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Questions tagged [faq]

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408 votes
1 answer

When to flag an answer as "not an answer"

With respect to some flag rejection messages I received recently, the following seems to be a few of the guidelines for judging an answer: If it's an incorrect answer, downvote it. If you don't agree ...
334 votes
1 answer

Something in my web site or project doesn't work. Can I just paste a link to it?

I have a problem on a website or project I'm working on. I would like to just describe the problem and paste a link to the external site or source code repository (e.g., GitHub) in the question. Can ...
170 votes
2 answers

Why should I not upload images of code/data/errors?

I am new to Stack Overflow, and I have asked about 5 questions so far. I have uploaded images of my code on most of my questions. On two separate occasions, two different users advised me not to ...
68 votes
2 answers

"This question already has answers here" - but it does not. What can I do when I think a question is not a duplicate?

Somebody commented on my question that it is a possible duplicate of another question. I replied and clarified that the other question is about Android, is mostly about the JTDs driver (which I did ...
94 votes
2 answers

How do I make a good edit?

I would like to edit posts on Stack Overflow. How do I make a good edit that will improve the quality of the post? Return to FAQ index
226 votes
1 answer

When should I make edits to code?

The about page says: Improve posts by editing or commenting Our goal is to have the best answers to every question, so if you see questions or answers that can be improved, you can edit them. Use ...
86 votes
2 answers

When should code formatting be used for non-code text?

I reviewed an edit that did no change to the post apart from introducing code formatting like this to words that aren't code, such as iOS and Android (while curiously leaving Delphi untouched). I didn'...
156 votes
5 answers

What is the proper way to approach Stack Overflow as someone totally new to programming?

I've read the FAQs and prompts that coach on how to ask good questions and am careful to follow that advice. I make a good effort to research the problem before asking the question, both on Stack ...
220 votes
1 answer

What is the process for tag removal (burnination)?

What happens, or what should I expect, when I ask the community to remove ("burninate") a tag from the system? Is there an established process for the community to follow? Return to FAQ Index
262 votes
1 answer

How do I format my code blocks?

How do I post text so that it is formatted as code? What do I need to do so that my code shows up properly—not escaped or removed—when posted? And how do I get the correct syntax ...
756 votes
10 answers

How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users?

I'm well aware that some research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users before they post any new questions, but I'm not sure just how much research effort is considered adequate. I asked a ...
673 votes
8 answers

Why is "Can someone help me?" not a useful question?

To an asker, their question seems pretty good. They've explained the context of their project, there's a detailed list of what they want to accomplish, and they've shown what they have tried / their ...
133 votes
0 answers

FAQ Index for Stack Overflow

Community FAQ (For Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Overflow) For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center. Stack Overflow is part of a wider network; for issues that apply to Stack ...
174 votes
2 answers

How do I create a React Stack Snippet with JSX support?

In the Stack Snippets editor, I can see a drop-down box for including a version of React, but how do I actually create a snippet using React with JSX in it? Return to FAQ index
53 votes
1 answer

What can I do when getting “We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account”?

Do not repost the question you were about to ask until you have READ EVERYTHING IN THE ANSWER BELOW. The answer below is the best information we have for people who are getting a notice that the ...
69 votes
11 answers

Question Close Reasons - Definitions and Guidance

This community-wiki Q&A is a compiled set of guidance for the close reasons used on Stack Overflow. It's meant to be a canonical repository and a resource for the community – both for authors of ...
389 votes
1 answer

Why can't I ask customer service-related questions on Stack Overflow?

Why can't I ask customer service-related questions here, like: How do I get my Facebook developer account confirmation code? Will Apple approve my app, and under what conditions? Where can I download ...
90 votes
3 answers

Why shouldn't I assume I know who downvoted my post?

I've been told not to assume that a specific person downvoted my post just because they commented at the same time the downvote came in. Why not? Return to FAQ index
1090 votes
2 answers

How do I ask and answer homework questions?

Can one ask questions about homework here on Stack Overflow? If so, how should I go about doing so? What guidelines should users follow when responding to homework questions? Return to FAQ index
285 votes
3 answers

How can I log out from Stack Overflow?

I can't log out. This was a test account, and now I can't log in to my normal account. I've tried to remove all the cookies. From Firebug, when I'm refreshing, I get logged out, but then I'm logged in ...
102 votes
5 answers

Are developer-centric questions about application stores on topic?

Application stores, online marketplaces where developers can submit their applications for purchase and/or download by end-users, are fast becoming the main avenue through which non-web developers ...
925 votes
1 answer

How does the Triage review queue work?

I recently got the privilege to review questions in Triage, and I'm pretty sure I'm already doing it wrong. I've read some of the Q&A about the Triage review queue here on Meta, but I was ...
109 votes
5 answers

How does Meta Stack Overflow work?

I've read in the Help Center that… Meta Stack Overflow is the part of the site where users discuss the workings and policies of Stack Overflow rather than discussing programming itself. ...
160 votes
1 answer

What is syntax highlighting and how does it work?

I noticed that sometimes my code gets highlighted in different colors when rendered. What is syntax highlighting? How does it work? What if my code isn't highlighted correctly? How do I report a bug ...
130 votes
2 answers

What are the rules governing multiple accounts (i.e. sockpuppets)?

I noticed some users have a separate account (sock puppet) that operates as a chatbot. Are we allowed to have multiple accounts? What can we use those accounts for? What are the rules governing ...
173 votes
1 answer

What should I do about a clone service scraping Stack Exchange sites for content?

