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33 votes
4 answers

How can I handle questions which provide an MCVE or "what I tried" generated by ChatGPT?

I came across the following question: Is it possible to import dcm files into Next.js?. It says the following in the body: is there anyway i can solve this issue? i tried to ask chat-gpt and it didn'...
Amit Joshi's user avatar
  • 16.3k
86 votes
9 answers

Does a user have any practical options for dealing with blatantly incorrect close votes?

Pretty often (to the point where I have a canned comment addressing one category), I see close votes that are clearly, objectively wrong. I'm talking about stuff like: Voting to close IDE questions ...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 20k
3 votes
0 answers

User ask for difference between two constructs where one isn't valid - Is flagging or voting to close appropriate?

What if a user ask for the difference between two programming constructs but one of those isn't even valid in the tagged language. Is a flag or vote to close appropriate here? And if yes, Which one? I ...
RobertS supports Monica Cellio's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Off-topic bounty questions [duplicate]

Bounty questions cannot be closed (by users). This feels to me like a way to open an off-topic question and protect it from being closed. I have seen multiple questions recently that would need to be ...
MrUpsidown's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

How to get pending flags looked at, and the corresponding question closed? [duplicate]

2 weeks ago, I flagged the question VHDL : Why my outputs in FSM for SPI interface are becoming 'X red' whenever they shall be written with outputs as useless (no code provided, solved by the ...
B. Go's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Raise a duplicate flag after a retracted closure flag [duplicate]

Let's say I flagged a question for low quality, being unclear or too broad. I retracted the flag since the author improved his question and I now notice (because the author elaborated his question) ...
T A's user avatar
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33 votes
1 answer

Is it Spam when a questioner requests replies be posted on a different site?

Regarding How can I convert my Excel VBA Macros to EXE File?, the user posted this in comments: I have posted this same thread on the below forum. Please check there and then reply over there. Thanks....
user avatar
-16 votes
2 answers

Closing Already Answered Questions With Positive Scores [duplicate]

Occasionally, I come across Question that have been answered with Very High Positive Score, that are poor question. I've frequently come across these questions several times in the review audits as ...
johnny 5's user avatar
  • 20.9k
6 votes
0 answers

Allow users with sufficient destination site reputation more migration options

@Davidmh's suggestion here would allow for more migration options while mitigating the problem of things being migrated when they shouldn't be. The idea is that if a user has sufficient reputation ...
Alexis Olson's user avatar
  • 40.1k
-15 votes
1 answer

Is there a rule of conduct to handle supposedly ill-minded requests? [duplicate]

I've been following a post that was asking to spoof an email sender. OP was asking for details on how to spoof a sender's address. Downvotes were pouring in, while a lively communication in the ...
yacc's user avatar
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28 votes
0 answers

How to flag/close as "not a code-writing service" [duplicate]

I sometimes come across questions in which the author gives you requirements to write a program, such as this or this. These are not questions for StackOverflow, so I was trying to flag them, but did ...
user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

If I flag a question as low quality, will I lose my vote to close?

I have a few questions. However, one stands to probably fall under a "feature request"; consult the side note. The Flag posts page area is unclear to me. I also read through the Cast close and ...
Funk Forty Niner's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

No code included flag [duplicate]

What kind of flag should be raised when we see a questions such as: How to randomly select an enum in Swift (no code questions - asking for us to write code). I generally leave a comment telling them ...
techydesigner's user avatar
318 votes
13 answers

Educating people to flag spam and not vote to close

TL DR Is there anything we can do to help educate users to use their flags and not their close votes on spam? It is not uncommon to see people voting to close spam. Spam should be flagged as spam and ...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Flagging questions instead of closing them for Deputy badge

After one reaches the 3000 reputation threshold, one can vote to close questions. I reached 3000 reputation probably on 15th April (that is the day I first voted to close a question, as I can see in ...
dryairship's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

New "part of a coding contest" reason for closing question? [duplicate]

Seeing this question (and others like it), it was remarked on as being part of a code contest. This seemed to me as a fair reason for flagging the question, but after clicking on "should be closed", ...
shapiro yaacov's user avatar
82 votes
4 answers
2k views is shutting down and SO is flooded with off-topic requests for alternatives is shutting down at the end of the year, and Stack Overflow is getting flooded with off topic questions asking for alternatives (more than 11 in the last 8 hours). Some are already closed, ...
Dalija Prasnikar's user avatar
  • 28.5k
4 votes
1 answer

Multiple suggestions for duplicates when closing and flagging questions [duplicate]

Come across this situation occasionally and looking for people's opinions on how to handle it. Question is an obvious duplicate find a question that fits the bill and flag / close as a duplicate of ...
user692942's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

Code-Writing questions: What IS the proper flag to use?

