Questions tagged [duplicate-questions]

Questions flagged as duplicate, and what are, or are not, good reasons to do so.

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35 votes
2 answers

How best to redirect all duplicates of "Why doesn't <Python string method> do anything unless you assign its result"?

What's the best way to create and name a primary source question to redirect the high volume of Python questions asking why calling a string operation doesn't change the string. Naming this something ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
35 votes
1 answer

Merge 'possible duplicate' comments and votes

I recently came across a question which had the following comments: Both links in the comments pointed to this question. Can we make it so that if the 'Possible duplicate' is the same as one which ...
Script47's user avatar
  • 14.4k
34 votes
5 answers

What should we do when a question in another SO language-site has a duplicate on the main site?

For example, someone asks a question on that already has a duplicate on the main site, but the OP does not understand English. What should we do here? I think there some ...
holydragon's user avatar
  • 6,490
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Top voted answer is just pointing to another answer

The top voted answer on this post is just pointing to this post and not contributing anything new. Should we close this? Mark it as duplicate? or keep it as it is? Update: The answer is now deleted. ...
Harshal Parekh's user avatar
34 votes
1 answer

Why was my moderator flag to have a duplicate question closed/reopened declined?

I ran across a question that I believe is a duplicate (or was wrongly closed as a duplicate). I flagged it for moderator attention, but my flag was declined. Why won't moderators do anything about ...
34 votes
2 answers

Add info about why existing question cannot be found in duplicate list

This question is duplicate of this: How do i do flood fill on HTML canvas in Javascript but when I try to set duplicate flag and type it (or copy URL) - the question is not found: It will be good if ...
Kamil Kiełczewski's user avatar
34 votes
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I also hate low quality / non-researched / clueless Meta questions that get migrated from Main

... but can we at least try to find a duplicate? There is no-one really, not a single user, that will benefit from closing examples like this or this ... (I mean before a Mod destroyed evidence) ... ...
rene's user avatar
  • 41.9k
34 votes
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Are users supposed to be able to delete targets of same-user duplicate closures?

Twice now, I've noticed that, after I've closed a question as a duplicate of another by the same user, the user has deleted the original question. This apparently has no effect on the closed question, ...
Mike M.'s user avatar
  • 38.9k
34 votes
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Mouse hover on dupe hammer causes repeated open and close of popup

If a gold badge user closes a question as duplicate using their hammer after others have already voted to close it as a duplicate the banner moves slightly over the badge. If the mouse is then in the ...
TheLethalCoder's user avatar
33 votes
4 answers

Why does it take so long for duplicate flags to be resolved?

Whenever I flag a post as being unclear, for example, it is addressed within a matter of minutes. On the other hand, when I flag a post as duplicate, it seems to take days/weeks to be addressed, and ...
user438383's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Did I take the appropriate action in dupehammering this question?

I recently dupehammered (verb: to close a question with the dupehammer) this question as a dupe of this question. The user wasn't too happy about it. Was it an appropriate dupe close or did I make a ...
Claudiu's user avatar
  • 227k
33 votes
2 answers

Is there a flaw in audits or am I missing the point?

Yesterday I was doing some reviewing. I am aware of audits, which are tests to check if the user pays attention or not. I was given this audit and asked if it should be closed or not. I'm not sure ...
Xaqron's user avatar
  • 30.4k
33 votes
2 answers

Details of the “quality-score” algorithm as discussed in the recent podcast

Recently there was a Stack Exchange podcast which discussed the new "quality-score" algorithm that has been developed by the SE team (discussed from roughly 30min mark onwards). The "...
Ffisegydd's user avatar
  • 52.8k
33 votes
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Delete a question that was used as a duplicate target

So this question pops up in the reopen queue: The question is highly off-topic, and the OP admits to it. Deletion seems to be the ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.2k
33 votes
2 answers

Why was my duplicate question deleted?

I asked a question a long time ago shown here: Today I noticed in my reputation tab today that ...
JKennedy's user avatar
  • 18.5k
33 votes
3 answers

Answering a question after it has been flagged as a potential duplicate. Bad form?

