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Questions tagged [documentation-proposals]

For Meta questions and discussion relating to proposals for new Documentation. For questions about proposed changes, use [proposed-changes] instead.

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36 votes
1 answer

Let us do more to Documentation tag proposals besides watch silently or acquiesce [closed]

My question is not a duplicate of the discussion question listed in the comments. This is a feature-request asking explicitly for some new functionality to the site. Right now we can see ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.2k
39 votes
0 answers

Let us un-commit from a Documentation Tag proposal [closed]

I accidentally committed to the toggle proposal while viewing questions with that tag. I just clicked to view the proposal in the sidebar - I knew there was already docs in jQuery but I didn't intend ...
Rachel Gallen's user avatar
26 votes
1 answer

How to downvote, close or flag proposal documentation tags [closed]

How can I raise concerns about proposed topics? I see ones that there are various places for things to go or just be dropped: generics Too generic (sorry, not sorry). This one should be associated ...
Daniel A. White's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Error page when opening specific proposed change [closed]

I'm in the "Proposed changes" tab of the JavaScript topic, where I try to open this proposed change: It redirects to the following error page:
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.6k
9 votes
1 answer

Cannot review retracted and revised/resubmitted Doc proposal [closed]

I was looking over proposed edits on Docs, and I saw one that was good material, but poorly arranged. I left a comment to that effect. You can't see it now, maybe because of this bug, but it was "This ...
jscs's user avatar
  • 64k
58 votes
1 answer

What can we do about robo-reviewing on documentation? [closed]

I found a case of robo-reviewing in documentation. A few examples: has discussion, someone rejected, he approved https://...
bwoebi's user avatar
  • 23.8k
36 votes
1 answer

Please introduce threshold to post documentation requests [closed]

We are receiving documentation requests from new Stack Overflow members with a reputation of 1 that look like this: I ran this through Google Translate, and it's clearly SPAM. Please, can someone ...
Bruno Lowagie's user avatar
23 votes
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Increase reviews limit [closed]

Just now, I got this error message again, when voting on a proposed draft: Basically, I'm out of votes. I don't know what the daily limit is, but I hit it (at least) 2 days in a row now. I'd ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.6k
70 votes
2 answers

Limit the Docs review votes for lower rep users [closed]

So if you look at the Docs review history you'll see lots of the following I'm not judging the reviewer or his reviews (his block was on one page). I only offer it as an example, since there are ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.6k
52 votes
0 answers

What did I just commit to? [closed]

I was just looking at the Lucene proposal on documentation and was considering committing, but I wanted to know what that actually means. I figured that, as on Area 51, perhaps it tells you what you ...
femtoRgon's user avatar
  • 33.3k
18 votes
1 answer

Versions section should not allow submission without a table [closed]

I was browsing documentation and noticed there's a Notepad++ documentation section. Being a frequent user of Notepad++, I went to see what other users have added so far. I started by checking if they'...
Kendra's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Give credit for authors of an original draft [closed]

Background So, we encountered just this situation: Documentation addition rejected yet added by user that rejected it An user made a largely great proposal with a few things not perfect. Thus, the ...
bwoebi's user avatar
  • 23.8k
11 votes
1 answer

Syntax must be formatted as a list of one-liners [closed]

I'm trying to add the syntax for git pull documentation But I can't submit to review because I'm getting this error: I'm pretty sure I have it formatted correctly: I also tried multiple list items, ...
Jeff Puckett's user avatar
  • 40.6k
7 votes
0 answers

Mess and Confusion continues with Sub-Topics [closed]

This question is related to my Sub-Topic feature request as well as my question as to when I should create a new tag vs. topic vs. example beta posts. Currently there is an .NET Framework tag that ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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5 votes
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"Approve" or "Reject" copy/paste documentation proposals [duplicate]

Should I "Approve" or "Reject" a contributation that copy/paste the documentation as it is from another website? is there any documentation section when I could find "approve/reject" reasons? Example ...
Zakaria Acharki's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Commenting after approval and pinging reviewers of a Documentation change proposal [closed]

The issue Right now, it is only possible on non-approved proposals to ping people who actually commented. Now there are three scenarios: My change proposal happened to be rejected. I now want to be ...
bwoebi's user avatar
  • 23.8k
2 votes
1 answer

What to do when other committers don't care about your proposed changes? [closed]

I am one of the committer of Sqoop Documentation. I added a new example in Sqoop tag before 4 days. It's status is Awaiting approval. What should I do when other committers don't care about your ...
Dev's user avatar
  • 13.7k
16 votes
1 answer

A Proposed Change is broken [closed]

This proposed change is very broken: I can’t even approve or reject. In chat, Quill pointed out: Reading the HTML it seems that first level ul inside examples blocks break the top layer ul of ...
Jed Fox's user avatar
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12 votes
0 answers

Why is a documentation proposal with 5 committers still in staging area? [duplicate]

I proposed documentation for esp8266. This proposal was accepted by 5 committers a couple of days ago, but the tag is still not available. What is missing to start documentation on this tag?
mpromonet's user avatar
  • 11.9k
8 votes
1 answer

Opt-out of a Documentation Proposal [closed]

I've opted-in for a Documentation proposal a while back that I believe should never be made, which has gained more support since. (I must also add, the sidebar did advertise a tag for it! I blame big ...
MackieeE's user avatar
  • 11.9k
7 votes
0 answers

Display for Topic Request Dismiss vote? [closed]

I just dismissed a topic (this one) because it already exists. Everything fine so far, but after linking the existing topic and clicking ok, nothing happened - at least not visible. I wasn't sure if ...
Florian Koch's user avatar
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6 votes
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Approving half-rejected proposals should be more difficult [duplicate]

Small proposal for the proposals: a proposal should need at least 1 more approvals than rejections to be considered approved Maybe proposals reaching 10 approvals and rejects could be locked, and ...
ppeterka's user avatar
  • 20.7k
4 votes
0 answers

Synonyms on documentation [closed]

As a bit of a follow on from this question could we perhaps implement some kind of synonym system the way we currently do for tag-wikis? I'm already rejecting plenty of examples on the basis that ...
SierraOscar's user avatar
  • 17.6k
2 votes
1 answer

Error: Trying to commit to Telegram Documentation Proposal [closed]

I saw I can join the Telegram Documentation Proposal. I clicked the big button commit, and this happened: I went back to Clicked Commit again ...
aleix's user avatar
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