Questions tagged [community-user]

For questions about the user named Community ♦ present on Stack Exchange sites.

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321 votes
2 answers

Why is a robot getting a badge that states it is not a robot?

With the first batch of people to receive the Not a Robot badge, I was surprised to see Community receiving one as well. Does this mean I will be able to meet the fabled Community in person?
Adriaan's user avatar
  • 18.2k
134 votes
1 answer

Community user got suspended in Teams [closed]

Earlier today some kind of sock puppetry was spotted in a Teams I'm in. Shortly afterwards the disruptive behavior stopped, and the involved Teams accounts were gone. However, this guy got suspended....
iBug's user avatar
  • 36.5k
80 votes
1 answer

Why does this question show as "marked as duplicate by Community♦"?

I erroneously flagged this question as duplicate. While I was searching how to undo that, I noticed the question became closed as duplicate, but singlehandedly by community with no other user names ...
U r s u s's user avatar
  • 6,810
77 votes
1 answer

Developer Story for Community ♦

This is more of a statement than a question... I was bitterly disappointed today when I found that Community ♦'s Developer Story doesn't contain any information about its history, whether it be; ...
Zze's user avatar
  • 18.6k
74 votes
1 answer

Why is Community♦ downvoting questions/answers?

I realized that when looking Community♦'s profile there is: 606,827 Votes Cast all time 108,530 up 498,297 down What is the voting algorithm of this bot? Upvoting old questions is understandable, ...
GLHF's user avatar
  • 3,986
74 votes
1 answer

Why is the Community User so determined to bump this question?

I just saw the question SQL error: #1271 - Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION' bumped to the home page by the Community User. I looked at the revision history and it has been bumped 11 (...
Jonathan Leffler's user avatar
72 votes
2 answers

"Community" bot deleted my reopened question

What happened? Yesterday, my question got undeleted. And obviously, undeleting a question requires reopening votes, that this question would surely have received. This means the voters should have ...
Karan Desai's user avatar
  • 3,102
62 votes
1 answer

How come the Community diamond user is wearing a hat?

Just been reviewing to see if I could hit an audit, and I did. Community diamond is wearing a hat. How did that happen? Who opted it in to Hats, and then chose which hat it should wear?
Bill Woodger's user avatar
57 votes
8 answers

Should the Community bot stop bumping dead questions?

Some questions are obviously dead. For example, please see the timeline for not accessible in this context because it is 'Private'. Community bot has bumped it nine times. It will never (fsvo) have an ...
Andrew Morton's user avatar
55 votes
1 answer

The Community bot's question-bumping behaviour is no longer useful and should be disabled

Previously on Meta (note: you are contractually obligated to read the preceding phrase in the tone of an American TV show narrator). For context, the Community bot is a process whereby old questions ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
53 votes
1 answer

Is this flagging behavior expected?

I'm not sure why I did it, but I played a little around with flags the last days and found some behavior I think is not or should not be expected. When you Flag a question as 'very low quality' ...
baao's user avatar
  • 72.6k
52 votes
1 answer

Fantastic edit by Community user. Did it really do this?

I was looking at an old answer and saw it had been edited by Community. The edit was pretty substantial and quite good. Was this really done by a bot? Am I not understanding what Community does? This ...
Brad's user avatar
  • 12.1k
49 votes
1 answer

Why did the Community user reject my suggested edit?

I have recently edited a question in which I added the code blocks for the entire question. Another user approved the edit however, Community came along and rejected the edit. Is it because adding ...
ylun's user avatar
  • 2,524
48 votes
1 answer

Why is the Community user having another battle with the moderators?

I recently posted this feature request a few days ago and haven't edited it for over two days, so I was surprised to see it at the top of the Active posts tab again, especially seeing that a moderator ...
Sam's user avatar
  • 7,322
41 votes
1 answer

What is the reason behind this 'community' edit?

The omniscient user 'community' made an edit to this answer (How to add a class to body tag?), and I am baffled to the reasoning behind it. The original answer was: You can extract that part of the ...
joe_young's user avatar
  • 4,115
39 votes
1 answer

Does Community use the Android or the iOS app?

I took a look at Community's profile; it was wearing a hat which can be earned by "vote on seven questions or answers using the Android or iOS app" . I was wondering how Community got that hat. ...
Manohar's user avatar
  • 22.9k
36 votes
1 answer

How can a question be asked by the Community user?