Context So, I came across this question: For Each control not returning all controls. After a quick search, I realized that the question was essentially a duplicate of this question: VB.NET Loop ...
sstan's user avatar
  • 35.9k
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Include OP's name when they agree community's suggestion to close as duplicate (per my sole VTC)? [duplicate]

I was the only one who cast a VTC on a question, and then it was promptly closed by community. I just learned from here: Why does this question show as “marked as duplicate by Community♦”? ...that ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

How should I correctly handle a question divided into several posts from the same user?

I found four questions, all posted by this user, which deal with the same topic, and with the same title. The first question differs from the others only for the wording "Part 2", "Part ...
Stefano Sansone's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

Duplicate question by same user & same answerer... a year later

Just stumbled upon this and found it a bit bizarre. First someone asked this: Then a moment after it was closed a "...
Eaten by a Grue's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

What to do with all the questions about scanf?

You've probably seen it. The thousands of different questions where the solution is changing scanf("%c to scanf(" %c, that is, put a space before %c. At first it was funny, but I do get tired of it ...
klutt's user avatar
  • 30.8k
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Is voting up a duplicate comment the same thing as marking it as a duplicate?

I have noticed now that when you mark a question as a duplicate, a comment is automatically added in the nature of: Possible Duplicate [Question Title of Duplicate Goes Here] I have also noticed ...
intboolstring's user avatar
32 votes
1 answer

The same person seems to be asking the same question twice with two different accounts [duplicate]

I've encountered something suspicious when doing triage review. I came across two questions with very similar titles, very similar code, both about the same programming language and asked by two users ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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32 votes
1 answer

A canonical answer is not actually canonical; what to do?

C++ has this issue, which is called "most vexing parse". It is a never-ending source for duplicate questions. It seems that we don't have a canonical answer for that. But worse, we have a highly-...
anatolyg's user avatar
  • 27.5k
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This question already has answers where?

I was looking at this question: What is meant with "const" at end of function declaration?... and there is a blue box indicating where there are already answers but after the colon it is ...
ThisClark's user avatar
  • 14.6k
32 votes
2 answers

Canonical question on how to use parameterized queries in C#

I recently notice a lot of "Why doesn't my SQL statement work?" questions, where the cause of the problem is some improperly formatted (date) or improperly escaped (string) value. Of course, we all ...
Heinzi's user avatar
  • 170k
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0 answers

Two questions, duplicate, both 100k+ views, both 4+ years old

Here are the two questions: How to reset / remove chrome's input highlighting / focus border? How to remove border (outline) around text/input boxes? (Chrome) Which one should be closed, the ...
Jamie Barker's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

Connotation of question "marked as duplicate"

If a question is "marked as duplicate", is it considered good or bad in the eyes of the community? I've seen questions being "marked as duplicate" but have multiple upvotes and are even favorited ...
Last Man Standing's user avatar
31 votes
5 answers

Are these questions duplicates?

This was asked a couple of hours ago: What is the difference between E:dir(dir) and E[dir="dir"] in CSS? on which I just left the following comment: The same reason why a :lang() pseudo ...
BoltClock's user avatar
  • 712k
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4 answers

Should I hammer a question by using multiple different canonicals?

(or, Should I kill one bird with two stones?) Sometimes I come across questions like How to compare an objects' private string member in C++?, where the OP has multiple unrelated bugs in their code. ...
cigien's user avatar
  • 59k
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2 answers

Why is this Java question marked as a duplicate of this C# question?

I was looking at this question, as I was wondering how to get the stack trace without intentionally throwing an exception: It's a question about java (...
Carl Anderson's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

What happens when the same user asks the same question twice?

So as a new user, I've posted an answer to this question, and later (a few minutes after) I found that the same user who asked the first question has asked another question and that question got a ...
Ghost's user avatar
  • 4,484
31 votes
1 answer

Duplicate question and answer from user in same location

This post is exact duplicate of another post. Accepted answer is also copied and pasted from accepted answer on duplicate post. Both users are from same location with the aswerer being a new account....
Nkosi's user avatar
  • 242k
31 votes
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Chameleon question changed from one duplicate to another

I spotted a question that had an obvious duplicate and closed it with my close-vote hammer. After following the advice in the duplicate, the OP then edited the question to address a totally different ...
apsillers's user avatar
  • 114k
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Replace the built-in Elastic Search with results from Google instead

Google gives better search results than the built-in search The built-in Elastic Search just can't compete with Google search results (except in one particular case, see Exception below), and people ...
user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

Deciding a Canonical Question for R: How to load packages automatically/ by default?

