Questions tagged [comment-replies]

Comment replies are additional comments with '@username' at the start. Do not use this tag for questions about comments in general; for that use [comments].

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36 votes
1 answer

How can I ask a second question inside a question?

I have found a question which is similar to my question and has an accepted answer that doesn't satisfy me. Since I am quite new my rep is below 50, and so I am not even allowed to post a comment. ...
Michele Dall'Agata's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Bounty question - solved in comments, but still weak question/solution

Following is a question that I believe was of acceptable quality (albeit a bit specific and lacking some detail), and which was also set up with a bounty. Because I felt it wasn't "answer-worthy", I ...
trnelson's user avatar
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Why does @ not always show the name of the user

I've come across this a few times where I'm trying to reply to a user in a comment, and their nick is say 'Geomettry2', I start typing my answer with @Geo but no name shows up. I can't include their ...
artm's user avatar
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Why can only one user be notified?

When you are commenting on a question and you want to notify two or more people you get the following error: Only one additional @user can be notified; the post owner will always be notified Why ...
GuyT's user avatar
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What happens if I edit out a tag in a comment?

If I write a comment and tag someone (@username), they get a notification. I can do this once per comment to prevent me from spamming a whole bunch of people (there was a post about that somewhere, ...
wnnmaw's user avatar
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How do I address a specific user in my comment?

When I want to address a specific user in my comment, I put an @ sign before his name, like this: (here's the real example) @Joe Pardon me, what is 'Windows'? Sometimes StackExchange does display ...
Nickolai Leschov's user avatar
-11 votes
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Asking for help from specific users [duplicate]

I have a situation: I found the answer to my question (the similar question was asked before and someone gave answer to it), but I have additional questions regarding the given answer. I cannot post ...
keshet's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a keyboard shortcut to insert an @username in the comment box?

Assume you are typing a comment and trying to reply to a user by typing "@". A menu pops up: We can click on that menu to insert the @username string. We can also type it out. Is there a keyboard ...
usr's user avatar
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Comment notification is delivered for a wrong comment

I've got a notification from my inbox. I opened the inbox, and there was a "new comment"-kind highlighted entry (not highlighted any more on the screenshot, the top one): However this was the ...
GSerg's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Addressing people in comments

Can I address my comment to the user which not commented an appropriate question/answer using @- notation (I.e. @SomeUser, where SomeUser does not comment that answer/question)?
user avatar
70 votes
0 answers

Can we have links to the actual user profile in comments?

I've a situation here - somebody changed my username (obviously to something I do not wish to have) using my computer while I was logged in. When I tried to change it back I got an error message ...
T J's user avatar
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33 votes
1 answer

Full name of user does not always show up when using @-mention in comment

Normally, we use '@' before the name of the previous commenter to notify a user, and when we type two or three letters of the name, Stack Overflow, suggests the full name and we can click on it. But ...
TheGoodUser's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Referring to/notifying a user in question body using at (@) sign

When commenting across multiple replies, it's very useful to apply the at sign followed by the nickname of the person that one wishes to reply (or otherwise direct their attention) to. That way, they ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
2 votes
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Comment descender cut off by OP comment color [closed]

There's a minor display issue on comments where the OP comment color obscures the bottom pixel of @, and presumably other descenders. Actual size: Enlarged to show texture: Seen on this ...
mhlester's user avatar
  • 23k
68 votes
2 answers

How do I reference a user with a space in their name?

I've seen several posts where people have commented, and then following comments will reference previous comments by including the username preceded by an @ symbol: @dudeman. I've started doing this ...
LimaNightHawk's user avatar
5 votes
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Problem with tagging users in comments [closed]

I have a problem with tagging users in comments, sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. To explain better my problem which is probably a bug I've attached an image below. You all know when it works ...
Milan and Friends's user avatar