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Questions tagged [etiquette]

Questions regarding etiquette and proper behavior toward other users, both on and off Stack Overflow.

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-18 votes
3 answers

I'm so grateful I'll upvote your unrelated answer

The answer was very helpful. I accept it, I upvote it. I would've upvoted it twice if I could. So I navigate to the user's profile, find another high-vote answer of theirs and upvote that one instead. ...
-7 votes
3 answers

Why are "Fact Checking" questions not welcome on Stack Overflow?

Case This question which is now closed aimed to become a reference to point to when there's comment stating "This is not adapted for this case, X would be quicker". According to the high rep users ...
1 vote
1 answer

Questions from manuals

Maybe it has been already asked. Anyway, is there any policy how to answer the question which can be precisely answered by copying and paste paragraphs from a manual. Is the link only enough or I ...
43 votes
6 answers

Etiquette for adding to an accepted answer

I want to know how to contribute to an answer I'm going to accept. I did my own research, and using the answers (they're guidelines), I was able to solve my problem. My dilemma is this: I want to ...
31 votes
1 answer

"Chatty" flag declined on comment but I think that was the wrong decision

I flagged a comment on this answer: Recover dropped stash in git As too chatty, basically because all the comments are Thanks this help load, you saved my day, etc. These slightly useless and ...
104 votes
7 answers

OP keeps asking more questions based on a single question which was answered already

Recently I had answered this question on Stack Overflow. The OP was satisfied with that answer and has accepted it. After that, on a daily/weekly basis, he/she is asking child questions based on the ...
25 votes
7 answers

Is it bad to answer "Don't do this, it is bad Android design"? [duplicate]

Example question: Splash Screen in Android using Fragment I am a big fan of Android design, and I design all of my apps perfectly according to the Android design guidelines. The guidelines are that ...
9 votes
1 answer

Question Deletion Etiquette [duplicate]

When is it alright to delete your own question? I recently posted a question in which I showed correct working code, but it was not working for me. Later I realized that the problem was in a ...
-5 votes
2 answers

Where does rude start?

I just found out that I can check how my flags turned out to be. And I'm somewhat surprised by one of them: Poster asks a (duplicate) question about how to get a string value Someone comments "Did ...
-21 votes
1 answer

SO users with high reputation down voted and forced a question to be deleted [duplicate]

Yesterday, a user asked a question regarding variables in JavaScript. He said that he is new in the field. Though the question he asked is not too important, other (high-rep) users downvoted his ...
-9 votes
4 answers

Being judged and blocked on chat before having right to speak a single word

EDIT : Lots of people have mentioned that the personal situation part of the question is not necessary. Thus, on request, I have removed it. Question : As a general principle (not only here on SO), ...
3 votes
1 answer

What's the best way to accept correction in a comment thread?

This is a question I have about etiquette here: Suppose someone asks a question and I post a "maybe you could try X?" comment, or some other advice underneath. Then someone else comes along and ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Dealing with answers containing ad hominem statements

I suggested an edit to remove an ad hominem statement from an otherwise good answer. Oddly, it was rejected, because my change "deviates from the original intent of the post". I don't see at all how ...
39 votes
1 answer

Is Stack Overflow over-polite?

Not a dupe of Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? because (citation from that post) ... what can be done to improve the attitude (positivity) of the Stack Overflow users/moderators such that ...
78 votes
3 answers

Questioner asking certain people not to answer

In this question (now deleted, see below) OP signs-off with: I asked a similar question before, but not as well written as this. If you answered that one, please hold off on answering this one. I ...
0 votes
2 answers

Thank you comments should be deemed "not constructive" pretty much like _work on your accept rate_ comments

Quoting from this answer1: This comment was flagged as Not Constructive and it was deleted instantly because it contains the word accepting. Comments with the word accept and its variations ...
-58 votes
3 answers

Is advising unfairly-treated newbies to use other SE sites okay? [duplicate]

For example, I am thinking of this question. In my opinion, this question (and its answer) got a groundless unfair treatment. But everything happened normally - at least, in theory. I think, in a ...
52 votes
4 answers

On whom is the onus of finding a duplicate of a question?

I've left a couple of comments on a question, in which the person asking the question states: I'm aware that this is a fairly common question but it seems like the answer is always to include a hard-...
21 votes
2 answers

Is admonishing an asker to "use Google" as part of an answer useful? [duplicate]

(post being referenced) The answer started off with a pre-amble that the information was easy to find with a web search. It seemed unnecessarily rude to me, so I suggested an edit which removed it. ...
-7 votes
2 answers

Am I allowed to post a question to ask for upvotes?

Is it forbidden to ask users of Stack Overflow to upvote this question, in order to get better reputation? I have tried to find the FAQ section on this site but didn't find it at all.
35 votes
2 answers

How to answer a homework question, when the entire example is bad syntax?

This is a more specific question about how to answer homework questions, and I have wondered this frequently. Please refer to this question as my primary example:
-9 votes
4 answers

What led to this question not being well received?

My most recent post on SO was poorly received and led to some back and forth in comments which is where this question comes from. I am curious which factors led to this post not being well received so ...
30 votes
3 answers

How can we distinguish official policies and procedures from opinions?

When policy and procedure questions are asked, how can we determine what is official policy and procedure versus what is someone's opinion?
28 votes
4 answers

Improving an accepted but wrong answer

I recently posted an answer to this question, and was dismayed to see that the asker accepted an answer that was (in my opinion) plain wrong. Briefly put, the question was asking whether SQL Server ...
55 votes
4 answers

How should we handle links to adult content in posts?

