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Expand the topic request interface [closed]

Topic requests need more information Browsing through the topic requests doesn't give much guidance towards what people actually wanted a topic for. I was looking in C# out of curiosity to see if ...
Travis J's user avatar
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Display for Topic Request Dismiss vote? [closed]

I just dismissed a topic (this one) because it already exists. Everything fine so far, but after linking the existing topic and clicking ok, nothing happened - at least not visible. I wasn't sure if ...
Florian Koch's user avatar
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What to do when other committers don't care about your proposed changes? [closed]

I am one of the committer of Sqoop Documentation. I added a new example in Sqoop tag before 4 days. It's status is Awaiting approval. What should I do when other committers don't care about your ...
Dev's user avatar
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Separate topics for languages and tools, or rename the topics [closed]

I noticed that the "Python Language" documentation tag is starting to accumulate examples for tool usage (e.g. PIP). I was thinking about adding a topic for the pyenv Python version and virtual ...
ericmarkmartin's user avatar
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Same topic name allowed in multiple topics [closed]

In python there are three topics named Exceptions. I consider this as a bug that many topics can have the exact same name. Also, there are even more topics: Exception handling and Catching and ...
Antti Haapala -- Слава Україні's user avatar
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Mess and Confusion continues with Sub-Topics [closed]

This question is related to my Sub-Topic feature request as well as my question as to when I should create a new tag vs. topic vs. example beta posts. Currently there is an .NET Framework tag that ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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How to downvote, close or flag proposal documentation tags [closed]

How can I raise concerns about proposed topics? I see ones that there are various places for things to go or just be dropped: generics Too generic (sorry, not sorry). This one should be associated ...
Daniel A. White's user avatar