Questions tagged [moderator-election]

Elections are held to choose moderators for Stack Overflow and non-Beta Stack Exchange sites.

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155 votes
4 answers

2024 Community Moderator Election Results

Moderator election #15 on Stack Overflow has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderators are: They will be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for ...
54 votes
1 answer

Is there a place where I can see information (chatrooms, Q&A, and results) for previous elections?

The text for all of the Stack Overflow elections appear to change retrospectively so that when one changes, e.g. to update the link to the "The candidates answer your questions" or the Election Chat ...
6 votes
0 answers

What's the link between a moderator candidate and me? [duplicate]

As many others, I've received an invitation to vote for candidates for moderator. One of them has the following statement in their presentation: If you've seen my comments or recent posts My ...
-15 votes
1 answer

How does one spoil their moderator election vote?

It's common in elections around the world for one to have the ability to spoil their vote. This is the action of deliberately filing a vote which cannot be counted. It is not a fraudulent vote, as ...
10 votes
1 answer

How can I cast votes in the community moderator election?

Today, I received a message in my inbox notifying me to cast my vote in the 2024 community moderator election: I clicked on it and the election page was opened. I scrolled down and found the ...
61 votes
18 answers

2024 Moderator Election Q&A – Question Collection

The purpose of this thread was to collect questions for the questionnaire. The questionnaire is now live, and you may find it here. Stack Overflow is scheduled for an election next week, 2024-02-27. ...
24 votes
0 answers

2024 Community Moderator Election

The 2024 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, ...
13 votes
1 answer

What exactly is "enough", when defining whether or not a nomination fails and an election is cancelled?

The nomination page says (emphasis added): After 7 days, the top 30 nominees, ordered by reputation, advance to the primary phase. However, if there are 10 or fewer candidates, we skip directly to ...
-15 votes
2 answers

Value of a "moderator eligible" badge

Recent election announcement reports moderator criteria for Stack Overflow includes: For the Stack Overflow election, candidates must have all the following badges: Civic Duty, Strunk & White, ...
5 votes
0 answers

What conditions determine / what decision process leads to a new moderator election starting?

I've noticed that the moderator elections are relatively periodic- pretty much one or sometimes two every year. So the basic premise of my question is that there's a degree of schedule / intentional ...
29 votes
1 answer

Should there be a higher standard for moderating election-related content?

I came across this thread (now deleted),, about a chain of comments removed ...
-46 votes
1 answer

Could SE management conduct moderator elections with reduced requirements in response to the ongoing moderation strike?

There is an ongoing moderation strike across the Stack Exchange network. This has resulted in noticeable cut down on curating activities and a rise in pending flags. Apparently, there doesn't seem to ...
267 votes
10 answers

2016 Stack Overflow Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

In connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as ...
0 votes
0 answers

Reputation threshold for the first election [duplicate]

I just noticed that in the first SO moderator election the minimum reputation was set to 65,882. All following elections have the threshold set to 3,000. What's the source of that weird (65882) value?...
224 votes
6 answers

2022 Community Moderator Election Results - now with two more mods!

Moderator election #14 on Stack Overflow has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderator is: They will be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for ...
-18 votes
1 answer

Calling up more moderators - Is this a new trend? [closed]

This happened two elections in a row now: Calling up moderators from the 2021 election - welcome, Dharman & Ryan M! 2022 Community Moderator Election Results - now with two more mods! Congrats ...
63 votes
6 answers

What explains the large number of people visiting the election page but not voting?

I was reviewing the numbers on the last moderator election. According to the info blurb we had: 898,325 voters were eligible 313,847 visited the site during the election 73,995 visited the election ...
41 votes
2 answers

What is the process for calling up additional moderators after an election?

Frequently, candidates for a moderator election who do not win are called up later to meet demand. New election or calling up candidates from a previous election asks the question "when" ...
50 votes
0 answers

What's the point of the nomination phase Q&A if it's hidden now?

Why are the comments under a candidate's nomination hidden? I would wager a vast majority of voters haven't been keeping track of the nomination phase and the comments under each nomination. Now that ...
-66 votes
2 answers

What do I do, if I reject the election process or “moderation” *itself*, but still want my voice to be heard?

I have been asked by Stack Overflow to cast my vote in the moderator election. But, as sadly usual with election systems in the world, there is no “none of the above”, let alone a “I reject the ...
-19 votes
2 answers

How are we supposed to determine a candidates' suitability for the moderator role?

I recently asked a question regarding what I felt about the process of choosing a moderator for Stack Overflow: Why specified badge is required to apply for moderator? I have another follow-up ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I disable election notifications?

I would like to disable the notifications, but I couldn't find any unsubscribe button.
-25 votes
1 answer

How do I disable the Moderator Election notifications? [duplicate]

The moderator elections are running currently, meaning that I and every other user get multiple notifications bugging us to participate: I honestly do not care for the moderator elections, but I find ...
151 votes
13 answers

Rethinking Moderator Candidate Score for SO

NOTE: There are going to be some who think this is about one particular candidate. I have thought about this for several election cycles, based on my own election experience and those I have watched ...
33 votes
0 answers

2022 Community Moderator Election

The 2022 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, ...
89 votes
17 answers

2022 Moderator Election Q&A – Question Collection

The purpose of this thread was to collect questions for the questionnaire. The questionnaire is now live, and you may find it here. Stack Overflow is scheduled for an election next week, 2022-11-07. ...
19 votes
2 answers

Why is there only 1 position open in the 2022 Moderator Election?