I know that the title to this question will turn some people off and elicit thoughts to flag this question as a duplicate so I would like to say now that yes, I have read and seen posts like this and ...
R Nar's user avatar
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39 votes
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Does flagging an already-flagged question for closure affect its status in the Close Vote queue?

I've read through a couple posts on CVs and flags, but couldn't find quite what I'm looking for. Shog already detailed how the CV Queue is sorta sorted already, in that questions in the queue with ...
TylerH's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Do I flag a question as spam, or vote to close it as spam?

Sometimes spamy questions are voted to be closed like I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because spam Do I flag a question as spam, or vote to close it as spam?
Drakes's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Flagging versus Closing a duplicate question [duplicate]

I have had spent a while on Stack Overflow, and I came across a situation where I am not sure what to do with flagging duplicate questions. I have gone thorough the following already asked questions: ...
Lalit Kumar B's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Is it appropriate to use flags when you run out of close votes [duplicate]

This is related to We need more close votes! question but as the limit has not increased I want to know if it's appropriate to start using flags to close a question when you run out of close votes? ...
EdChum's user avatar
  • 393k
1 vote
3 answers

Is it considerable to close a protected question? [duplicate]

I'm talking about this question, which pops up in Reviews queue of Close Votes. Qualities of this question are: Up voted with 155 votes (and no down votes) which favorited by 116 users. Oldest ...
Hemang's user avatar
  • 27k
6 votes
1 answer

Concept of flags after you have 3k points [duplicate]

There is a gold badge Marshal which you can have after raising 500 helpful flags. When I was under 3k points 10-20 flags per day was easy to do. The problem came after the 3k threshold, I received ...
mybirthname's user avatar
  • 18.1k
4 votes
1 answer

Why is there no option to close as spam? [duplicate]

The flag question dialog has an option to mark it as spam. The close dialog, on the other hand, does not have this option. Why is this so?
shree.pat18's user avatar
  • 21.7k
16 votes
1 answer

"Helpful flags" count is not updating

Recently I got privileges to cast close/open votes. I did that moderation, but I observed that flags are now not updating. I mean, the question which I have cast was not even listed out in the ...
Mehul Patel's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Other flag raised from Triage suggesting options not available rejected

In the Triage review queue, I came to one question which seemed to be of very low quality. As the Very Low Quality flag was not available, I raised an Other flag. It was subsequently declined with: ...
Aditya's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Speed close flags

Is there a policy on flagging questions for speed closing? Example use case: duplicates that haven't been closed for years. I've submitted such flags, and some were accepted, while others were ...
Dan Dascalescu's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Is it okay to flag a post differently after one flag is declined?

I recently flagged this question as Very Low Quality, because it asks, "I have this file. Can you explain it to me?" without any research effort shown or a more specific question. The flag was ...
skrrgwasme's user avatar
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58 votes
1 answer

Flag question vs. close vote vs. both?

I just gained access to close voting and I noticed that there is some overlap between casting a Close Vote and flagging a question. If I think a question is a duplicate should I flag it as a ...
Dan's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

What should be done if the asker didn't even read the error?

Today, I came across this question. Title: java lang IllegalStateException : scrollview can host only one direct child I have relative layout in which i have table layout when i want to add the ...
PurkkaKoodari's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Inconsistent flagging and close vote behaviour

Flagging: There are a certain number of flags available in one day worth of reviewing. It doesn't matter whether a user flags by accessing the post from the questions page or from the review pages (...
Divi's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Should we flag for moderator attention after close votes expire?

I was looking over some past flags and noticed that my flag on with the message Non-reproducible. Running the query at the endpoint returns 1, not 0. ...
Joshua Taylor's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Bounty on a question of questionable quality [duplicate]

There is a question here that isn't specifically about programming -- it's about algorithms. I think that it's not a good question for SO (although I may be wrong, but that isn't relevant here), so I ...
Software Engineer's user avatar
274 votes
7 answers

Flagging migration should include more options

I have encountered numerous questions in with the sprite-kit tag such as: ...
ZeMoon's user avatar
  • 20.3k
68 votes
2 answers

Should I flag old questions that ought to be closed?

I often use the new answers to old questions page. Mostly I like to seek bad answers that should be voted for deletion. Occasionally the answer itself is a sign that the question is bad and should ...
Kirk Woll's user avatar
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