I noticed a site scraping a Stack Exchange site. It's quite annoying, as it's obviously occupying server resources and bandwidth that should be available for actual users. There's also no attribution. ...
81 votes
1 answer

Getting to Know Stack Overflow's Voting Culture

There are few topics more controversial than voting, either on the Main site or here on Meta. Whether expressed in rants on Meta or rants in comments, users frequently get angry, confused and ...
69 votes
3 answers

Advice for non-native English speakers

I'm not a native speaker of English, but I want to ask a question on Stack Overflow. When I finish typing it out, my question gets a lot of downvotes and comments about the grammar being wrong. How ...
202 votes
1 answer

If your question was not well received, read this before you post your next question

Welcome to Stack Overflow! You are probably reading this because the community "closed" your question and referred you to this post. This post explains what happened to your question, and ...
75 votes
3 answers

I've rethought my question about a homework assignment—why can't I get it deleted?

I asked a question related to a course I was taking. I followed all the Stack Overflow rules, and I got a useful answer. But it's coming to the end of the [grading period here], and my professor has ...
168 votes
1 answer

I've been told to create a "runnable" example with "Stack Snippets". How do I do that?

Sometimes when asking a question or posting an answer related to HTML, CSS, and/or JavaScript, I've been told to create a minimal, complete, and verifiable example using Stack Snippets. How do I do ...
29 votes
1 answer

Are questions about Stack Overflow for Teams on-topic for Meta Stack Overflow? Where can I get support?

I have a: bug report feature request support question pre-sales inquiry some other type of question …related to the Stack Overflow for Teams product. Since this is a product of Stack Overflow (the ...
179 votes
1 answer

How do I deal with non-English content?

What action should I take if I come across non-English content? Does the amount of non-English content make any difference? Return to FAQ index
58 votes
4 answers

Are htaccess questions ever on-topic at SO?

Can writing .htaccess files for Web servers be on-topic for Stack Overflow? It can be argued that these are simply configuration files for standard network servers, and so a subject for Server Fault. ...
427 votes
2 answers

What do the colors on Stack Overflow mean?

On Stack Overflow, there are many color codes. Sometimes the number of votes on a question are highlighted with certain colors. Sometimes the background of the question or answer text is highlighted. ...
96 votes
1 answer

I want to seed Stack Overflow with questions about my product/project. What do I need to know?

I run a project or business that involves coding and I'd like for people to be able to find information about this on Stack Overflow. What do I need to know about doing this? Is this allowed? Return ...
81 votes
1 answer

How do I present a proposal for change or write a feature request for Stack Overflow?

I have a great idea for changing parts of Stack Overflow. Upon searching, I see a lot of these feature-request questions are downvoted, closed as duplicates, and I've even seen a few get deleted! With ...
120 votes
2 answers

How can I create a table in a post?

I want to create a table to better illustrate my question, but I cannot find any option to do so. Return to FAQ index
318 votes
2 answers

Where can I ask questions that don't fit or are off-topic for Stack Overflow?

Thank you for your confidence in our abilities! But have you looked at the Stack Overflow Help Center? Even though we get a lot of IT/network/computer/technical questions here, Stack Overflow is meant ...
111 votes
1 answer

When is it appropriate to create a tag, and how does it work?

Can someone please create the tag foo on Stack Overflow? We need to have it because... Foo is a recent/upcoming release of a popular, established OS/language/framework Foo is a hot new language/...
297 votes
1 answer

Why did I gain/lose reputation? Can I audit my reputation history?

I know that I gain and lose reputation when people vote on my posts. For example, when one of my answers receives an upvote, I earn 10 points and receive a green notification in the top bar. However, ...
66 votes
2 answers

Why should I post complete errors? Why isn't the message itself enough?

I have a shell script that fails saying there's no such file or directory. This error message seems clear to me, but when I post about it, I'm being asked to include the full and complete error ...
34 votes
1 answer

Why was my moderator flag to have a duplicate question closed/reopened declined?

I ran across a question that I believe is a duplicate (or was wrongly closed as a duplicate). I flagged it for moderator attention, but my flag was declined. Why won't moderators do anything about ...
513 votes
1 answer

Why isn't it required to provide comments/feedback for downvotes, and why are proposals suggesting this so negatively received?

Sometimes my post receives downvotes with no explanation on what I've done wrong. Even worse, sometimes I just get snarky comments! It seems like this is especially bad for new users, who are made to ...
468 votes
6 answers

Under what circumstances may I add "urgent" or other similar phrases to my question, in order to obtain faster answers?

We often have people desiring speedy answers to a question, and they will add phrases intended to elicit solutions quickly. For example: This is urgent for me Please reply ASAP! I am under a tight ...
185 votes
1 answer

How should I get started reviewing the Late Answers and First Questions/ Answers Queues?

I've just gained 500 reputation and am thinking about doing my part in the First Questions, First Answers, and Late Answers queues. What are these queues for? What do I need to keep in mind to do a ...
66 votes
1 answer

Why are fellow users removing thank-you's from my questions?

I asked a question on the main site with the words "Thanks (in advance)"/"Thank you" at the end. Later on, a user edited them out! Why is this done? Should I rollback/reject the edit? If it's not OK ...
148 votes
1 answer

What flags are automatically raised by the system?

I recently had a flag declined. The moderator said it was the same as an automatically-raised flag, and, therefore, I was wasting my flag and my time in flagging it again. However, I didn't know this. ...
248 votes
2 answers

Why should I provide a Minimal Reproducible Example for a very simple SQL query?

I've asked a question about a simple SQL query, and now some users are telling me that I need to include a Minimal, Reproducible Example (MRE/MCVE). Obviously I've read the help pages, but my question ...
108 votes
1 answer

This review is obviously an audit. Is this a bug?

There are many easy ways to tell that a review task is really an audit. You can just visit the link for more information about the actual post before making a decision. You can examine timestamps. ...