Questions tagged [mathjax]

For questions about the JavaScript engine 'MathJax' from the American Mathematical Society, for displaying mathematical notation, in so far as of relevance to Stack Overflow. (It isn't:

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245 votes
5 answers

There's seriously no reason why LaTeX markup via MathJax shouldn't be enabled on SO

I know this has been discussed over and over again, and it may be very boring and annoying for people who have been around awhile, but I'm telling you: Unless this need is fulfilled, it will continue ...
15 votes
3 answers

What is the best way to enter mathematics into the Stack Overflow question body?

I want to be able to enter equations and other mathematics notation into a question body here on Stack Overflow. I haven't found anything about that directly, but I have seen stuff about using HTML ...
6 votes
1 answer

Equations in dark mode are black, making them unreadable

Equations in dark mode are unreadable because the text is black, and the grey on the edges probably makes it worse. Ideally the text would be changed to a light colour matching the font when in dark ...
-7 votes
1 answer

MathJax in 2020 CE

Someone has to ask for an update, what with all this new computing power and bandwidth and CDNs we have nowadays. Previous request, from 2017: Please revisit MathJax on SO. The answer given by Nick ...
37 votes
1 answer

How should mathematical formulas be formatted in Documentation, without MathJax? [closed]

I want to add some explanation to an example. I would like to add a mathematical formula to that explanation. Sure, the code executes that formula, but it's often obscured by the syntax of the ...
-3 votes
2 answers

Please revisit MathJax on SO

The inability to write mathematical notation as markup leads to some pretty poor workarounds, one of which just came back to bite me in the ass today. Someone left a helpful comment on this answer ...
42 votes
2 answers

MathJax-only code snippets could be simplified into Math Snippets

The request to enable MathJax on SO was declined for some good reasons. But after that discussion, Stack Snippets were introduced, making it possible to load and execute external JavaScript on demand. ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is it necessary to include LaTeX? [duplicate]

Some questions are enriched if mathematical foundations are added either to express Boolean logic, formal languages, metrics and other aspects. While for these issues is the site of "computer science",...
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to detect math formatting in Stack Overflow posts, a la Math Overflow? [duplicate]

See this question on Math Overflow for reference. It has several math equations that are "detected" by either surrounding the equations in dollar signs ($) or starting newlines and beginning with a ...