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16 votes
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The legendary badge is calculated incorrectly when being viewed as your "Next badge"

I'm pretty close to receiving the legendary badge, and I noticed that the "Next badge" popup seems to calculate today's rep incorrectly. As you can see, it states that I have 140/200 rep for the day, ...
Josh Crozier's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How can "Legendary" badge be awarded on Meta Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I was looking at the badges available on meta, and noticed the "Legendary" badge has been awarded 4 times (150 x 200 reputation in a day): But how is this possible? The reputation on Meta Stack ...
Alexander Derck's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Misleading Epic badge progress [duplicate]

I verified it to Epic badge but probably the same is for Legendary. Please look at below screen The problem is with today's rep. It doesn't actually calculates todays reputation but it seems it ...
Marcin Nabiałek's user avatar