I just noticed there's only 1 position open in the 2022 Moderator Election. This seems to be very few given that it's often said the workload for SO moderators is high and there aren't enough mods. ...
11 votes
0 answers

Typo in election page "candidiates"

There's a typo in the election page, where it reads: Primary (active only if there are >10 candidiates) it should be candidates.
204 votes
10 answers

Calling up moderators from the 2021 election - welcome, Dharman & Ryan M!

The mods here on SO have been busily handling the flag pile and keeping their socks matched up - they've also been picking up the tag burninations and other important work that it really helps to have ...
37 votes
0 answers

The privileges section of the help center should mention the "be able to cast votes on a moderator election" privilege at 150 points

I only got to know about this requirement when I visited the election and even the (Caucus and Constituent badges do not have the reputation written). Also, the privilege at 3000 reputation points, &...
-9 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to post on meta on why we think one particular existing candidate would be a great moderator?

There have been plenty of examples where users post on meta to highlight the good deeds of other users, and such posts are usually well-received by the community. It's also the case that Suggesting or ...
-23 votes
1 answer

Would like to be able to vote on electing moderators when I see their actions

I don't vote on Moderator elections--I generally don't remember the names of moderators that I've seen do things I appreciated or disliked, I'd have to be taking daily notes. I just realized I'd ...
23 votes
1 answer

Candidate count has not been updated since one candidate was withdrawn

The header for the election page still says that we have 6 candidates: But currently we have only 5. I imagine it could be caching, but it's been 8 hours since the change, and it hasn't refreshed ...
695 votes
11 answers

November 2015 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Stack Overflow's November 2015 moderator election has come to a close, the robots have transferred many single votes to tally up the results, and the 3 new moderators are: They'll be joining the ...
196 votes
11 answers

2021 Community Moderator Election Results

Moderator election #13 on Stack Overflow has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderators are:            They will be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for ...
116 votes
7 answers

Declining interest in being a moderator

Taking a look upon the last years moderator elections data, I have noticed the following to decrease: how many users visiting the site are actually interested in the election the ratio of candidates ...
64 votes
5 answers

Congratulations, Zoe

Moderator note: This is a highly unusual Meta post, but it follows unique circumstances in general. Please do not close or delete this post. Moderators will reverse either action. Congratulations, ...
199 votes
6 answers

Candidate changes in 2021 Moderator Election – review your ballot [closed]

TL;DR: There's been a change in the candidate list for the 2021 Moderator Election. If you've already voted, you should confirm your votes still accurately represent your preferences. Details follow. ...
42 votes
10 answers

Is it gaming the system when a moderator candidate submits their nomination at the last moment?

In a probably unprecedented (and definitely antidemocratic) move one of the moderator candidates of the current (2021 Fall-on-the-Northern-Hemisphere) election posted their nomination 53 seconds ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Where can we find information about all the nominations that have been withdrawn from the 2021 Stack Overflow Moderator Election?

The home page of se-electionbot shows three withdrawn candidates: We already know one of the withdrawn cases. Where can we find the withdrawal information about the other two candidates?
48 votes
4 answers

What is the purpose of the questionnaire on moderator elections?

When voting on moderator elections, I pay almost no attention to the candidate's questionnaire, I much prefer to concentrate on past knowledge on their interaction with other users, statistics, ...
74 votes
0 answers

2021 Community Moderator Election [closed]

The 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase (activated only if there are more than 10 nominees) Election ...
9 votes
2 answers

How many visits were made to the election page?

There are 2 links with the same name (2021 Community Moderator Election) displayed on the sidebar for the election: The first one brings us to the election page, while the second one brings us to the ...
2 votes
0 answers

What can I improve in my stats/profile if I want to nominate myself as moderator? [duplicate]

I visit Stack Overflow almost on a daily basis, I really enjoy editing posts, making comments/asking questions and flagging questions, and of course providing answers so I have been thinking of ...
-11 votes
1 answer

Can we revisit the decision not to allow muting election notifications? [duplicate]

This question has already been asked a few times: here and here. However, I don't feel that it should be closed as a dupe, because the prevailing mood in the comments on the above-linked questions ...
32 votes
1 answer

Can we ask questions for Moderator Candidates here on Meta?

On the 2021 Community Moderator Election Announcement question it says: If you have ... questions for moderator candidates, feel free to ask them here on meta -- just make sure your questions are ...
176 votes
4 answers

Two candidates in the moderator election have given nearly identical answers to question 5 [duplicate]

I'm confused. In the answers to the 2021 Moderator Election questionnaire, Zoe's answer to question 5 is: Realistically, I wouldn't be alone in handling this. I'll show support for the user in ...
6 votes
2 answers

Election page "Your ballot" widget does not scroll or adapt

The election page has a "Your ballot" widget on the right hand side that does not scroll with the page or adapt, so I have to zoom my page size until it is small enough to fit. (Or large ...
13 votes
1 answer

2021 Moderator Election - Ballot doesn't work

When I try to vote in the election, the drag & drop does not work. I have tried several places in the candidate boxes but the best I get is this, where it somehow wants to drag multiple names: I ...
81 votes
1 answer

Why are comments disabled in elections once the election phase starts?

In the current election a candidate nominated themselves shortly before the end of the nomination phase. This has meant that no discussion of the candidate happened as the nomination phase ended and ...

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