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Questions tagged [declined-flags]

Use for questions about why a specific post or comment flag was declined. It is best to include a link to the post whose flag was declined, as well as the reason for flagging the post/comment.

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-18 votes
1 answer

Why was this comment flag on a rude comment declined?

I raised a harassment, bigotry, or abuse flag in a (now deleted) comment in this question with the following content: sir i dont care if you believe me or not?! im not here to improve my self to ...
double-beep's user avatar
  • 5,446
-4 votes
3 answers

Duplicate answer flag rejected

Recently while doing my daily runs through the review queue I stumbled upon a suspicious post in the "Late Answers" queue. After further investigation I quickly concluded that the answer is ...
Matthew's user avatar
  • 1,943
2 votes
1 answer

Should I flag comments, that have been incorporated into an edit? [duplicate]

A few days ago, I flagged this comment as "no longer needed": catch IOException not the generic exception. The comment is a good and valuable feedback (and has 4 upvotes) - but it had already been ...
slartidan's user avatar
  • 21.3k
-6 votes
1 answer

NAA flag declined for answer that repeats the question content

I flagged this answer as it includes almost identical phrasing as the image supplied in the question, with zero extra information that could be interpreted as an answer to the actual question. My ...
Callum Watkins's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Requesting some feedback on a "Declined" custom comment flag

Yesterday, I noticed an answer on a meta question: "So what? <investment company> owns both of the companies. <link to a wiki page>" That's a non-answer posted by a user that's known for ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
44 votes
1 answer

Why was this VLQ flag in a link-only answer declined?

I flagged this answer as very low quality, since it was a link-only answer. There was no context around the link - or actually there was, how helpful the link was. Strangely, the flag was declined ...
double-beep's user avatar
  • 5,446
116 votes
3 answers

Completely incorrect machine learning-generated answers [duplicate]

There's a new website out there called Ask Roboflow, which learns from questions and answers posted on Stack Exchange sites and attempts to generate an answer for a particular question. The site tends ...
Hoppeduppeanut's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Flagged a "joke" with a custom flag but it got declined [duplicate]

I flagged this answer the other day with a custom flag. The flag said: This seems to be some kind of weird joke. It's definitely not an answer to the question It got declined with the reason ...
Geert Bellekens's user avatar
-22 votes
1 answer

Declined flag solely because I didn't use standard flags [duplicate]

As part of my Stack Overflow review volunteering, I had to flag a very low-quality question asked by a new user. However, due to the specifics of the problems this question has, I wasn't able to ...
Achraf Almouloudi's user avatar
-22 votes
2 answers

Why were my comment flags declined for comments that provided answers?

After answering a question, I NLN (No Longer Needed) flagged two comments under said question that provided an answer (pretty much the same answer as mine), but they were both declined with no ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
2 votes
1 answer

I flagged a copy-pasted answer and it got declined

I found this answer through my review queue and quickly realized that it was a copy of the most-upvoted answer, but posted about 20 minutes later. I consulted meta to find out what I should do about ...
leonheess's user avatar
  • 20.2k
3 votes
2 answers

Should comments containing broken links be flagged?

The link in this comment is now broken, so I flagged it as "no longer needed," since the link was outdated. This flag was seemingly marked as both "declined" and "helpful," with the link remaining ...
Dave Powers's user avatar
  • 2,283
4 votes
2 answers

Comment flag declined twice though it no longer applies to current version of question

Referece Attribute Routing ASP.NET Core When the question was originally asked, the incorrect tags were used. This of course attracted comments pertaining to the version provided in the tags. The ...
Nkosi's user avatar
  • 245k
-5 votes
1 answer

"Unfriendly" flag on a comment threatening to delete his answer declined?

Yesterday I asked a debugging question that didn't attract much attention. Later a user posted an answer that looked decent to me. There are no problem with the content, but I was 1) doing school ...
iBug's user avatar
  • 36.9k
9 votes
0 answers

A comment got removed but the flag is marked as declined: a bug?

I've flagged a couple of comments to this answer (they were basically "thanks" comments as far as I remember). There are no comments now indeed, but one of the flags is shown as declined. Is this a ...
YakovL's user avatar
  • 8,106
-5 votes
2 answers

Why isn't this answer considered as low quality?

I'm talking about this answer from How should I get list from string in Python? He literally said: Declare an empty list at beginning.. Iterate through the dictionary and append each item to the list....
Ender Look's user avatar
  • 2,371
11 votes
1 answer

Declined flag on duplicate answer

This answer is surely a duplicate of this but my flag "in need of moderator intervention" (this answer recommends to use this flag in such cases) with text "Duplicate of
sanyassh's user avatar
  • 8,440
18 votes
4 answers

Why was my flag declined on this link-only answer?

