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The buttons in review audit are misplaced [closed]

This proposed change is looking like this: The buttons are a little bit on the wrong side for some reason.
link's user avatar
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Don't hyperlink whole content of "copied content" if it starts with http [closed]

When you include some text information in the "copied content" field in the Documentation review, it doesn't get hyperlinked. So far so good. But if you start the content with a link, everything will ...
Rakete1111's user avatar
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12 votes
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Blocking a proposal on documentation [duplicate]

Is there a way to block a proposal, essentially launching a counter vote to not add another topic? Laravel for instance has their main documentation at /laravel, a second one for a minor version and ...
Ian's user avatar
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Rejected change as defacing, while there isn't any defacing [closed]

I proposed this change. I've just improved some aspects in Creating a New Project example and added another example: Setting up AVD (Android Virtual Device). It was rejected by two users with this ...
link's user avatar
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Redundant newlines in Documentation proposed changes reviewer list [closed]

On the Proposed Changes page in Safari on macOS, each reviewer takes a newline, which makes the page a bit weird looking:
nalzok's user avatar
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Review Queue for Document error [duplicate]

Quite a few times now I will go to the review queue and it will show there are a positive amount of changes needing review for documentation. BUT when I click then it will say the queue has been ...
AMAN77's user avatar
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The things that drive me nuts about documentation [closed]

These are some of the things that make me wince every time I enter the documentation side of the site, that I think a decent number of people would agree with. I'd like to see what people think about ...
auden's user avatar
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Documentation: Created new topic, one example disappeared [closed]

On C++ Language I created a topic called Resource Management. I added an introduction and two examples, and submitted it for review. When I clicked on my proposal to check on it it only showed one of ...
Anonymous1847's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Everyone can contribute to documentation but I "cannot commit to this proposal" [closed]

I'm part of the team developing the JSON Schema specification. I was going to suggest to some of the team that we document some aspects of the specification on the Stack Overflow documentation ...
Relequestual's user avatar
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36 votes
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Please introduce threshold to post documentation requests [closed]

We are receiving documentation requests from new Stack Overflow members with a reputation of 1 that look like this: I ran this through Google Translate, and it's clearly SPAM. Please, can someone ...
Bruno Lowagie's user avatar
2 votes
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How to document multi-language tags in SO documentation, e.g. Spark? [duplicate]

Let's say I want to help document Spark. Now Spark framework has APIs in multiple languages including Java, Scala, Python having the same functionality. SO Documentation already has two tags apache-...
kamalbanga's user avatar
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Why can't I see this documentation proposed change in review? [closed]

Situation: So I've been going through the reviews for today, and I cannot help myself getting really annoyed by this 1 proposal that has been here for at least an hour, and isn't visible for me: But ...
roberrrt-s's user avatar
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Error: Trying to commit to Telegram Documentation Proposal [closed]

I saw I can join the Telegram Documentation Proposal. I clicked the big button commit, and this happened: I went back to Clicked Commit again ...
aleix's user avatar
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Why is a documentation proposal with 5 committers still in staging area? [duplicate]

I proposed documentation for esp8266. This proposal was accepted by 5 committers a couple of days ago, but the tag is still not available. What is missing to start documentation on this tag?
mpromonet's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Prevent highly upvoted topic or example from being removed [closed]

Currently, topics or examples removal seems to be quite easy. Many highly upvoted topics or examples are removed easily. Personally, I think that the Docs review queue isn't really effective. 100 rep ...
Panda's user avatar
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Feature request: seeing the reputation on documentation review [closed]

When reviewing proposed changes for Stack Overflow Documentation, wouldn't it be good to see the reputation of the submitter? That would allow reviewers to pay more attention if the submitter ...
user avatar
7 votes
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Add a link to the Documentation page in the Documentation: Proposed Changes review queue [closed]

Currently, it doesn't seem to be possible to get to the Documentation topic from the Documentation Review Queue: For example, in ...
Panda's user avatar
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2 answers

