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Questions tagged [edits]

For questions about the process of editing, how edits work, and other general inquiries about the edit system, use this tag.

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23 votes
3 answers

How should links embedded into questions be formatted?

I ran into a debate on question edits just now. A question had 2 embedded links, in this format: I had this [question][1] which... <...> And for the [other question][2], [1]: https://...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I see which questions I've edited (by suggesting edits)? [duplicate]

I've edited several questions and had several edits accepted over the past week or so, but I can't seem to find my pending or accepted edits. Where can I see a list of questions I've edited?
-13 votes
1 answer

Edit war for two questions with the [c++-faq] tag

The pre-history To give you the history leading up to this, I have recently asked about what the proper usage of the c++-faq tag is: What should we do about the [c++-faq] tag and its questionable uses?...
10 votes
0 answers

Color splash transition (inline-diff) as a highlight after retrieving edits

I know that clicking on the Edited N minutes ago button after an edit to a post works perfectly like this: I want to suggest a feature that would help a lot once implemented. The Feature After ...
-2 votes
3 answers

Should a question manually list duplicates or related questions? If not, should I remove the list (in part)?

The version of question What should main() return in C and C++? as I post is simple in terms of what it's asking, but quite a long question because it ...
-6 votes
2 answers

Restoring the original intent of the author would vandalize the Q&A

The Q&A at Why do we need virtual functions in C++? is a dilemma. The author seems to understand virtual member functions to some extent, and their confusion is mainly caused by But earlier in ...
31 votes
2 answers

How to add information missing in old answers

Recently, I posted an answer to an old question where my main goal was to show that a method that was posted years ago (.index()) is the "best" one using a benchmark. Now, the question ...
28 votes
0 answers

Add a text field for specifying a reason when rolling back edits

In Leave comment when rolling back an edit?, the top answer suggests that you can click Edit for any post in the history, and then leave a reason for the edit. This is effectively rolling back a post ...
-11 votes
1 answer

The question is in the wrong collective. How can I edit it?

This question How can I find in my project? was included in the PHP Collective, possibly because it has a PHP tag, but it has nothing to do with it. If anything, it should belong to ...
64 votes
4 answers

Should "Edit:" in edits be discouraged?

I often see questions which are of the form: Title Example question what is x? Edit: Here's some more information that bob asked for ... Edit: I did some more poking around and discovered ... Edit: ...
24 votes
4 answers

What is the edit policy today for questions about obsolete functionality?

Reviewing these edits I see no reasons suggested. I also have an issue with this: Jul 16 2013 I provided my answer Nov 6. 2013 Gordon copied the quotation info about PHP 5.3.3 from my answer and ...
20 votes
2 answers

How can we handle troublesome contributors during the moderation strike?

Preface I support the aims of the moderation strike, but I wonder if I might add a preface as to why I haven't joined it (at least yet). For my sins, I'm the third top post editor. Curation seems now ...
38 votes
3 answers

Should code from pastebin be edited into a question?

Sometimes when I review edits in the Suggested Edits queue, code or text from a linked pastebin is edited into the question. Is this encouraged? Should this be approved?
8 votes
2 answers

Could preview display scrollbar in code format correctly?

When I write regular code snippets the preview shows a scrollbar when the number of lines > 36 it previews that there will be a scrollbar, while in fact, the scrollbar appears only after the number of ...
23 votes
1 answer

How can I avoid "An error occurred submitting the edit" error message? (working July 13th)

July 13th: it works again, so far. July 12th: I have (again) some of my answers I cannot edit (others can edit them, but I cannot) "How to make git maintain a file containing ...
7 votes
0 answers

Improve warning box color when editing a previous version of a post

When editing a previous version of a post, the following warning box shows. As you see, there's a red dotted border around the box, which I think is quite unclear. Can it be fixed to be similar to ...
-20 votes
1 answer

Debouncing edit bumps

My opt-out of bumping checkbox for edits was predictably not well received Support Sage-ing edits. So I'm having a second go. What about an opt-in to a debounce for your edit bumps? Once you've posted ...
-17 votes
2 answers

Are trivial edits now encouraged? [duplicate]

This question and every answer to it have just been edited with mostly trivial edits. Is such editing now encouraged, or is this a user just trying to get credit for lots of edits? I've reverted the ...
41 votes
6 answers

Should we edit a question to transcribe code from an image to text?

