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Questions tagged [close-reasons]

For instructions and guidance on closing or migrating questions, and the reasons for those closures, use this tag.

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-14 votes
1 answer

Why was this post closed as opinion-based?

This post got closed as opinion-based: When should I use read.csv() versus read_csv() in R. Why is that? There are plenty of "When should I use x over y" types of questions that get highly ...
2 votes
0 answers

Wrong links in "need debugging details" close message [duplicate]

The close message for "needs debugging details" contains two links. These links can be helpful, but the placements of these links do not make sense, and looks like an editing mistake. The ...
78 votes
2 answers

How to handle "Explain how this ${code dump} works" questions [duplicate]

I've been seeing more and more frequently what I call "explain how this works" questions. A good example is: Essentially, OP ...
0 votes
0 answers

Should questions about problems fixed in recent programs versions be closed? [duplicate]

Let's say there's a bug in MyProgram v1.0, which now dates back to 2013. The bug raised some questions and was solved on version 2014. The bug today is irrelevant, however the question still appears ...
76 votes
10 answers

Overhauling our community's closure reasons and guidance

Overview As we know Stack Overflow has a closure process which users begin participating in at 15 reputation with flagging privileges and then later with full closure votes at 3000 reputation Recently,...
2 votes
0 answers

Is "I'm voting to close this question because it doesn't show any attempt or work" a valid custom close reason? [duplicate]

It was pointed out to me that "I'm voting to close this question because it doesn't show any effort" isn't a valid custom close reason. This was discussed in the comment section of How to ...
20 votes
0 answers

Replace "Duplicate" with "Resolved Elsewhere" as a close reason

Spurred by the commented feedback under my answer to Question Close Reasons project - Introduction and Feedback, I'd like to see the term "Duplicate" retired. In its place, I'd like to see ...
30 votes
2 answers

Make description of “community-specific reason” close reason more clear

I wanted to close Usage of DownloadToByteArray in Windows.Azure.Storage Version as “too localised” because the author “found that she was using the wrong container name”. But I was confused ...
1 vote
2 answers

How should I deal with a question that mainly contains a link to a service/product? [duplicate]

I flagged this question as spam because it contains mainly a link to a website that offers a paid service. The code example that would make the link redundant and the question obviously not spam and ...
71 votes
3 answers

Why is "primarily opinion-based" a valid close reason on Meta?

I'm not an especially seasoned Meta user, so forgive me if this seems like a trivial question. My impression of Meta is that one of its major functions is to act as a forum for focused discussion of ...
17 votes
4 answers

Problems with the Stack Overflow guidelines

I have a question about my post: MSSQL drop and recreate all dependencies (keys, constraints, views) for altering columns I tried to ask this question three times. The first time: it was flagged for ...
6 votes
0 answers

Add "tools" back to the close reasons?

Can we please add tools to the list of off-site resources off-topic close reasons? Currently its: It's seeking recommendations for books, software libraries, or other off-site resources. This ...
30 votes
3 answers

Please add "tutorials" back to the off-site close reason text

The old close reason text for the off-topic close reason of 'off-site resources' used to explicitly enumerate "tutorial" in the list of examples of what wasn't allowed: Unfortunately, the ...
140 votes
4 answers

Recent changes to close reasons on Stack Overflow

Over the past week, I've made several fairly significant changes to the close reasons and associated documentation on Stack Overflow. I've been monitoring and tweaking those changes, and believe they ...
40 votes
5 answers

How does one distinguish typos from coding errors in questions?

(Latest update: Well, folks, this already becomes a holy war. I like the answer given by Ryan M below together with my response to him in the comments. At least, it works for me. So I suggest ...
13 votes
2 answers

Should this question have been closed as "seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries and more"?

This question was closed as "seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries and more", but I don't see it... The question simply asks if there is a way to save crash logs in a ...
-22 votes
3 answers

I asked a question on how to get started on a specific development effort, but it was closed immediately [duplicate]

I've posted a question, but almost immediately it was closed as "This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers." What if I'm very new to the ...
41 votes
3 answers

Are questions that boil down to errors in off-site resources on-topic?

This question asks for an explanation of a snippet of code in an off-site resource. If you take the off-site resource out of the question, the question is essentially: Q: What does this syntax ...
-22 votes
1 answer

Is an IDE extension an off-site resource, or is does it fall under "software tools commonly used by developers?"

I recently came across this question asking if some extension for an IDE exists that would make it easier to write code in a particular language. As far as I can tell from on-topic, the question ...
-24 votes
1 answer

What's the point in closing this question?

I happened to be lucky to answer a highly active question: How to increase image size of pandas.DataFrame.plot Recently after somebody edited the question several times (like removing a "?" ...
71 votes
2 answers

Put a direct link to the MCVE/MRE help page on the closure notice for "needs debugging details"

When a question gets closed using the flow [community-specific reason] > [Needs debugging details], this is the current closure notice: Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not ...
26 votes
0 answers

Closing as lacking debugging details gives an unhelpful message to the poster [duplicate]

I just noticed that if a question is closed as lacking debugging details/minimum verifiable example, then the poster just get this unhelpful message in their face: Closed. This question needs ...
11 votes
2 answers

A moderator is closing a lot of questions that I think are on-topic, what can I do?

In the past couple of days, I've seen a moderator closing a lot of questions that in my opinion shouldn't be closed at all, and others that should be closed with a different reason. I have flagged one ...
23 votes
4 answers

Should questions that are resolved by reinstalling some software be closed as unreproducible?

