Questions tagged [chat]

Chat is the real time, stateful web chat that's a part of every Stack Exchange site. Use this tag for questions concerning the chat functionality.

126 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Footer overlapping part of chat in chat.stackoverflow

I think the image explains it all. Not sure if it's just me. The stared messages is being overlapped by the footer for some reason. On the latest version of chrome and on Windows 10.
Ali Bdeir's user avatar
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In Stack Chat room ScrollBar keep blinking in Mac Safari

Today I started using Safari(Version 10.0.1 (12602. as my default browser and tried exploring stuff, Everything was fine except chat room scrollbar.. It keep blinking, after a interval of 1-...
Maveňツ's user avatar
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Stack Overflow chat asks me to log in, but I am already logged in

I have logged in to Stack Overflow. Now I want to go to a chat room for chatting. But the chat room shows me the following message: You must be logged in to talk. See the faq for more information. ...
Christopher Marlowe's user avatar
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Chat not opening in SO

The chat option hasn't been working for a lot of time. I am trying to go to the SO chat for a few months now, it isn't working yet. There is some problem. Fix required.
twodee's user avatar
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Allow rooms to opt-out of onebox previews

In the Ruby chat room, we've noticed that gist one-boxing has been fixed: If you check our room's transcript, you'll see that a ...
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Mystery Chat Flag Bubble

Logged into chat this morning and I see the blue bubble indicating there's a flagged chat post up for moderation. Upon clicking the bubble I'm told nothing is awaiting moderation. Typically ...
Machavity's user avatar
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Allow hiding messages (or images) in chat

There are rooms where posting animated GIF files is OK. They are also annoying, more often than not. I wish I had another button in message UI which would collapse that message (or just the image(s) ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Allow inline chat edit, or better indication that inline is not possible

I often find attempting to edit my chat message right in the chat itself, and not in the "entry box" at the bottom. I wish it were possible to either edit the message directly in the chat stream, or ...
aliteralmind's user avatar
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Will I always get notifications from other users with same user name

I've been using the Javascript chat page on SO. Clearly, so has another user with the same username Dave. When I log onto one of the SE sites first thing in the morning I often see I have ...
Dave's user avatar
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Auto-Remove the Chat Notification

Can we have it so the notifications in chat go away after a certain amount of time automatically? It's very annoying when you get several notifications a day. I'll snag a screenshot as soon as I can, ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
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Oops! Something Bad Happened! - when trying to create a Chat Room

Getting the error message 'Oops! Something Bad Happened!' when trying to create a Chat Room. Is this a temporary error on the site or could it be something related to my account? I've never used the ...
pyth_qwertz's user avatar
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Chat meta gives me A certificate warning

The link : Gives me a security warning : There is a problem with this website's security certificate The certificate is not expired (700+ days left). And ...
Drag and Drop's user avatar
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Can I ask chat content from myself be deleted (from history) in chatrooms?

As in title, I think I have potentially said something I should not. Can I delete it forever? Or will the moderators help me?
Sajuuk's user avatar
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All of someone else's stars in chat?

In the chat, a link like this one will show me all of my starred messages in the mathematics chatroom: (...
Akiva Weinberger's user avatar
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Timestamps change when opening the same chat twice from other chat

I am usually in two different chatrooms (both designated to Java more or less) and once I accidentally opened the first room from the second one in a new tab. The result was that the timestamps were ...
geisterfurz007's user avatar
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After answering a question a deeper discussion started in the chat

I recently answered on a question that in my opinion had some bigger issues, where the user who asked the question had problems understanding the code they wrote themselves. I invited the user into ...
Icepickle's user avatar
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Notify us when the recipient of a comments to chat replies

I do not get a notification when someone responds to me in a chat (which has been moved from the comments section). The recipient doesn't receive a notification either, as in the past, I've had to ...
The Codesee's user avatar
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No upload button for chat on mobile site

Many times I use SO chat from mobile website. Recently the site has been upgraded. Older version was not having the upload button but I was surprised that the newer version also doesn't have it! (at ...
Mangesh's user avatar
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Are there soft line breaks supported in the chat?

I know chat software that supports soft line breaks, these don't cause attention of you chat partner if a new section makes things much clearer. I tried some hot keys ([Ctrl]+[Enter], [Alt]+[Enter]) ...
Wolf's user avatar
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If I move comments to the chat can I use @?

If I move the comments to the chat can I still answer to users (by using @username) who have commented before the move ?
The Unholy Metal Machine's user avatar
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Why do the chat messages have deletion/editing time in chatrooms?

In chatrooms, we have only 2-3 minutes(approx.) to delete/edit a message we posted. Why is there this kind of restriction in deletion/editing of messages? Why can't we delete/edit them later?
berserk's user avatar
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If I don't have access to chat and a post requires a lot of back-and-forth what should I do?

I understand that we do not want to get into lengthy comment exchanges, but many times when working with a less than experienced user I have had to use the comments to help them (as in this example) ...
Jay Blanchard's user avatar
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Not submitting edit rather than "eating" it when it's too late for an edit

I recently experienced a situation in chat where I was typing out a long edit to a question. When I submitted the edit, rather than getting a message that says "it's too late to edit" and keeping the ...
Codeman's user avatar
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Can we see our last message in rooms we have not participated?

I have noticed that I cannot see my last message with the button load to my last messageload to my last message load to my last message in rooms I don't participate/haven't participated just because ...
double-beep's user avatar
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Chat not scrolling to latest message any more and there are hundred of errors

This is the error I get in the console (Chrome 60 on a Mac): Whenever I go into chat it doesn't scroll to the bottom and any new messages I have to manually scroll. I tried refreshing multiple times ...
Naftali's user avatar
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How to handle inappropriate chat messages?

The chat FAQ says If you see an inappropriate, spam, or offensive chat message, please use the hover menu at the far right of each chat message to flag it. This will draw it to the attention of the ...
Abyx's user avatar
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