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Questions tagged [faq]

These posts are your quick guide to the what, how and where of Stack Overflow. Stack Overflow FAQs are indexed at

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133 votes
1 answer

How can I use Stack Overflow to support our developer community?

We get a lot of requests from project teams about how they can use Stack Overflow to support their developer communities. How can these organizations (and their users) collaborate with Stack Overflow ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
131 votes
2 answers

What are the rules governing multiple accounts (i.e. sockpuppets)?

I noticed some users have a separate account (sock puppet) that operates as a chatbot. Are we allowed to have multiple accounts? What can we use those accounts for? What are the rules governing ...
63 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to ask for code optimization help?

I'm working on a project. I have identified a low-performing critical path in the code base and have managed to optimize it quite successfully. However, I have this nagging feeling that the code can ...
66 votes
2 answers

Why should I post complete errors? Why isn't the message itself enough?

I have a shell script that fails saying there's no such file or directory. This error message seems clear to me, but when I post about it, I'm being asked to include the full and complete error ...
43 votes
1 answer

How can I see close and reopen history of a question that wasn't edited?

When a question was edited, the close and reopen events appear in the edit history. But when a question wasn't edited at all there's no link to the history, so we can't see these events. Is there an ...
81 votes
1 answer

Should I update very old answers when the solution becomes deprecated?

I have asked a very old question regarding passing variables to the Facebook sharer. The selected answer (which I posted) doesn't work any more and I had someone downvote it. Should I change the ...
174 votes
2 answers

How do I create a React Stack Snippet with JSX support?

In the Stack Snippets editor, I can see a drop-down box for including a version of React, but how do I actually create a snippet using React with JSX in it? Return to FAQ index
139 votes
14 answers

Should I send students to Stack Overflow?

I teach an introductory course in which the focus is on learning how the machine works: memory, registers, caches, assembly code, and all that. But it is also the first course in which C is used, and ...
248 votes
2 answers

Why should I provide a Minimal Reproducible Example for a very simple SQL query?

I've asked a question about a simple SQL query, and now some users are telling me that I need to include a Minimal, Reproducible Example (MRE/MCVE). Obviously I've read the help pages, but my question ...
58 votes
4 answers

Are htaccess questions ever on-topic at SO?

Can writing .htaccess files for Web servers be on-topic for Stack Overflow? It can be argued that these are simply configuration files for standard network servers, and so a subject for Server Fault. ...
29 votes
1 answer

Are questions about Stack Overflow for Teams on-topic for Meta Stack Overflow? Where can I get support?

I have a: bug report feature request support question pre-sales inquiry some other type of question …related to the Stack Overflow for Teams product. Since this is a product of Stack Overflow (the ...
75 votes
3 answers

I've rethought my question about a homework assignment—why can't I get it deleted?

I asked a question related to a course I was taking. I followed all the Stack Overflow rules, and I got a useful answer. But it's coming to the end of the [grading period here], and my professor has ...
96 votes
1 answer

I want to seed Stack Overflow with questions about my product/project. What do I need to know?

I run a project or business that involves coding and I'd like for people to be able to find information about this on Stack Overflow. What do I need to know about doing this? Is this allowed? Return ...
34 votes
1 answer

Why was my moderator flag to have a duplicate question closed/reopened declined?

I ran across a question that I believe is a duplicate (or was wrongly closed as a duplicate). I flagged it for moderator attention, but my flag was declined. Why won't moderators do anything about ...