Limit the Docs review votes for lower rep users [closed]

So if you look at the Docs review history you'll see lots of the following I'm not judging the reviewer or his reviews (his block was on one page). I only offer it as an example, since there are ...
Machavity's user avatar
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Stats for documentation proposed changes [duplicate]

Great - a new review queue for documentation's proposed changes was turned on last night. So, we can reduce input box noise now. I know it's BETA and this question isn't for a problem but a feature ...'s user avatar
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What does it mean to commit to a documentation proposal? [closed]

What exactly does it mean to commit to a documentation proposal? The only information given is: "Once there are 5 committers, the community will be able to document all (some_language_name) topics". ...
Sardar Usama's user avatar
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Documentation suggest a number of changes [closed]

I am new to documentation, I was trying to improve upon some existing answers but there was a dilemma. Say I have 5 suggestions to be made on the same question, once submitted either they all are ...
garg10may's user avatar
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Documentation edit submission improvement [closed]

Whenever I go to the edit mode in the series of documentation examples once in editor mode the main page goes back to the first entry. I have to manually go back to the example I was working on. Let'...
garg10may's user avatar
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Clarity in Docs tour as to rep limit for accepting changes [closed]

There doesn't seem to be anywhere on the Docs site that explains how accepting changes work, especially with regards to reputation. After asking for a while on the Docs chat, someone pointed out that ...
Luke Moll's user avatar
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"Dismiss" button bug for topic-requests without description [closed]

Here is how it look in Firefox 48.0.1: For each topic-request which has no description (when right after title goes requester info), border does not hover Dismiss button. But when topic-request ...
Sam's user avatar
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Reject, retract, revise, resubmit, rejected? [duplicate]

So, I rejected this edit (pic) because it contained incorrect information (Math.LN10 isn't 2.718, it's 2.302). After that @Alex Filatov retracted, fixed this mistake, and resubmitted (pic) it. I ...
CerebralFart's user avatar
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Is anybody moderating documentation and where can I see flags that I flagged in it? [closed]

I am wondering if anybody is moderating documentation? I have flagged several examples, topics and so on, but I don't see any action being done. When I go to my flag-summary page I only see flags on ...
dingo_d's user avatar
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8 votes
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Opt-out of a Documentation Proposal [closed]

I've opted-in for a Documentation proposal a while back that I believe should never be made, which has gained more support since. (I must also add, the sidebar did advertise a tag for it! I blame big ...
MackieeE's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can a user commit to a documentation proposal if their best answers is zero scored [closed]

In trying to garner support for a Documentation Proposal against a fairly niche tag, I'm using the Stack Exchange Data Explorer to identify potential committers through the following Potential ...
Chris Cook's user avatar
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Proposed change review should link competing proposals [closed]

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has had a proposed change clobbered by another change. Currently proposed changes do not cite if 'accepting' them would clobber other proposed changes. Would it ...
Nathaniel Ford's user avatar
37 votes
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User who resubmits rejected drafts [closed]

I've been watching the Proposed Changes in the JavaScript tag and at least one user keeps submitting poor changes. I then explain why they aren't good changes and reject the draft. On more than one ...
Mike Cluck's user avatar
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Encourage answers that link to official documentation [closed]

TL;DR: Discuss/propose methods to promote good links in addition to upvoting answers. Discussion Should there be a badge or some other award for good answers that provide links to primary sources as a ...
Mark Mikofski's user avatar
5 votes
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Documentation: Someone approved my topic and then rewrote my examples [closed]

I requested a new topic for the documentation for the Ruby language: Struct I also wrote three examples showing how to create them, access them and how to add methods to them. The topic was ...
David Ljung Madison Stellar's user avatar
3 votes
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Should documentation examples' highest vote be the most generic example? If it's voted too much what should I do? [closed]

To me documentations are different from SO questions they should first address the most applicable scenario and then from there answer questions that are less common. If they answer corner cases then ...
mfaani's user avatar
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Display for Topic Request Dismiss vote? [closed]

