The outline is something ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Unable to follow link to wrongly flagged answer

Some days ago (maybe October 17th or 18th), I flagged a post as "not an answer" As far as I remember it consisted of some friendly words plus a link, and in my opinion it should have been a comment ...
Bö macht Blau's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

"not an answer" flag declined

I have recently flagged this answer as not being an answer. I am sure it does not answer the question and is only a comment. Since my first flag was declined I custom-flagged the post again, ...
Mathias Müller's user avatar
6 votes
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Helpful flag for link-only answer does not lead to answer deletion

I raised a not-an-answer (NAA) flag for this post: which was indeed accepted ("helpful"), but did not lead to deletion of the answer. Shouldn't the helpful NAA flag here lead to deletion, or am I ...
desertnaut's user avatar
  • 59.9k
6 votes
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Disputed not an answer flags

I flagged two answers as "not an answer" but they were disputed. I've read this post but they don't fit int any section. These are the answers: https://...
javi's user avatar
  • 159
6 votes
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New flag options to aid faster nonsense answer removal

As there have been a lot of "Not An Answer" flag discussions lately, and I have hit that same issue as well, I propose a fix to the issue. My proposal is to split the "Not An Answer" flag, splitting ...
skiwi's user avatar
  • 68.7k
6 votes
1 answer

Flagging a code style suggestion as "Not an answer" wrongfully declined? [duplicate]

I've recently flagged this answer (10k only link) with the "not an answer" flag. Adding the answer here, since it was deleted by the owner: Only a short notice: change Players(int value3) { ...
StoryTeller - Unslander Monica's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is this (not) an answer?

I flagged this as not an answer. Question: Is there a way to setup EF so that it recognizes the Parent/Child relationship so I can effectively have a subordinates collection? "Answer": The ...
Gert Arnold's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What happens to answers that are "not an answer"?

I was reviewing the First posts queue a few minutes ago, and I found an "answer" which was clearly not an answer. The typical "I have a similar problem [...] please help me". However, in this case the ...
AJPerez's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Should questions be closed if the answer is simply 'no'. Should they be answered? [duplicate]

So I came across this question I added a comment that the answer was 'no', it can't be done. Now as an answer, 'no' is rubbish, and adding it as an answer in the context of SO I'd most likley get ...
atmd's user avatar
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Not an answer approved as helpful, yet answer still exists

I flagged this answer as "not an answer" which was approved as helpful, yet the answer remains. The "answer" itself is one sentence which appears to be a question: It is assessed correctly the ...
j08691's user avatar
  • 207k
5 votes
1 answer

Link-only answers. New policy? [duplicate]

I came across this old question. Current consensus says it's off-topic because it's a request for an off-site resource. Due to the nature of the question, almost all of its answers are link-only ...
Gert Arnold's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is this answer NAA or VLQ worthy? [duplicate]

Before I flag, I wanted to confirm if this answer is worthy of either of those flags: The question is tagged with php and json. The OP wanted php code to solve the issue (as seen by the tags and ...
Script47's user avatar
  • 14.5k
5 votes
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Declined flag on an 'answer' that appears to be a sandbox post

I don't believe there was any malicious intent here. The user copied some text from the question posted it in an 'answer', and also tried out posting it as a comment. We do have a sandbox. I myself ...
ouflak's user avatar
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Flag seems to be handled incorrect

So I flagged this answer as 'Not an answer'. At least to me it definitely is not an answer see the comment under my answer. Hi, your answer is useful for me thank u so much.. my am not expert in ...
Twenty's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Are answers with only links to libraries okay? [duplicate]

Preface This question is here to serve one of two purposes, and the community will decide which one it is: Correct how I am reviewing answers in the Low Quality Post review queue if my current ...
skrrgwasme's user avatar
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Unsolicited recommendations for alternate libraries. Not an answer?

I sometimes see comments and answers of the format: Why are you using [that library]? Use [this other library] instead. Obviously, there are times where this is totally appropriate, like: ...
Jeremy Caney's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Do extra NAA flags after 1 NAA flag get ignored? [duplicate]

From what I understand, it takes 1 NAA flag to have that post go into the Low Quality Queue and/or Mod Queue. From there, it needs to get 6 recommended deletes for it to be deleted or 1 delete vote ...
CRABOLO's user avatar
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Can we make the "ask your own question" a button instead of a link?

At the moment when you scroll down past all the answers on a page you see the box to write your own answer and a nice big blue button "Post Your Answer". There is also a guidance to ask your own ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32.7k
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Declined flag - Is this answer "not an answer"? [duplicate]

The answer in question: I flagged this today as "not an answer" and it was declined (some of the other answers on the question were accepted as NAA, and ...
DavidW's user avatar
  • 30.1k
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Can only moderators change answers to comments on behalf of new users?

So I was carrying out my latest mission in life of removing all "Microsoft" tags from questions tagged "Microsoft" AND "Excel" and came upon this 4 year old question: macro to re-arrange data The ...
Our Man in Bananas's user avatar
5 votes
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Does answering the wrong question make an answer not an answer? [duplicate]

Spurred by this question asking about flagging answers that answered the wrong question as very low quality. The relevant parts of the question are Let's say an OP asks: Why does X produces this ...
Becuzz's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Not an Answer flag declined while most reviewers seem to agree on Deletion

Earlier today my 'Not an Answer' flag for this was declined as "a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it". Looking through the review queue, it seems that the reviewers '...
Athafoud's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Flag declined but answer deleted for same reason

Normally I accept that some flags I raise will be declined, attempt to learn from them and just continue reviewing, but I need to understand this one. I flagged this answer as not an answer (as it is ...
Nick's user avatar
  • 147k
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Why don't we detect "i found the solution myself" self-(non)answers by new users?

This. This is enraging. No, not the user's post. Why Stack Overflow does not attempt to detect such non-answers is enraging and raise an automatic NAA flag. Just like we detect and block questions ...
noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ's user avatar
4 votes
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Declined not an answer flag for a low, low quality answer [duplicate]

I flagged this answer as "not an answer": But the flag was declined saying "declined - a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it". I am trying to understand where the ...
Jay Blanchard's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to handle new user's answers that should be comments? [duplicate]

While making reviews, I saw this answer (the answer no longer exists) which is not an answer, but I think that this new user did that because he don't have enough reputation to comment. Normally I ...
Tarik's user avatar
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Is it OK to write too detailed comment as Answer?

While I agree with the NO answer for Is it OK to use an “answer” to comment if you lack the reputation to comment I sometimes have the need to specify some things that needs much more details which ...
Spektre's user avatar
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Are these answers not answers?

If I'm understanding correctly any "Answer" that doesn't answer the question directly or is a response to another answer should be "Not an Answer". I was looking at this question and noticed it had ...
Lachlan Goodhew-Cook's user avatar
4 votes
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Should I flag a answer that is answering something whats not the question about?

I had already many times flagged answers as not an answer which were declined as every answer is an answer, doesn't matter how bad they are.(Discussed multiple times on this meta) Now I'm intended to ...
dhein's user avatar
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Flagged answer declined but gone

My flag summary includes this one: The question title directly links the alleged answer, but there is none by user “Zach” at /32337085#32337085. While I can’t verify, I suppose there were some ...
dakab's user avatar
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Second opinion on declined flag for "not an answer"

So recently went to flag something and found my last flag had been declined. After reviewing it as suggested, the reason for the decline didn't really make sense to me -- maybe the feedback was ...
Patrick Roberts's user avatar
4 votes
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What queue do posts flagged 'Not An Answer' go?

I assume that when a post is flagged Very Low Quality, it goes in the Low Quality Posts queue. But, where do posts flagged as Not an Answer go? Do they even end up in a queue, or are they only ...
Pokechu22's user avatar
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Giving JQuery answers to Questions not tagged JQuery [duplicate]

I have asked a number of questions with the JavaScript tag, and in said questions, I deliberately did not add the JQuery tag because I was not able to use JQuery in my code. I have seen a number of ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Answers Deleted from the moderator queue should not still show up

It used to be that when we deleted an answer from the moderator queue (for instance, one that was deleted from the 'not an answer' flag section), it would disappear. Now, it does not. I'm also ...
George Stocker's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Is this more appropriate as a comment or is it an answer? [duplicate]

I ran into the following answer to this question: I have honestly no idea, but I would definitely first have a look at the LaTeX Web Companion. There a whole section about generating PDF from ...
0xdeadbeef's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Flag description for "not an answer" is unclear [duplicate]

I flagged an answer as "not an answer" and it got declined. A quick google search yielded several meta posts that confirmed that it was probably correct to be declined. The flag description ...
dialer's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Was a "Not an Answer" flag appropriate for this answer? [duplicate]

This question asks whether storing nulls in a database is okay. I flagged this answer (currently second-highest voted with 43 votes) as Not An Answer, as the entirety of the text of the answer reads ...
Aaroninus's user avatar
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Accepting an NAA answer - what should happen?

I searched around on meta and found this relevant thread on the same topic: What do we do with NAA answers which are accepted? However, to the best of my ability, I've can say that the question in ...
cs95's user avatar
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Why can't this answer be flagged as not an answer while it should be a comment? [duplicate]

I'm talking about this answer: Check for DIVIDED BY ZERO conditions. If any. and this answer The segfault and the apparently garbage usecount value indicates your smart pointer object isn't a valid ...
Danh's user avatar
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What is the policy to delete old up-voted link only answers those cannot be edited in shape?

I recently flagged this answer as Not An Answer being Link-Only answer. My flag was marked helpful. Question was closed as Too Broad. But the answer is not deleted. The NAA flag indicates that the ...
Amit Joshi's user avatar
  • 16.2k

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