Context: "How to call a method from a class referenced as a string?" More general context: how do we educate occasional users, or new users, to the best practices to follow when posting a ...
183 votes
2 answers

Are SE staff testing the AI formatting assistant on real questions?

I just stumbled across this edit in which a staff member made some English tweaks. What struck me as odd though, is that they added "thanks", which is considered noise and is supposed to be ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Why does a second person need to approve an edit I could have made without any review at all? [duplicate]

Sometimes, I want to clean up a question, just by adding code blocks or changing other trivial formatting. I have enough rep to make those edits without review. The problem is, sometimes another user ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is it hidden advertisement? [closed]

Here is the question, straightforward and precise. Here is the answer, similar. Everybody is happy. Then after some time an update is coming: Alternative solutions like AKHQ, CMAK RedPanda Console, ...
22 votes
3 answers

Can we eliminate the character limit for suggested edits?

In the question: Why does this use, in Java, of regular expressions throw an "Unclosed character class" exception at runtime? The OP has nothing that needs to be changed in regards to ...
6 votes
1 answer

code formatting lost after edit, revert would not fix it

I made an edit to this answer, (changed "unicode" to "str") however when I saved the edit, the code formatting was lost. I quickly reverted the edit, however the code formatting ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the proper way to improve an answer?

Recently, I asked a question but didn't receive much attention. In the meantime, I researched and obtained a "custom" working solution for my use case. After a few days, another person added ...
-22 votes
2 answers

When is it OK to upload images of code/data/errors? [duplicate]

When is it OK to upload images of code/data/errors? – If your answer is never, can we please talk about it? Don't get me wrong. I don't endorse uploading code/text in an image instead of uploading ...
-2 votes
2 answers

An author of an important answer has repeatedly rolled back changes that make clear improvements. What should I do?

The specific answer:, is the top answer to a very popular question, How can I make a dictionary (dict) from separate lists of keys and values?. The ...
-13 votes
4 answers

An editor rolled back my rollback on my question. What should I do?

A little more than two weeks ago, I posted '6 high severity vulnerabilities' in a fresh Create React App. Here is revision 1 of my question. And for your convenience, here is the Markdown ...
7 votes
1 answer

Edited incorrect answer, but my edit was rolled back

I stumbled upon this highly upvoted and accepted, but not really correct answer. While the comments to the answer clearly stated the error, this did not lead the author to edit his answer or other ...
52 votes
6 answers

User didn't like my edit and rolled back, should I edit again?

I recently edited the code formatting of this answer. I had only put the code into a code block. But yesterday the author of the post rolled back my edit to the previous version. I wonder why some ...
10 votes
3 answers

What category do I use to reject an edit that transcribes an image?

Someone is suggesting an edit to this question, Why Is that when i write "game" into my script it becomes red and doesn't make the script work how do i fix?, where they are transcribing ...
-20 votes
1 answer

Seeking second opinions about an edit that was made to my question

An edit was made to a question of mine, which I am slightly unhappy about. Before I go revert parts or all of the edit, I would appreciate some second opinions. Yes, I was perhaps a bit more verbose ...
39 votes
2 answers

Warn users submitting suggested edits if another user edited in the interim

This request comes as an extension of this discussion. Scenario: Someone with full editing rights (2k+ rep) edits a post and makes logical common improvements. Concurrently, someone with limited ...
23 votes
1 answer

How should I deal with concurrent, similar edits resulting in my edit being rejected as unnecessary?