If a problem is solved by a software reinstall, is it unreproducible? As an example, I've asked a question about an Eclipse bug which occurred after I installed Python 3 two days ago, and after that I ...
-11 votes
2 answers

I disagree that my question about the deprecation of Linux time APIs is "opinion-based" [duplicate]

This question asks reasons of why some Linux APIs are deprecated. An API that became obsolete is a fact, and deprecating an API needs reasons, not personal opinions. At first I thought it was due to ...
-13 votes
3 answers

Why has my old question been closed after 8 years?

I asked this question more than 8 years ago: My programs are blocked by avast anti-virus Today, it has been closed, with the reason "need more details". May I ask why has this question been ...
2 votes
0 answers

How can I improve my closed question and how to address multiple questions in a narrow context?

What's wrong with my question Am I using GetFinalPathNameByHandle (Windows API) in my Delphi program correctly? (now only visible to users above 10,000 reputation points)? I understand we should focus ...
-11 votes
1 answer

Triage Queue - Is a new option needed? Too Broad sub-reason? [duplicate]

I've been working on the Triage queue and think I've found a use case for a new VTC reason: Request for basic instruction" or "Too Basic" Now, I realize that that's not an appropriate ...
4 votes
0 answers

Questions with both Close/Migrate Super User votes don't mention Super User in the close reason

When a question is closed with two votes to migrate to Super User, and one vote to Close as "general computing hardware and software", the question is closed as "This question does not ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is being "not sufficiently useful to the public" a reason to vote for closure? [duplicate]

Suppose someone asks a question duly and properly - shows some effort, provides an MRE or equivalent, is clear and everything. The question even gets an answer, that gets accepted. However, the ...
1 vote
1 answer

When is a typo a reason for closure or to not answer a question?

I ask this in reference to this question image not showing up from API. And I read on that "If you're simply unsure about the validity of the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Syntax errors vs. typos

There seem to be two types of questions people are closing as This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error. etc... The first type is code ...
115 votes
4 answers

Reviewing some awful questions is just a waste of time, can we have a "no comment" close reason for these?

When handling close votes, I find myself spending more time mapping the question to a proper close reason than the OP spent energy writing the question. I'd like for there to be an option "no comment" ...
8 votes
3 answers

"How to create MRE for <Thing>" - opinion-based, community wiki, or move to meta?

It is a rough heuristic, but when a post has many up-votes it suggests that it was valuable. If one toggles their cursor over the up-arrow button for a post, it says "This question shows research ...
-18 votes
1 answer

My question about "why javax.sql was not re-designed" was closed with no feedback [duplicate]

My question has recently been closed due to breaking the community guidelines. Question: Unused interfaces in javax.sql Nobody explained to me how the question was in violation with the site's ...
-41 votes
1 answer

Open a post that is closed for no reason (image for <10k users) This one is closed for unfocused. "This question needs to be more focused. It is ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why was this question closed as opinion-based?

I had asked a question about Limiting types in C#. This indeed is asking a How to implement? question. The opinion-based flag description reads: Opinion-based This question is likely to be answered ...
37 votes
3 answers

Improving my question about class inheritance in C#

I had a serious issue in C# and wrote a question in a poor way. There's no doubt about this. So I tried to edit my question to make it better, but I'm getting downvoted, the question got closed, and I ...
-21 votes
1 answer

How would I have asked this question in such a way that it wouldn't get closed? [duplicate]

This question was closed: Is there a WebSocket equivalent that works in Windows 7 that is complete and requires no coding? For this reason: We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, ...
86 votes
4 answers

Would it be useful to have an extension of mjölnir close voting powers for (language) tag related close reasons?

Inspired from this meta question and my comment at Shog9's answer, I'm going to ask for that feature now: I'd like to see an extension for the gold badge users of a particular tag, not only to be able ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Why has this question been closed?

This is the question (from some other author): The reason says: This question appears to be off-topic. The users who ...
-14 votes
2 answers

Why is this question about CSS styles opinion-based?

The question If I built an app with a CSS framework, and then they change their styles, would the look of my site change with? about CSS frameworks was closed as opinion-based. The question can be ...
-31 votes
3 answers

Questions in Meta should not be closed as duplicates when they ask about specific Stack Overflow questions

I have posted a couple of questions recently about specific Stack Overflow questions. My questions were closed as duplicates (though I did achieve my goal in each case). So the question is ...
33 votes
4 answers

Regex question was closed as lacking details, but I think it was objective and clear

This regex question was closed: Before it was closed, I answered the question, and I stand by that answer:...
7 votes
1 answer

What "details or clarity" are needed in this case?

I think the meaning of this question is clear: Is there a way to know who voted to close my questions? It asks if there is a function on Stack Overflow to do this, or not. I don't know what "...
-18 votes
1 answer

Are questions of the form "Is there a way to do ..." not allowed?

If I post those types of questions, they are closed as "seeking recommendations". Protecting Azure consumption plan from DDoS attacks update The close reason of the above question was ...
-29 votes
1 answer

Why was this particular question closed? [duplicate]

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Not what others asked in SO before. It's new This is my second question. I asked my first question here. But that question was closed quoting that my ...
-10 votes
1 answer

How does my question about Ubuntu 18.04 DNS name resolution fail to meet SO guidelines?

I posted the question Ubuntu 18.04 DNS name resolution fails after connecting USB CAN-FD interface a few days ago. SO closed it with no explanation beyond this: Closed. This question does not meet ...
16 votes
2 answers

How should THIS specific regex-based close/re-open/delete/un-delete war end?

Moderator note: This will be left up for a time while we debate a larger rule change. Do not take this as approval of the personal mentions of activity below (personal attack comments have been ...
-6 votes
2 answers

Why did my question get closed as “opinion-based”?

My question is asking something about performance. The expected response has to be based on fact comparing two different ways to do something. Only one way is better than the other way. So only one ...

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