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Where did the "Share" link go? [closed]

I'm trying to link to another user's answer here on Meta. There used to be 2 ways to obtain a direct link to any question / answer: If I recall correctly, there used to be a "share" link ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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Camouflaged embedded links fail to be noticeable

In How can I ask the NLTK to have synonyms be connected to nearby terms, rather than an island?, I responded to what another user brought up in a previous comment. I wrote the comment, and even ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
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Why there is no hover highlighting on visited links?

Currently the visited question links are painted in darker blue and the hover effect for these links is disabled. I suppose it so by design, but what is the idea behind it? Why I like hover ...
Mikhail V's user avatar
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Make visited links a bit more visible

Upon visiting a question page, there are usually links that lead to information related the question, such as a jsFiddle: After visiting the link, it's color changes in a way that it's nearly ...
SeinopSys's user avatar
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