Questions tagged [duplicate-answers]

This tag is referring to the process of identifying and dealing with answers that are exact duplicates of another answer.

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27 votes
1 answer

Repeated "link-only" answers

Check these link-only, and duplicate answers by the same author. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11... All these answers appeared on the low-quality posts review list repeatedly, like this. Are ...
34 votes
2 answers

How should I handle a duplicate answer by new user

I was going though the Low Quality Post Review Queue when I came across an answer by a new, 1 rep user. The answer is a copy of the code in another answer to a different question. The user does ...
8 votes
0 answers

What could we do with a FAQ duplicate?

Too much information kills information At time of writing, there are 9,237,948 questions on Stack Overflow, and there are many frequently asked question, duplicated with as many more answers... For ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can we merge similar question on SO

While searching found similar question some of them are marked duplicated but can we merge such type of question which are left unanswered. Question:(Unanswered Question) Question 1 Question 2 ...
33 votes
3 answers

Answering a question after it has been flagged as a potential duplicate. Bad form?

Context So, I came across this question: For Each control not returning all controls. After a quick search, I realized that the question was essentially a duplicate of this question: VB.NET Loop ...
51 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow MechTurk Pattern Matching Engine - users to highlight key words in question to recommend duplicates

A solution for the Googily ungifted I'd love to present statistics on how many times people went to ask a new question, typed in a title and saw the full-text search recommendation goodness and found ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Show a notification that an answer/edit is being made

Sometimes when a new question pops up and is relatively "easy" to answer it I go straight ahead to typing. What happens when I publish my answer though is that I realise there are already 5 answers ...
4 votes
0 answers

Should I answer the question if someone has already answered it in a comment? [duplicate]

I came across a question: How to remove specefic rows from linq result I see that there is already a comment that has answered the question and OP has already "accepted" it with another comment. ...
13 votes
0 answers

Duplicate answer

I was editing my answer to this question, when I got a popup that another answer was posted. After I saved my changes, it turned out that the other answer was a duplicate of my own answer. I couldn'...
-11 votes
1 answer

How to have a deleted answer reviewed/disputed?

I had an answer deleted by a moderator here because I used the same answer for two questions. Those questions are slightly different, but the answers to them are the same. My answer is the one I wish ...
32 votes
4 answers

Should I raise a flag for late answers which are just a copy of the accepted answer?

I found this answer in the review. The user just copied and pasted the accepted answer which was posted on Aug 24 '13. Should I raise a Not an Answer flag?
3 votes
0 answers

One Question Multiple answers from a user

Referring this question. A user already answered and his answer is accepted. But the questionnaire raised some doubts through comments. Instead of updating the answer for the doubts, he gave a new ...
3 votes
0 answers

Adding links to a best-practices Q&A to all questions on a topic (C/C++ bitwise-rotate questions in this case)

I'm posting here to make sure what I'm doing is ok. I've been going through questions asking about bitwise rotation, and adding comments with a link to a community-wiki question with a community-wiki ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Possible Duplicate question & answer paradox?

I curated an answer for one of the questions, can't access mysql from command line mac and later found since there was similar question I posted same answer MySQL command line '-bash ...
1 vote
0 answers

On which of recent duplicate questions should I answer? [duplicate]

Over the last days, there were at least three questions about the same problem: Maxima counting Number of contiguous subarrays in which element of array is max Frequency of each element of an array ...
27 votes
0 answers

OK to leave months-late duplicate answers lying around?

Moderator says to flag months-late answers that roughly duplicate existing answers for mod attention. Recently I flagged a fairly blatant duplicate answer with "Late duplicate answers don't need to be ...
2 votes
1 answer

Should the evolution of SO's rules and culture be considered when marking questions as duplicates?

Today I came across a question that was marked as a duplicate of a question posted in 2012. The two questions were very similar, and the original question and answer was quite well upvoted, but it had ...
12 votes
3 answers

What to do with answers taking over yours?

Few weeks ago I was going through my old answers and found out one with score 0 and 25K views, where the accepted one had +40. I gave a solution A and the accepted one gave a solution B, a couple of ...
6 votes
0 answers

Stop look and listen when flagging exact duplicate answer [duplicate]

I'd like to start by referencing this post where the OP failed an audit by flagging a QUESTION as duplicate. The accepted answer there is "I think the action you took was perfectly fair so you have ...
20 votes
3 answers

Why so many up votes on this question and its answers? [duplicate]

I just happened to stumble across this question. At first I didn't see anything unusual, but then I noticed that there were an awful lot of duplicate answers. Not just "similar" answers, ...
4 votes
0 answers

Duplicate question with duplicate answer

I'm currently looking at a question Then I searched for a duplicate to the question and found ...
-5 votes
1 answer

policy for same answer for difference question [duplicate]

I wrote an answer to Load JQuery into any page using Firebug And also wrote the same answer for Running jQuery call in Firebug Console But I received this alert: " Please don't post identical ...
22 votes
1 answer

Is it acceptable to reuse old answers if they're applicable to new, non-duplicate questions?