So this question has links to an adult site inside the code, since the website the OP is making is adult in nature. Which is fine. Is this inappropriate for the site? If so, should we be more ...
110 votes
9 answers

Should comments saying "google it." be flagged?

I saw a comment just now saying "google it dude" IMHO, it is not helpful either to the OP or to other readers. Am I alone here? Or is it Ok to respond to people with "Google it" as a comment? Not ...
2 votes
2 answers

Are comments linking to humorous gifs especially unwanted?

I recently posted a comment on the following question: Reversing colorbar without reversing a text, which I find a little amusing in itself. I used a popular gif (inoffensive and safe for work) that ...
30 votes
2 answers

Giving credit to a user that is no longer involved with the question

I asked a question and got a comment which hinted on a solution of the problem. Then I followed that hint and after some (but not much) work I solved the original issue. I then commented that this ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is it ok to fix broken code in a question you asked so you can use that code (JSfiddle) somewhere else?

I asked a question and created a fiddle to show my code so I could request people review and help me find out where I went wrong. Folks gave me wonderful answers that fixed my primary problem. Now I ...
56 votes
2 answers

Abusive/aggressive users taking it outside of Stack Overflow [duplicate]

I know that the powers of Stack Overflow moderators and administrators are limited to within Stack Overflow, but what happens in a situation where a user is clearly being argumentative and abusive to ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Effectively dealing with people who are immune to criticism

While browsing the site today I came across this answer. Since the php and javascript tags are such a jungle, a lot of questioners need more guidance than simply "use this code instead, it will do ...
3 votes
0 answers

Acknowledge SO in a peer reviewed publication?

Do people consider it appropriate/ polite to acknowledge SO and its users in the Acknowledgements section of a peer reviewed publication?
2 votes
3 answers

How to deal with people making threats? [duplicate]

I have encountered an unhelpful and arrogant user. First he tried to close my question. Then he got frustrated by not being able to do so because the question got answers. He keeps being chatty in ...
11 votes
4 answers

Should political (possibly offensive) content be allowed in user's profile?

I was reading a question and I decided to take a look to OP's profile. I found his About Me section expresses offensive political opinions. According to this post political opinions can be expressed ...
4 votes
3 answers

Should we add [project-euler] to everything from Project Euler? [duplicate]

There are a number of questions about Project Euler problems that don't actually identify themselves as such. (The most recent example, though I'm pretty sure I saw a question about another problem ...
13 votes
3 answers

Is it bad etiquette to ask a question that could be tested by compiling and running code?

I feel like this is a solution to many questions about language behavior, where it could be simply tested. And not the kind where you could type code to see if there was an error, code that would find ...
1 vote
0 answers

I've recieved a message saying that I'm at risk of being question-blocked. What should I do? [duplicate]

I have read up on what question blocking is, and I had one bad question a long time ago (-2 votes), and recently asked a question that was admittedly quite bad, and after consulting some commenters if ...
39 votes
1 answer

When to accept an answer after somebody puts a bounty on my question?

I've had a question on here for a few months that has gone unanswered. In the process of writing the question, I tried something new that got me around the problem, but it still left the question ...
58 votes
1 answer

User who continuously deletes questions after getting an answer, then posts a followup

I think I spotted some bad behavior by an Stack Overflow member: he asks a question, then gets an answer, and then deletes the first question and asks a more narrow question. He'll delete the new one ...
-10 votes
1 answer

OP used very bad vulgar language in comment

Recently i saw one question is SO. Here it is ...
4 votes
3 answers

Duplicated comments in the form of answers

Not exactly a dup of: What if a comment should be the (best) answer? Mostly because this addresses a slightly different issue. Taking the linked above situation, lets say that a comment is the best ...
24 votes
1 answer

How to deal with new users that don't accept answers for their questions? [duplicate]

Here's the subject of my question. This is a newish user that I answered a question for a little while ago. His response was "thanks it works for me now", to which I advised him that he could mark ...
32 votes
7 answers

Answers that use a different technology than what is asked

On occasion on SO, I've noticed that certain users like to post answers that may solve the problem, but intentionally do it with a methodology that's different from the one specified in the OP and/or ...
62 votes
1 answer

Changes to discourage plagiarism

A large number of contributors have contributed high quality posts over the years on Stack Overflow, and the community collectively moderates to keep the standards of the site high. However, some ...
0 votes
1 answer

Should questions regarding Project Euler be allowed?

I've been active on Project Euler for a while. A couple of things from the FAQ in the main page are: About search engines: I solved it by using a search engine, does that matter? Making use ...
-1 votes
3 answers

Stack Overflow seems harsh compared to programming forums I've been participating in [closed]

Two years ago, for the first time in my life, I started to work at a small company as a programmer. I was an amateur programmer, and I thought a forum like Stack Overflow would be a great help for me. ...
-7 votes
2 answers

Disagree with "Removed unrelated, self-promotional link"

I just had "Removed unrelated, self-promotional link" note on 2 of my answers from Andrew Barber. Actually, specially for answering questions like that, I had discussion with Apple engineers, created ...
73 votes
5 answers

What do you do if a user sends an aggressive message to you off-site after you have downvoted their post?

Some time ago, I have been tracked down online about a down vote I have made. It was a simple question, and the answer of the guy X have provided was pretty wrong one. So I downvoted it, left a ...
43 votes
5 answers

Should I tell people to code better while addressing their problem? [duplicate]

I've worked as a developer for a bit over 15 years now. As a senior backend developer, I've worked a lot with PHP in my days and PHP must be one of the most misused scripting languages in existence. ...
4 votes
1 answer

Etiquette for deleting your own answers

Is it good etiquette to delete an answer when a comment was made at the same time that either: Identified the question as a duplicate Already answered the question Some other scenario that resolved ...

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