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Questions tagged [deleted-answers]

Deleted answers refers to all answers deleted from Stack Overflow. The tag "specific-answer" should also be used when referencing a specific answer that has been deleted.

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28 votes
1 answer

What happens when I delete my answer?

I know when I delete my answer, that had been downvoted by other users, my reputation is back. I just want to know if someone can still see my answer (that has been deleted by me) if they view that ...
bumbumpaw's user avatar
  • 2,530
28 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to see your deleted questions or answers anywhere?

I was wondering if there is anyway to view your deleted questions or answers as sometimes I remove an answer or question but would like to see it at a later date
Pete's user avatar
  • 58.2k
27 votes
4 answers

Why was my answer deleted for plagiarism, despite mentioning the source?

My answer was deleted by a mod for plagiarism. Why? It mentioned the source clearly ("code from gns-ank"). Answer: Since Matplotlib isn't able to use the metric system natively, if you want ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

When/Why a question with accepted answer and more answers is deleted?

I was wondering why a thread (question with answers) is completely removed even if an answer was accepted with 7 upvotes. I noticed that my reputation decreased 71 points and didn't know why until I ...
Federico Piazza's user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

If we find a plagiarized answer, should we first post a comment saying that this is plagiarized from ____?

I had recently posted this question. After about 2 hours of posting that question, I suddenly received an answer from a new user. That answer was the user's first post. By just glancing through the ...
Box Box Box Box's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

If I delete my own answer, how will that affect my reputation? [duplicate]

I have just spent 30 minutes looking over ten or fifteen different posts here on Meta Stack Overflow. I searched for "Delete Answer Reputation" in various combinations and as part of differently ...
User.1's user avatar
  • 2,642
27 votes
2 answers

Why can an answer deleted from review be simply undeleted?

This answer (revision history) in its original form was deleted from the LQP review queue1. It was subsequently undeleted by OP for the sole purpose of adding a spam link (see the timeline). It seems ...
Nick's user avatar
  • 147k
27 votes
3 answers

Some deleted posts show up in search results

In 2016 this question was asked: Custom search incorrectly returns deleted questions and in the comments Oded in his capacity as SE developer re-assured the issue would resolve itself after an re-...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.2k
26 votes
1 answer

10K users should be able to see deleted questions and answers on the poster's profile

Users with 10K rep can see deleted questions and answers if they already have a link, but they are not visible any other way. In particular, a user with many deleted questions or answers shows no ...
zwol's user avatar
  • 139k
25 votes
2 answers

Question marked as duplicate and voted to close after accepting other user's answer

I asked a question on stack overflow which received 2 answers. The first answer didn't work first time, so I put a comment on it for clarification. In the meanwhile, I tried second answer's solution ...
Rishabh's user avatar
  • 900
25 votes
2 answers

Is suggesting a debugger/tool ever an answer?

I'm one of the regulars that answers questions in the assembly tag and the x86-related tags. Yesterday a question was asked about assembly code and a BUS ERROR on OS X. A couple of us knew the real ...
Michael Petch's user avatar
25 votes
0 answers

Enable pagination based on the total number of answers not the number of undeleted answers

Generally, questions that have a large number of answers have their answers paged so that only 30 are ever displayed to the user at one time. Take, for example, What does "use strict" do in ...
Henry Ecker's user avatar
  • 35.3k
24 votes
1 answer

Will a deleted question get un-deleted if an answer gets enough un-delete votes?

I happen to see this question from this Meta question. The question has an un-delete vote and an upvoted answer, among others. This made me wonder what happens if an upvoted answer alone gets enough ...
T J's user avatar
  • 43.1k
24 votes
1 answer

Audit revealed answer that may be salvageable

I had originally asked about why I failed an audit, but that was clarified to me through more thorough explanation. I actually had a second part to that question that I didn't articulate properly, so ...
ldam's user avatar
  • 4,575
24 votes
1 answer

Search for own deleted answer [duplicate]

Yesterday I answered a question but figured my answer was wrong, so I deleted it. Now I'd like to do some more research. But the answer is not listed in the "Answers" tab of my profile. Is there a ...
Andomar's user avatar
  • 237k
24 votes
0 answers

Spam/Offensive-deleted answer is still showing "Show more comments" link, until you click it

I noticed some odd behavior on this "deleted as offensive" answer: When I load the page, it tells me "comments are disabled on deleted / locked posts / reviews", but it gives me the option to "show 9 ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
23 votes
2 answers