If we encounter two different questions which have very similar answers, is it appropriate to answer using code from our other solutions? Naturally, the solution should be described in the context of ...
4 votes
1 answer

Identical answer posted long time after the first one. How to deal with it? [duplicate]

This answer is identical to this. No additional value added Posted long time after the first one As such behaviour is not tolerable - how to deal with it? Only downvote? I want to flag it - can I ...
10 votes
1 answer

Does it make sense to remove completely duplicate answers

A lot of time, when I look for answers on SO I find big amount of completely duplicate answers which do not bring any value at all, but for historical reasons they are here and some of them are even ...
3 votes
0 answers

What to do if someone answers a question which has been asked already and marked accepted? [duplicate]

I have seen there are many question that has been marked as duplicate and even knowing about this, user post their answer to just grab reputation points, instead of just pointing out the URL and ...
2 votes
0 answers

Feature request: rewards/votes for linked dubplicate question together [duplicate]

It will be good if people would have ability find same questions, link them and get reputation. It maybe also good to vote for questions are same. That is like vote for link same questions. Another ...
4 votes
3 answers

Edit vs New Answer

I found a question which already has an answer, and my answer would be very similar. In this case, what I should do: Edit the current posted answer, this way it would make his answer more complete ...
26 votes
1 answer

How to flag a user who posts a duplicate answer

This answer here is same as, what is appropriate flag for such answer ?
4 votes
1 answer

What to do when there is a commonly/frequently asked question on Meta? [duplicate]

Today I noticed this question Are duplicate answers acceptable?, and I remembered that in the past I had done a similar question, and also that there are a lot of other similar questions, all with ...
3 votes
0 answers

What to do If my answer is exact same answered by other user

I have answered this question : What is the use of <developers> tag in pom.xml file While answering this question, other user has just answered exact same answer I was writing and I posted. ...
24 votes
1 answer

Flagged a duplicate answer as such, flag was declined - define "duplicate"

I flagged the second answer on this question as "duplicate of another answer", because its content is obviously copied from the answer posted 13 days before it. However that flag was declined because "...
-8 votes
1 answer

In what way is this answer NOT duplicate?

I recently came across this answer. Looking closely I noticed it is the same as this older answer. Therefore, I down-voted it, voted to delete it and flagged it as a duplicate answer. I was very ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Copied answer closed on similar questions, despite answer being correct

So the other day I was looking into a good way of injecting some asp mvc action into an id'd container. I've done some browsing through google with There were multiple similar ...
9 votes
1 answer

Can a question be marked duplicate even if the "original" question has no answer?

Can question 2 be marked duplicate of question 1, even though question 1 has literally no answer? Edit- On Stack overflow
1 vote
3 answers

Why were my answers deleted? duplicate / not much more than a link or what reason?

Why was this answer from me deleted? Was it because I also posted it here(was deleted, too), but then why remove both answers? I couldn't comment on these answers and I thought it would be helpful to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it Ok to delete duplicate answers posted on several questions by the same user?

If the user voted to close the question as a duplicate each times before copying it's answer; and the answer (which isn't an exact copy in each cases) fit on all the related questions. Should those ...
32 votes
3 answers

Is this plagiarism?

This is just example imitating real question/answers with same level of difficulty: Question: In Java, how can I replace one or more continues dots with only one dot like "" -&...
-2 votes
1 answer

What is the approach to deal with a blatant copy of the answer? [duplicate]

Today I have found a question and the answer to it is a blatant copy of the answer, which was given like a year ago. Person just copied significant copy of the code, throw away test suites and ...
17 votes
2 answers

Can we auto-flag answers that are clearly copy-pasted?

I am aware the system automatically raises a flag when a user posts exact duplicates of their answers across multiple questions. Sometimes this spammy behaviour is not exact duplicate though. Near-...
41 votes
3 answers

Exact copies of an answer should be punished

I was having some fun on Data Exchange and wanted to see if many people would post Exact duplicate answers on several questions. Now obviously they do, even a lot of high reputation users. Shouldn't ...
-10 votes
1 answer

Is Stack Overflow a Customer Care center in Low traffic tags? [duplicate]

Low traffic tags are as much important as High traffic ones, yet, they get minimal attention from the community. Having such tags unattended will result in many "off-topic" posts. What should the ...
13 votes
1 answer

Should 2 different questions that lead to the same answer be marked as duplicate? [duplicate]

I've asked a question which was marked as a duplicate. I agree that both question leads to the same answer, but I think both questions are different. Should it really be considered a duplicate? ...
7 votes
1 answer

Why was my question marked duplicate citing an existing similar answer?

Yes, I know there are n number of questions with the same title as mine, but having read through a lot of them like this and this and many more here, I am still not convinced that my question should ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to handle answers to duplicates?

I have come across this question, which is a duplicate of that question. I flagged it as such and a comment got generated out of it. Some seconds afterwards the question got three answers, being ...
38 votes
4 answers

Should I downvote on an answer that includes what is essentially the same as mine, after they have answered?

I posted this answer, and around 20 minutes later another user posted theirs. It was in fact another approach to solve the OP's question. But after some minutes, the other user edited their answer and ...
7 votes
2 answers

The same answer on two different questions. How to handle? [duplicate]

There was a question asked which I answered several months ago. Today I had a comment on my answer which the poster linked to another answer. In looking at the other link I realized that the person ...
2 votes
1 answer

Adding answers after a correct answer already exists?

I see this happen all of the time. Somebody answers a question, correctly I might add, and even after a few minutes, there are more/other people posting extremely similar answers that do the same ...
115 votes
9 answers

What to do if there's a better answer than mine?

Sometimes when I refresh after publishing my answer I see another answer, with almost the same code as mine, but better in some details (a small optimization I don't use, better modularization, etc). ...
-7 votes
1 answer

Both answer and question are same but he accepts it is right answer [closed]

See this question in stackoverflow both question and answer are same thers is no difference in that anyway ...