Questions tagged [legal]

Questions involving legal matters on Stack Overflow, including the (non)enforcement of copyright and non-disclosure agreements in posts, as well as licensing issues on posts.

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2 votes
0 answers

Clarification on Stack Overflow code license [duplicate]

I have seen tons of posts on the license on the code used here on A simple search brings tons of results but I still don't fully understand the license the code on this site is ...
TheBestCoder's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Studying "co-authorship" in Stack Overflow [closed]

I am considering investigating the "co-authorship" network on Stack Overflow. This would involve things like generating a network based on who gives answers to the same questions, or possibly who ...
Joel's user avatar
  • 23.3k
127 votes
2 answers

Please implement clause 7b of the CC-by-SA license

Inspired by recent events, I'm more than a little distraught at what happened, and I'd like to see some provision to be made to allow an SO user to disassociate themselves from a post. Quoting the ...
Hans Passant's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is this a good place to ask law questions? [duplicate]

So, I was wondering(since this is pretty strict community), if I want to ask for law questions, can I ask for them here or is there some kind of I've googled and all I found was ...
Donny123's user avatar
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194 votes
12 answers

Can we get some explicit clarification on the *intended* legal usage of code from SO answers?

I was recently told by someone that due to the fact that Stack Overflow uses the CC BY-SA 3.0 license any code examples cannot be used in a commercially available closed source application. This ...
Spencer Ruport's user avatar
60 votes
2 answers

Are there any issues with posting screenshots of books/pages?

I don't recall ever seeing this before so I am not sure if it is acceptable or not. I found this question which contains a couple of images which appear to be screenshots taken from an electronic book....
musefan's user avatar
  • 48.2k
1 vote
1 answer

Can other websites harvest questions asked on SO and display them as if it were their own?

This sounds like someone is trying to build their own Q&A site by ripping off questions and answers from SO. Is that allowed? See here: The ...
David Brossard's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Are you allowed to use code from answers and sell your app [duplicate]

If you are stuck when making an app and someone answers your question. Are you allowed to use their code in whole or in part. How does the legalities work? What if you try to contact the poster and ...
Travis's user avatar
  • 21
61 votes
4 answers

Dealing with a claim that a post on SO is using copyrighted content without permission

This (a bit surprising) answer to this question has just popped in my review queue. The question contains a photograph and someone stating that they are the photographer posted an answer demanding ...
trejder's user avatar
  • 17.3k
36 votes
1 answer

Should questions that violate API Terms of Service be flagged?

Question is here: How to remove or hide powered by text from Google Translate I've commented to let the user know this is violating Google's TOS, but I was wondering if this should be flagged? As @...
brokethebuildagain's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Stack Overflow questions hijacked by Zescience [duplicate]

I just have written a question on Stack Overflow, which can be found here Desperately doing more research, I found out that my question was copied to another place, which used to be found at http://...
Mare Infinitus's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

the following sites are plagerising questions from stack exchange. How do I get these URL's to the legal department for them to investigate further [duplicate]

I had a question on stack overflow that was deleted some time back but should be deleted for good for personal reasons ( ...
Rusty Weber's user avatar
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45 votes
7 answers

Is this site violating the TOS of Stack Overflow and/or Amazon and how to report? [duplicate]

I don't like the idea of someone (Stack Overflow itself can do what it wants) illegally profiting from content that I've written on Stack Overflow for the community. Isn't that what this person is ...
zzzeek's user avatar
  • 73.8k
83 votes
1 answer

How do we handle questions that are potentially or blatantly illegal or malicious?

Recently, I came across a question where it seemed like the user wanted help removing the trial message from a piece of trial software (get around purchasing it legitimately). This got me thinking ...
xDaevax's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Licensing Attribution on basic questions

I know that the license for SO is cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required. However, when one starting learning a language and find basic questions here, would it still be necessary the attribution? In ...
Mansueli's user avatar
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79 votes
3 answers

Can I post SO questions and answers in a personal blog?

Can I post or otherwise use SO questions and answers answers in a personal blog?
me_digvijay's user avatar
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-21 votes
3 answers

Problems with Stack Overflow's Creative Commons license agreement

I don't understand how someone else's code, which is probably copyrighted by default (somewhat), can somehow become your property and you put a license on it. something seems just wrong with that. if ...
Jim Michaels's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Found a website that is using Stack Overflow content without proper attribution [duplicate]

When searching for help, I come across this site: Surely this must not be good for anyone. It copies Stack Overflow content without proper attribution (...
Sverre's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is this legal to publish SO contents on my website?

I am willing to make my own website and there I would like to place special tips and those will be a collection from SO and other websites. I wouldn't like to place that from where those articles, ...
Bhojendra Rauniyar's user avatar
61 votes
6 answers

Is Stack Overflow violating its Creative Commons license by closing questions?

I voted to close the question C++ or Java or JS Library for creating browser add ons as off-topic as per requesting a library. The asker became upset, and said that Stack Overflow is violating the ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
87 votes
2 answers

Question is a Copyright Violation?

When going through the review queue for suggested edits this question came up. The edit completely removed the question and I rejected it. The reason for the edit was: This problem was posted in ...
L84's user avatar
  • 45.9k
11 votes
2 answers

Are we permitted to discuss software under NDA if the NDA is partly lifted?

In the past, Stack Overflow has closed questions about new software that is currently under NDA. However, Apple has partly lifted the NDA on iOS 8, allowing developers to discuss the APIs in public. ...
Jack Humphries's user avatar
3 votes
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276 views is copying SO content [duplicate]

These guys are posting question text without any attribution whatsoever, unless you count semi-hidden links to the original SO question to be "attribution". I don't!
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What is the policy on questions that ask how to crack passwords? [duplicate]

In this post, the OP is asking how to "convert these hashed passwords to readable passwords." Since this is not a forum for black hat hackers, I would expect the question to be deleted. As it stands ...
James King's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Does the author of an answer retain copyright?

This is pretty straightforward. I have answered various questions on Stack Exchange. I'd like to potentially reuse the content of those answers elsewhere. If I retain the copyright to my answers, then ...
StefanKarpinski's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Should we allow questions that blatantly pertain to defrauding another website? [duplicate]

Note that this question was closed as a duplicate of a later question. (I did my research before posting.) This question was opened asking for help vote-spamming a third-party website. The thing is ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
  • 92.3k
-22 votes
3 answers

Where is my privacy?

I have deleted some questions which I asked and which got too many downvotes and I noticed they are irrelevant. So I removed them to make it clear but now I have asked a question which made people ...
user3580271's user avatar
138 votes
7 answers

If I use Stack Overflow code on my website, how should I give attribution?

As a web developer over the years, I've done work in HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL. And there have been numerous times I have found code snippets on Stack Overflow to be useful. I've probably copy/...
D.Tate's user avatar
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