Deleting an answer and the effects on my reputation

Does deleting my answer to a question affect my reputation points? If it does affect my reputation points, how much?
TheBlindSpring's user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

When should I vote to undelete an answer deleted by the poster? [duplicate]

I assigned a bounty to one of my questions to attract more attention. The bounty system worked, and in a fairly short amount of time (within 2 days) I got two answers that worked. I upvoted each ...
A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Can't re-flag a comment after the answer is deleted and then undeleted

An answer was posted, it was then down-voted and then the OP of the answer commented saying: Why Downvote ???? Thereafter the answer was deleted and my flag was helpful but not because the comment ...
Script47's user avatar
  • 14.5k
23 votes
0 answers

Grey background doesn't appear for code in deleted answers

The grey background for code seems to have disappeared for deleted answers. For example, this deleted answer looks like this: This happens on meta as well Bug? I'm using the latest version of ...
Spikatrix's user avatar
  • 20.2k
22 votes
1 answer

User posted and deleted hateful answer

A user just posted and deleted a very hateful answer to this question within a span of 10 seconds. I saw the answer 6 seconds after it was posted, and immediately flagged it as hateful, but it had ...
Brian's user avatar
  • 15.4k
22 votes
1 answer

Should low-rep users really see who voted for deletion? [duplicate]

When a question was closed, the list of who voted for closure is shown only to users with close/reopen privileges, at least it says so in the banner - and that makes sense to me. I was then quite ...
CherryDT's user avatar
  • 28.7k
21 votes
2 answers

Why did staff mark this "thank you" answer as Rude/Abusive and convert-to-comment to the question?

The answer post I am referring to is this: Thank you. I spent an hour looking for a solution until i came across this There was only ever one ...
starball's user avatar
  • 43.8k
21 votes
2 answers

Viewing a deleted *flagged* question

I know I don't have the privilege to view a deleted question but recently I flagged a question that I believed was spam. The reviewer obviously had an objection, which is fine, but I wanted to see ...
hoss's user avatar
  • 2,460
21 votes
1 answer

Why was my answer with a +1 score deleted by a ♦ moderator?

My answer to Is there a script to bypass 50000 characters for in-cell formula? was deleted by a ♦ moderator without any explanation of the reason. My answer has +2 / -1. Why it was deleted? Why there ...
Wicket's user avatar
  • 37.4k
21 votes
1 answer

If I delete my answer will my comment reply notifications still go through?

I recently misunderstood a question and gave an answer which did not address what the poster actually wanted. The poster and I exchanged some clarifying comments and he updated his question with more ...
DublinDev's user avatar
  • 2,348
21 votes
1 answer

Lost reputation from deleted bountied answers doesn't automatically get counted

I recently cast the last delete-vote required to delete a user's GPT-generated answer. The answer had a bounty of 500 reputation. The user's reputation counters still show their rep as if they were ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
21 votes
1 answer

Edited posts count decreased- Under what scenarios can this occur?

On Friday, I distinctly remember my edited posts count was on 61. But today when I opened SO, it has somehow decreased to 58. From This Question, it is my understanding that even deleting users does ...
NSNoob's user avatar
  • 5,598
21 votes
1 answer

Inconsistency on deleted posts notices

Despite the fact that this question has been deleted by a mod, its following answer is marked as 'deleted by the author': The author profile shows that the author has not been active since 11/2018 ...
Vega's user avatar
  • 28.5k
20 votes
7 answers

What to do with answers in a different programming language than the one asked for? [duplicate]

I stumbled on an old, too broad Java question yesterday (no effort asking for an algorithm). Having quite some votes, views and answers, I decided to browse through them, and found three answers which ...
Adriaan's user avatar
  • 18.2k
20 votes
3 answers

Why is deleted answer (down voted) still visible and reputation still include the down vote?

I genuinely deleted an answer to a question that had down vote and explanation why my answer was incorrect here. Being a newbie to the field I accept the mistake that I made considering the comment ...
maroon's user avatar
  • 35
20 votes
2 answers

Is an unkind comment flag declined after deleting the answer?

A user posted an answer to a pretty unclear question: I am a nice person. Lots of other on stack overflow would down vote this question. You have to [rest of answer] I edited the answer to remove ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
  • 151k
20 votes
1 answer

Why do some flags have a red background?