When searching for the nuitka tag on Stack Overflow, a question asked by Community is shown: However, when I open the question, I can see that it was asked by user8236453:
aircraft's user avatar
  • 26.2k
34 votes
2 answers

Edit ban because of Community rejections

Whenever I edit a post, a warning shows up: Attention! Some of your previous edits were rejected. While reasonable edits may be rejected for many reasons outside of your control, you should review ...
soktinpk's user avatar
  • 3,798
34 votes
1 answer

Can community bot upvote posts?

So, The community bot has the I Wish to Subscribe hat. The description says Upvote 3 questions with the [feature-request] tag on Meta Stack Exchange Does this mean the bot upvoted some posts? ...
TheMaster's user avatar
  • 48k
33 votes
1 answer

Why has the community user been bumping this question once a month for the last 9 months? [duplicate]

This question just got bumped. I've closed it now because it's an old question about a runaway issue in Google Chrome that must have been fixed some time in the last five years since the question was ...
BoltClock's user avatar
  • 712k
33 votes
1 answer

Automatically remove '[solved]' from questions

At least a few hundred questions have [SOLVED], [Solved] or [solved] in their titles. I have removed some, but there are just too many. Can this be automated by the "community user" or so?
Bach's user avatar
  • 6,175
33 votes
0 answers

Include OP's name when they agree community's suggestion to close as duplicate (per my sole VTC)? [duplicate]

I was the only one who cast a VTC on a question, and then it was promptly closed by community. I just learned from here: Why does this question show as “marked as duplicate by Community♦”? ...that ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

How come the community user offers bounties?

Looking at the profile for the community user, I see that it has offered a lot of bounties: Also, I saw a banner on a question which said "This question has an open bounty worth +50 reputation ...
Jonas Czech's user avatar
  • 12.2k
31 votes
1 answer

What is "This answer has been accepted by Community on behalf of user99999999. The original asker's account is deactivated."?

I just encountered something I haven't seen before. I was looking at a poor answer that had been accepted. I hovered my mouse over the green checkmark to see when it was accepted. To my surprise, the ...
HangarRash's user avatar
  • 13.3k
30 votes
1 answer

Member for 2 years but posted in 2011

Is this a bug? I just visited the profile of the Community user and found this. Check the marked area.
Sagar V's user avatar
  • 12.3k
29 votes
2 answers

"Bumped to the homepage" notice with wrong date

In this LQP review I see a rather strange notice: I know that our dear Community♦ bot bumps upvoted questions without upvoted answers when it's bored — and this last happened about 8 hours ago for ...
Martin Tournoij's user avatar
28 votes
1 answer

Why was my edit rejected by community user?

Today my suggested edit was rejected and I don't know why? But I will start with brief introdution. I am on StackOverflow for 50 days. At the beginning I made several errors. I was doing lots of ...
rtruszk's user avatar
  • 3,912
28 votes
1 answer

Community's test comment can't be removed?

I was viewing a question about anchor tags and clicking them to run some javascript, and below the top answer, I saw that somebody had posted the comment: "this is a test comment". I re-read ...
Davy M's user avatar
  • 1,706
27 votes
2 answers

The Community user is a Recognized Member? Why?

I just noticed that an article on the Google Cloud collective was "edited by Community ♦" (i.e., a suggested edit from an anonymous user was approved). To my surprise, I saw the "...
41686d6564's user avatar
  • 19.4k
27 votes
0 answers

Does the Community user really only have 649 profile views? [duplicate]

I was in the suggested edit queue and one of the posts was rejected by Community, which I've seen a few times around the website. I was intrigued to see that it only has 649 profile views yet it's an ...
li x's user avatar
  • 3,991
26 votes
2 answers

Why is this question that was deleted by the Community user not deleted?

While browsing the annotated posts list on Stack Overflow, I saw this question which is currently locked and occasionally serving as a Triage audit. The thing is, in the timeline, there's a deletion ...
Spevacus's user avatar
  • 591
24 votes
1 answer

Has the metric for protecting questions by Community♦ changed?