I just dismissed a topic (this one) because it already exists. Everything fine so far, but after linking the existing topic and clicking ok, nothing happened - at least not visible. I wasn't sure if ...
Florian Koch's user avatar
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Documentation new topic: Where did my draft go? [closed]

I requested a new topic in the Ruby language documentation, then proceeded to write a full set of examples for it in the draft. But now I can't figure out how to get back to that draft, and I can ...
David Ljung Madison Stellar's user avatar
5 votes
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How about a "[doc:<topic-name>]" like syntax? [closed]

As you may know, the [tag:<tag-name>] syntax is used to automatically link to the corresponding info page of a tag. That means See the many questions tagged [tag:elephants] to learn more. is ...
elegent's user avatar
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Express an interest in the Tag Documentation [closed]

According to In order for a tag to have documentation, it must have at least 500 questions and 10 committed users with at least 150 ...
Michael Freidgeim's user avatar
22 votes
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Documentation changes by a diamond moderator go undetected [closed]

Diamond moderators may need to remove or edit content if needed, without review. That is fine. But their changes do not appear in tab=proposedchanges, subtab=approved. [At least I assume they should ...
bwoebi's user avatar
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Increase reviews limit [closed]

Just now, I got this error message again, when voting on a proposed draft: Basically, I'm out of votes. I don't know what the daily limit is, but I hit it (at least) 2 days in a row now. I'd ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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Approving half-rejected proposals should be more difficult [duplicate]

Small proposal for the proposals: a proposal should need at least 1 more approvals than rejections to be considered approved Maybe proposals reaching 10 approvals and rejects could be locked, and ...
ppeterka's user avatar
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Empty review queue showing "1 Proposed Change" [closed]

As a image says more than 42 words: It appears there are secret changes being suggested ;-) When there are proposed changes, the count is also incorrect:
Cerbrus's user avatar
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Why does rejecting a documentation change lead to an error? [closed]

I tried to reject this change on UILabel. I chose "Other" with the text: No text changes were made in this change. I always get this error message:
Ortwin Gentz's user avatar
14 votes
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Documentation Alias Request [closed]

As per bluefeet's answer in this question: If you have tags that need to be aliased, then create a Meta post asking for it. Can we alias the following to vba please: excel-vba access-vba word-vba ...
SierraOscar's user avatar
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18 votes
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Versions section should not allow submission without a table [closed]

I was browsing documentation and noticed there's a Notepad++ documentation section. Being a frequent user of Notepad++, I went to see what other users have added so far. I started by checking if they'...
Kendra's user avatar
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Commenting after approval and pinging reviewers of a Documentation change proposal [closed]

The issue Right now, it is only possible on non-approved proposals to ping people who actually commented. Now there are three scenarios: My change proposal happened to be rejected. I now want to be ...
bwoebi's user avatar
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Why can the version table only have two columns? [closed]

I've just created a version table with a header like that: because it makes sense: It provides a good overview about how things changed over time. However I got this: which is not well documented ...
null's user avatar
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Let us un-commit from a Documentation Tag proposal [closed]

I accidentally committed to the toggle proposal while viewing questions with that tag. I just clicked to view the proposal in the sidebar - I knew there was already docs in jQuery but I didn't intend ...
Rachel Gallen's user avatar
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Unlock review vote in proposed changes after a draft is updated [closed]

It is currently not possible to approve a draft you've previously rejected, when the draft is edited. Even if the draft was retracted, modified and re-submitted, there is no way for a reviewer to ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.6k
9 votes
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Error page when opening specific proposed change [closed]

I'm in the "Proposed changes" tab of the JavaScript topic, where I try to open this proposed change: It redirects to the following error page:
Cerbrus's user avatar
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"You proposed this change to yesterday" what does that mean? [closed]

I was checking a documentation which I had updated yesterday and I noticed this: It says You proposed this change to yesterday The "to" should be removed: You proposed this change yesterday
Ani Menon's user avatar
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