Recently I noticed that some of my flags have a red like background while others do not. Here you can see that the third item has a title with a red like background while the others do not. I tried ...
Roan's user avatar
  • 1,206
20 votes
1 answer

If this does not qualify as an answer, then how else would the question be answered?

A moderator deleted my answer: You cannot yield two blocks in a method. But you can take two procs. def by_two(n, a, pr1, pr2) end by_two(10, 300, ...
sawa's user avatar
  • 167k
20 votes
2 answers

Can answers deleted as a consequence of a deleted question affect the answer ban algorithm?

I wrote an answer to a question. After sometime, the question was deleted by the user himself and as a result my answer also got deleted. After researching about deleted answers, I came to know that ...
Prasanth Ganesan's user avatar
20 votes
0 answers

Show me my own deleted questions and answers on my profile page

First off let me start by saying I know about a highly popular request on the main meta. However that is status-declined and hasn't had any official response for a while now. I have also seen related ...
TheLethalCoder's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Will I get penalized for deleting a wrong answer?

I asked a question and found an answer to it eventually. Or so I thought. It turns out that my answer was in fact wrong. My immediate response was to delete/remove the answer. However, by that time ...
asprin's user avatar
  • 9,763
19 votes
1 answer

What is the impact of deleted answers on tag badge progression?

I know that deleting a downvoted answer gives back the reputation lost, but I wonder if the votes still impact the progression of tag badges. E.g. gold badge, has the following description: Gold ...
Mistalis's user avatar
  • 18.2k
19 votes
1 answer

How can I get my ban removed if I cannot edit my (deleted) answers to improve them?

The posting system says that Stack Overflow is not accepting answers from my account any more, and it is suggested that I go back and fix my answers. I had initially posted to say I am still having ...
dusa's user avatar
  • 820
19 votes
1 answer

Right course of action for answers with deleted content

I encountered an answer on Stack Overflow that is just something along the lines of: This answer is no longer relevant due to edits in the original question and nothing else. I thought this was ...
Asad-ullah Khan's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Convert answer to comment

I have heard of converting answers on questions to comments, but this seems to be a moderator personal choice? I have a question that got an answer asking what version I was running. I flagged it, ...
RedBassett's user avatar
  • 3,559
19 votes
1 answer

How can I learn from a failed review audit, I can't see the post I was supposed to delete? [duplicate]

I was reviewing in the "low quality posts" queue and I failed a review audit. I got a message saying that the post contained "nothing of value" and that I should have recommended deletion. My ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Post modified but nothing has changed

This question, which is in one of the tags I follow was back on top of the knockout "active" list this morning, stating it was modified: When I navigate to the question though, I can't see any edits ...
Tanner's user avatar
  • 22.6k
18 votes
1 answer

How is it possible this accepted answer got deleted?

As we all know when an answer is accepted the author can't delete it themselves. It can be deleted by moderators, but the answer gets unaccepted during the deletion. How is it possible this answer is ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32.6k
18 votes
0 answers

A deleted answer is shown in the top spot and still shows as accepted

I was doing some research and I ran across What is the 'cls' variable used in python classes?. When I opened the question I was very surprised to see a deleted, accepted, answer showing as ...
NathanOliver's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Why was this useful answer deleted?

I just noticed by chance that this answer was deleted a few months ago: I presume this happened because it's "barely more than a link to an external site". ...
Sven Marnach's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

How did this user undelete a post deleted by review?

This "answer" was posted yesterday. It is NAA as the OP herself acknowledges (Not able to comment over there so, writing here.). The post was deleted from review and then undeleted by the OP as shown ...
Xavi López's user avatar
  • 27.8k
17 votes
1 answer

Added a comment on an answer, then deleted my answer. Was the person having the conversation notified about my last comment?

I provided an answer, got into a conversation with the OP and one more user, but then decided to take down my answer, writing one last comment explaining why I decided to do so. Were those guys ...
ilias-sp's user avatar
  • 6,614
16 votes
1 answer

NAA flag pending for twenty hours after the post was deleted before being finally marked helpful

Yesterday I raised an NAA flag on an answer (link for >= 10k users), but noticed that at the same instant that I raised the flag, the answer was deleted. On other occasions that this has happened, ...
Wai Ha Lee's user avatar
  • 8,733
16 votes
3 answers

How to reference a SO question statically

Very often on Meta somebody asks a question like "should I delete this?" or "what is this user doing?". Unfortunately, when the question actually is deleted or the user banned, we lose the original ...
Simon Kuang's user avatar
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