I've seen a lot of discussions on meta about how edit suggestions (by users with < 2000 rep) get rejected a lot of the time by subsequent, conflicting edits. I understand that those rejects are an ...
14 votes
0 answers

Can't retract VLQ flag on a question after it was edited [duplicate]

I flagged a question as VLQ. The flag is still pending. Now the question has been edited into an actual question. I don't get an option to retract the flag. The flag popup just looks like this: There'...
5 votes
0 answers

Code could not be submitted, because it triggered the spam filter [duplicate]

There is an issue with the code in this question about extracting strings in Chinese in Python. If I attempt to edit the post to contain the code which the OP posted as a comment, this error/warning ...
23 votes
2 answers

Should I remove an "intrusive" edit?

Today I stumbled upon this answer: and I find out that a person made an edit to include new information. Probably useful but "Clearly conflicts with ...
25 votes
1 answer

Allow edits which have already started even when queue is full

Note: this question is not about why the edit queue is frequently full. In the last few days it's happened a few times that I clicked "edit" on a question, put maybe 5 minutes into ...
16 votes
2 answers

Should we edit answers that suggest OP ask ChatGPT?

Every once in a while I see an answer that suggests OP asks ChatGPT. If it is effectively just a comment telling the OP to ask ChatGPT, then I downvote and flag accordingly, but what should I do if ...
6 votes
1 answer

The "edit" magic link behaves strangely when applied to answers

A new user incorrectly used the answer section to attempt to respond to comment feedback on the question. I tried to comment on that answer using the [edit] link shorthand, to prompt OP to edit the ...
6 votes
0 answers

Edit grace period not applied

I just posted an answer and right after submitting it found a typo that I corrected. Usually, this should not create a new revision, but for some reason it did - why? I found Was the 5 minute edit ...
7 votes
0 answers

How to improve my "please edit the question" comments

How can I (or should I?) write comments to prompt editing of the post? Generally, I write comments to request clarifications/improvements to questions strictly for warm fuzzies. Somewhat unfortunately ...
16 votes
3 answers

Should my edit be a separate answer?

I edited an answer here to make it more deadlock-safe: Why can't I use the 'await' operator within the body of a lock statement? Someone else has reverted my edit, saying that it changes the original ...
37 votes
1 answer

Full edit queue blocking edits on own post

In the question I'd like to discuss about re-opening my question, as I do not find it to be a duplicate, OP revealed something significant: the edit queue was full and that was preventing them ...
18 votes
1 answer

Is it not ok to update posts with standardization information?

Today I updated this answer. It is a good answer that mentions use of a function from a popular library. Some of the most useful parts of this particular library tends to get standardized into the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can/should I fix the example in this old question, which doesn't work well for demonstrating the problem?

I just attempted to make some stylistic edits on What are the consequences of nesting classes?. OP has not been seen on Stack Overflow in 7 years, so I think the question can safely be considered ...
43 votes
5 answers

Editing old questions to add links to similar ones

I recently ran into this question from 2011: What is the purpose of the return statement? How is it different from printing? A user recently edited the question to include context and links to other ...
11 votes
1 answer

What to do with edits to questions "To verify @<username>'s answer that this is not possible. I had the following Q&A with Chat GPT"

I have answered a question as "It's not possible" having a two of tags that I'm gold tag badge holder and provided the link to the official doc about the related feature. The OP replied to ...
-24 votes
3 answers

Edit war removing meta-commentary

Someone is removing meta commentary in my question that points out that answers to the question are version specific. I think this meta commentary is actually important to the understanding the ...
-6 votes
1 answer

In cleaning up the old Jobs questions and feature requests, could those just be *deleted* and then have whatever tags removed?

I'm seeing a lot of activity with the removal of some of the old jobs posts that pertains to removing some of the mod-tags, like review or deferred. I don't have a problem with removing those tags in ...

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