I flagged this answer as Not An Answer, but it was declined with "a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it" even though it consists pretty much entirely of a documentation ...
John Montgomery's user avatar
-17 votes
1 answer

NAA review getting worse [duplicate]

As you can see in the following (screenshot): The posted answer doesn't attempt to answer or might as well belong to another question. Yet the flag got declined.
Mukyuu's user avatar
  • 6,687
-15 votes
2 answers

Is there an easy way to learn more about why flags are declined?

I flagged a duplicate, not helpful answer with just source code (rated -6 already) and another one which had (in my mind) nothing at all to do with a question. Curiously, both flags got declined ...
B--rian's user avatar
  • 5,812
-8 votes
2 answers

Comment on question from new user and declined "Unfriendly or unkind" flag

I flagged a comment on this question this morning. The question contains an image of the poster's code. The comment reads Why would you post an image of code rather than the code itself... This is ...
KevinG's user avatar
  • 926
-12 votes
2 answers

Moderator declines flag while shortly thereafter user-profile is removed, why decline flag?

I am totally flabbergasted by the actions of the moderator that took the below call. The image presented in OP's question showed an obvious referral to a commercial party (not shown here). As a non-...
ZF007's user avatar
  • 3,701
-3 votes
1 answer

Reasoning behind declined VLQ Answer

Why was the VLQ flag I raised on this answer (screenshot) declined? The answer doesn't add anything substantial compared to the existing and accepted answers. Related: Answering questions that ...
Mukyuu's user avatar
  • 6,687
4 votes
1 answer

Flags raised before edit processed after edit

I saw a question and Md. Abu Sayed commented with an valid input. Now someone else comes along copies the entire comment character by character and puts it into an answer with Go through it, it will ...
leonheess's user avatar
  • 20.2k
15 votes
1 answer

Do we need "duplicate of this [link]" type of comments?

Today I dupe-hammered this question: Android 9 (Pie) retrofit API security error, so it was closed immediately. After that a user wrote a comment on the question, something like: duplicate of [...
AskNilesh's user avatar
  • 69.4k
4 votes
0 answers

Link + Direction = No Longer a Link-Only Answer? [duplicate]

Yesterday I flagged this answer as NAA because it looked link-only to me, and I was NOT surprised to see it's declined. (Yeah, flagging these old upvoted answers makes me feel absolutely normal to ...
iBug's user avatar
  • 36.9k
48 votes
3 answers

Should I mod-flag duplicate answers for deletion, or not?

I've been given guidance by at least one mod that if I include a link to the answer being duplicated in my flag, the duplicate answer should be deleted. There is also precedent on Meta for this: ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
6 votes
1 answer

Are comments on the accepted answer with trivial new questions eligible for flagging as "no longer needed"?

I have seen several times in my answers, when the author of the question asks a simple trivial question in the comments of the accepted answer as Your suggestions solved the problem X, but how do I ...
Inian's user avatar
  • 84.4k
50 votes
2 answers

Why is this specific answer not a "Not An Answer"?

The answer in question: This answer is a part (quote) copied from accepted answer for same question. The only additional thing it says is: I was with ...
Amit Joshi's user avatar
  • 16.2k
50 votes
3 answers

Declined flag on answer copying another answer in its entirety, although with attribution

I've recently custom flagged this answer: Which is a complete copy of another answer (which funnily enough already consists entirely of a quote and ...
yivi's user avatar
  • 46k
82 votes
1 answer

What should I do with plagiarised answers to questions asked by a deleted (potential sock-puppet) user when my moderator flags have been declined?

Firstly, apologies for the long-windedness of the title - it was hard to come up with a good title that conveyed what I wanted to ask. I came across a user who has been a member for three months, ...
Wai Ha Lee's user avatar
  • 8,733
10 votes
2 answers

Legally misleading comments about licensing need cleanup

I answered a question indirectly related to Oracle Java licensing and someone commented on my answer propounding a legal theory that is 1) wrong, and 2) inappropriate ... given that Stack Overflow is ...
Stephen C's user avatar
  • 714k
4 votes
2 answers

Why was my request for a lock on a controversial post declined?

I raised a moderator-flag for this question, which was being (and still?) discussed on Meta. I requested a moderator to lock the post since its content was disputed and was locked twice; see its ...
double-beep's user avatar
  • 5,446
24 votes
1 answer

In what universe is this an answer?

Link to answer and link to question The content of the answer reads “my_tests,SNR=533033200650344358002D00,TNR=test HelloWorld=123 1495179651177999872 \n SNR=533033200650344358002D00,TNR=test ...
iBug's user avatar
  • 36.9k
4 votes
1 answer

Flag declined but answer deleted for same reason

Normally I accept that some flags I raise will be declined, attempt to learn from them and just continue reviewing, but I need to understand this one. I flagged this answer as not an answer (as it is ...
Nick's user avatar
  • 147k
-11 votes
1 answer

Why flags on comments which are of no use got declined?

I just flagged two comments which are not looking of any use. Just tried: Works fine in git bash on Windows too. I raised a flag as no longer needed. Because the only reason why someone posts an ...
letsintegreat's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Is a quote of a fraction of answer-code, extended with an alternative, itself an answer?

Sometimes answers consist solely of these ingredients: A reference to another answer to the same question (with "above", the name of the author, or a hyperlink) A small piece of code quoted ...
trincot's user avatar
  • 343k
20 votes
2 answers

Why was I asked to not use the mod attention flag for migration?

This question was recently asked on Stack Overflow. I thought the question itself looked fine and could not find it to be a duplicate, however the question specifically asks for a mathematical ...
Remy's user avatar
  • 5,113
33 votes
1 answer

Why were my "no longer needed" flags on comments suggesting changes rejected (after the changes are made)?

tl;dr: Should comments that suggest changes to answers (and are subsequently actioned) be flagged as "no longer needed"? I recently had two declined comment flags on comments which suggested edits to ...
Wai Ha Lee's user avatar
  • 8,733
37 votes
5 answers

Declined Rude/Abusive flag on nonsense post that doesn't involve keyboard-mashing

This is a question regarding a declined Rude/Abusive flag I raised against this answer (10k+) earlier today. The contents of the answer for those under 10k rep: Body must be at least 30 characters; ...
Michael Dodd's user avatar
  • 10.2k
23 votes
2 answers

Why was a NAA-flag on an answer linking to another SO answer declined?

Yesterday I flagged this answer as not an answer, but my flag was declined Here is the screenshot of that answer in that answer it's just saying there is ...
AskNilesh's user avatar
  • 69.4k
-9 votes
1 answer

NAA flag declined - Completely different tech [duplicate]

The question in question is Timer stops at wrong time which is relating to a Winforms timer. The answer is shown below. I don't see a copy-paste chunk of code using completely unrelated ...
A Friend's user avatar
  • 2,750
4 votes
1 answer

Second opinion on declined flag for "not an answer"

So recently went to flag something and found my last flag had been declined. After reviewing it as suggested, the reason for the decline didn't really make sense to me -- maybe the feedback was ...
Patrick Roberts's user avatar
147 votes
6 answers

Is mocking the Indian English used by a user abusive?

I found a question on main about a memory error which used almost perfect grammar and was completely clearly phrased, but it included a term along the lines of one file has 5 lakh lines It was ...
Andras Deak -- Слава Україні's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Moderators can't merge questions any more?

I had flagged this question with Please merge the accepted answer into the duplicate but when reviewing my flag history I see that it was resolved by a moderator as helpful - we can't do that ...
Bergi's user avatar
  • 658k
-5 votes
1 answer

Non-Stack Overflow link-only answers dilemma [duplicate]

I know this matter has been discussed several times before; however, I've reached a dilemma regarding this. Previously I had raised a flag for this answer, but it was declined. The message was: ...
iminiki's user avatar
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1 vote
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Declined flags: What am I not understanding about how the site should work? [duplicate]

Recently, a couple of my flags on answers have been declined. The first time I figured, "OK, let it go. Mods make mistakes, too." The second time in such a short interval, I have to wonder if I've ...
Cindy Meister's user avatar
-13 votes
3 answers

Unfriendly or Unkind flag declined

Not to feed a fed horse, but I flagged this comment last night: And it was subsequently declined: As it happens, the comment has since been deleted, but I'm curious why this was not an appropriate ...
KyleMit's user avatar
  • 33.8k
3 votes
0 answers

Did I use the 'no longer needed' flag correctly in this case? Why was it declined?

It's all about this question. The OP posted some code. Then, a user added an incorrect tag in this edit. The question is actually about Windows Forms, not WPF (as you can read in the comments - it ...
dymanoid's user avatar
  • 15.1k
28 votes
3 answers

Custom mod flag declined on user answering question that they voted to close as off-topic

I've seen a repeating pattern from a certain high-rep user, where they answer a question and at the same time vote to close it as off-topic. The question actually ended up being closed as off-topic ...
David Pasztor's user avatar

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