I suggest we need a canonical for this (it comes up all the time, let's merge the duplicates into it). Below are my suggestions on what are duplicates, and non-duplicates, and why; let me know what ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
30 votes
2 answers

Duplicate modal doesn't accept Enter after pasting link

Find a random question you believe to be a duplicate. Find an original question that solves the problem and copy the link. Click "close", then "Duplicate". Modal opens. Paste link ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
  • 150k
30 votes
3 answers

Cross-site duplication marking

There was a question about something specific on MSE - Close as duplicate in SE meta, but I would like a more general feature that allows us to mark as a duplicate of a question in any site on the SE ...
kabanus's user avatar
  • 25.2k
30 votes
1 answer

Cycles of Possible Duplicate question

What happens if a set of questions are all marked possible duplicate in such a way the questions form a cycle? Is this taken care of on SO? Example: A set of 3 questions where each question is closed ...
Sunil D S's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

Ask a new question if not a duplicate?

I was recently reminded that the help text when a question is closed as a duplicate states that you should ask a new question This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those ...
Sayse's user avatar
  • 43k
29 votes
1 answer

Headless duplicate question?

This question is marked as a duplicate: However, unlike other questions, it doesn't have a link to ...
Anubian Noob's user avatar
  • 13.5k
29 votes
2 answers

Poor selection of duplicates by gold badge user

This 'give me teh codez' question was asked yesterday. It's awful so I voted to close it as 'unclear' or 'too broad' (I forget which). A number of other users also voted, but the question was finally ...
user avatar
29 votes
6 answers

Creating a C FAQ tag

We have a special tag c++-faq which stands out as a special case on SO. It is a list of canonical duplicates and reference material, high-quality questions. The existence of this tag has been debated ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 204k
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2 answers

Do I make separate questions for separate programming languages?

I have a question which I would like to know the answer for in both C# and Java. I was told I needed to specify a language for the particular question. Does that mean I need to post 2 identical ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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Closing -> Duplicate: no matches with number of results. Is it a bug?

I don't know if it is a bug or something else. When I type a question title, it has returned me 11 results with the previous query. When I type more then no result is found, but 11 results remain same....
Pratik Butani's user avatar
29 votes
0 answers

Timeline: Duplicate of .. what?

When a question is closed as duplicate, then reopened and no edit was made to the question, we have no way to know who reopened the question and what was the duplicate target unless we do a trivial ...
Temani Afif's user avatar
29 votes
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Are there (documented) rules for the behavior of closing duplicate questions or why does it (esp. with dupehammer) show inconsistent behavior?

I noted certain differences in the behavior when closing question for being a duplicate. I’m talking about using the gold badge for immediate closing and don’t know how much it also relates to the non-...
Holger's user avatar
  • 293k
28 votes
4 answers

Should I post an answer if I don't think it adds value to SO?

I came across a question with a relatively simple solution that I'm sure has been asked before, however my search technique wasn't finding a very good example on SO to point the OP towards. To help ...
CactusCake's user avatar
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What to do if I want to ask a question that is almost identical to an old question, but with a key difference?

Recently I asked a question about filtering a dataset within a certain date interval in SQL. I got some good responses, but then realized I forgot to mention I was actually using HIVE/hiveQL, so the ...
Danzo's user avatar
  • 553
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Commenting on old question where the answer didn't work for my code

I have a question that has been asked before. But for some reason, the answer does not work for my code. Normally I would ask a new question and link to the old question because the old question was ...
wimworks's user avatar
  • 303
28 votes
2 answers

Should these identical questions with identical answers be merged?

I recently came across this question (19 upvotes on the question, 29 on the accepted answer) and this question (22 upvotes on the question, 44 on the accepted answer). Both are practically identical, ...
ashes999's user avatar
  • 10k

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