Questions tagged [dead-tags]

[dead-tags] is for discussing tags describing services or APIs that have been sunsetted or dropped, and shouldn't be used. Does not pertain to tags that have been burninated or blacklisted.

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85 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to answer about software that is no longer maintained with different software?

I am a big fan of web automation and scraping. Recently I started answering questions related to such in JavaScript, but I noticed people still use some popular, but non-maintained software which can ...
Md. Abu Taher's user avatar
49 votes
2 answers

Yahoo recently pulled the plug on their stocks API. What are "Yahoo-finance" related posts and its tag's fates?

Just as the beginning of the title states; Yahoo pulled a fast one without even breathing a word. Since this (in some ways) relates to coders who have coded for the use of Yahoo Finance (I used a PHP ...
Funk Forty Niner's user avatar
33 votes
0 answers

It's time to bury [digg]

The original was a social tech news/link aggregator that operated from 2004 to 2012. It was described as one of the influences in the creation of Stack Overflow. Digg provided an API and about 60 ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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