I am referring to the question: save pdf on server using pdfmake. It received 2 spam answers (one of the user accounts got deleted with the post). All the posts:1,2 as well as the blog suggests: 3 ...
Suraj Rao's user avatar
  • 29.5k
24 votes
1 answer

Why Community's age is 0

Simply interesting. On SO no age displayed, on MSO Community's age is 0. Why?
nicael's user avatar
  • 18.7k
24 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to configure the Community♦ account in Stack Overflow Enterprise? [closed]

I would like to know if it's possible to tune the Community♦ account in Stack Overflow Enterprise? Some of the automated activity is ruining the experience in our Stack Enterprise ...
5eleven7's user avatar
24 votes
0 answers

The community user could from time to time check for broken links [duplicate]

It's probably not a big issue but I have an idea to improve the situation of broken links in answers (or questions). I feel the best way would be to notify the original creator of the answer about it....
NoDataDumpNoContribution's user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

What does it mean when Community user approves an (incorrect) edit?

This incorrect edit to my post was suggested. It was rejected by two users, and approved by two users, one of them being the Community user. The idea behind the edit was good though, and thanks to the ...
BartoszKP's user avatar
  • 35.5k
21 votes
1 answer

Community Bot is actively participating in question reopening

There is an interesting Reopen votes review showing that Community Bot actively participated in reopening a question. Not only that, the question was reopened only by two votes where it usually takes ...
Dalija Prasnikar's user avatar
  • 28.2k
21 votes
1 answer

Community♦ user suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder

Looking at this edit history, I see that our hard-working friend Community♦ thoughtfully suggested an edit to a popular answer. Clicking through to the Review page for the edit, though, I see that she ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 148k
21 votes
1 answer

Accessing Community's profile "all actions" tab timeout

Okay, This might not be something everyone does... But anyway I just tried to access Community's profile "all actions" tab, without filter :
Jean-Marc Zimmer's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Is that plagiarism by Community♦?

I found this tag edit from Sep 2, 2010 by Community♦: It is identical to a paragraph from Feb 9, 2010 from blogspot: https://googlesystem.blogspot....
Cœur's user avatar
  • 37.9k
20 votes
1 answer

How did Community approve this edit?

I've used the "Edit" option for this Suggested Edit. However, due to an intermittent internet connection, my improved edit didn't go through and I received an unexpected error. After that, I ...
Panda's user avatar
  • 6,930
19 votes
1 answer

Why was this question deleted by community?

I only noticed the deletion because my answer was the accepted one. I really am not worried about the rep nor having the question re-instated. It was rather low quality so I don't even really disagree ...
Travis J's user avatar
  • 81.7k
18 votes
1 answer

Community ♦ Modified Posts Appearing on Homepage

Some Community user modified posts are appearing on the Stack Overflow homepage. These are old questions that have otherwise not been touched for some time. It's unclear what the reason is as I couldn'...
worldofjr's user avatar
  • 3,898
18 votes
2 answers

Limit what posts the community user can bump

Quite a list of questions has been bumped on Meta, in the last hour: But not in [Browsername here] SEDE Query Cancel upvotes on older comments Does the "timeline" parameter work correctly? ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 71.8k
18 votes
0 answers

Automated actions and actions from anonymous users should not look the same

Edits by anonymous users, if approved, are attributed to the user "Community♦". At a high level, this user has two very different purposes: performing a number of automated tasks, like deleting ...
Laurence Gonsalves's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Why did the Community user delete this question?

Due to my curiosity, I've read the help center article on community user deletion very carefully trying to figure out exactly which automatic process roomba'd this post. This is the question that I ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
17 votes
0 answers

Community user bumping a post but no banner on mobile

I just saw this post on the homepage: Using IF condition to copy either one cell or another where community made a change to it one hour ago. As you can see there was no edit made by the community ...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 3,916
16 votes
1 answer

Community user posting comments?

I just saw a comment posted by the Community user: Please add further details to expand on your answer, such as working code or documentation citations. Here's a screenshot of the comment, in case ...
Cristik's user avatar
  • 32.2k
15 votes
1 answer

Why was this question protected?

Today I received notification that a comment had been added to an answer I provided several years ago. When I looked at the question, I saw that right after the comment was added, The question was ...
EJK's user avatar
  • 12.4k
15 votes
2 answers

Community User Deleting Posts with Upvoted Answers [duplicate]

According to this meta post, the Community User (CU) shouldn't have deleted this Stack Overflow post. This action seems incorrect because: As I understand it, the Community User shouldn't be deleting ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar