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Questions tagged [chat]

Chat is the real time, stateful web chat that's a part of every Stack Exchange site. Use this tag for questions concerning the chat functionality.

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46 votes
1 answer

The Documentation oneboxes don’t look good on mobile [closed]

Looks like a missing clear: see for yourself …then again, maybe it’s me. It’s still t o t a l l y legible, right?
Jed Fox's user avatar
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-17 votes
3 answers

Unclear borders between inappropriate content and perfect acceptable behavior in chat

I am a regular in Lounge C++ and I got temporarily suspended because of telling a user to get the fuck out because of their choice of compiler (link may not work, start of the incident here). Now, I ...
ChemiCalChems's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Individual chats for each Stack Overflow article

Of course, I'm aware of However, I think I read somewhere that Stack Overflow also had this feature to display a chat box on each article page. All visitors of the ...
Christian's user avatar
  • 3,361
25 votes
1 answer

My chat user profile links to Meta instead of the main site

So, this has been an on-again off-again oddity in chat. My profile, unlike others' profiles, links to meta as a base profile. As you can see from rene's, this is not normal. I've tried to change it ...
Compass's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to change ownership of a room?

I've got the following room , SQL room. Look like the owners haven't been there for some times. Some peeps I met there would like to put some improvements in it. We were thinking we would need to own ...
Andy K's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Is Chat part of Stack Overflow or the software that powers the SE network?

This Meta Question was happily closed (now reopened) with the reason: "This question does not appear to be about Stack Overflow or the software that powers the Stack Exchange network, within the ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.2k
2 votes
1 answer

Where can I find a good Drupal chat-room here on Stack Overflow?

Where can I find a good Drupal chat-room here on Stack Overflow? It should only concern Drupal 7 and Drupal 8.
Cooper Webdesign's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to insert a linebreak into a Stack Overflow chat?

Today, I encountered an issue while posting in the Stack Overflow chat for the first time. I wanted to insert a linebreak (new line), but sent my message instead, by pressing Enter. After deleting my ...
MayeulC's user avatar
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-33 votes
2 answers

Why have I need kicked several times and banned in chat for 24 hours?

I had a - what I think - respectful discussion about a problem in the Python language in the Python chat room. I have been told that I have not created an accurate code example to reproduce a problem ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 44.1k
3 votes
0 answers

Chat not opening in SO

The chat option hasn't been working for a lot of time. I am trying to go to the SO chat for a few months now, it isn't working yet. There is some problem. Fix required.
twodee's user avatar
  • 616
7 votes
0 answers

Explicit write access in chat

I know this has been requested in the past but I'm very confused as to whether it has been implemented or not: Explicit write access add a user Even when this room is read-only or their ...
SierraOscar's user avatar
  • 17.6k
2 votes
1 answer

Incorrectly receiving chat flags

I just got a pop-up about a comment being flagged as offensive. Weird thing is, I've never been in that room, and I'm therefore not an owner of the room. I'm also not a mod - was this a glitch?
SierraOscar's user avatar
  • 17.6k
7 votes
0 answers

Why was I suspended from SO chat for 24 hours? [duplicate]

your account has been temporarily suspended by a moderator and cannot chat for 23 hours 53 minutes. Can whoever suspended me provide some clarification regarding why this happened so I can learn and ...
enderland's user avatar
  • 14.1k
82 votes
1 answer

Why was I moderator-suspended from chat for 24 hours?

I was suddenly banned from Stack Overflow chat by a moderator for 24 hours and I'm not sure why... I don't think I said anything offensive recently in the three rooms I'm in. Could a moderator (...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
8 votes
1 answer

Documentation feeds [closed]

It would be nice if Documentation would have RSS feeds that we could consume in SE chatrooms. I for one, would definitely add a feed for requested vba topics in the VBA-dedicated chatroom I own.
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Why has the one on one chat option been removed?

If I am not wrong, the one on one chat option has been removed. Why did that happen? Please let me know if we still have this option. Second question: why can't we chat with new users on Stack ...
Amar Singh's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

User who was commenting to help clarify question has not followed chat invitation

I have asked a question and took a lot of time to make it a detailed and non-duplicate question. Our discussion in the comment section expanded, and I was prompted to move to the chat. I did it as ...
Vadzim Savenok's user avatar
28 votes
0 answers

Attempting to view bookmarked chat conversations causes a 500 error

Whenever I try to view a bookmarked chat conversation, like this one, the page sits loading for a while before eventually throwing a 500 error: The error only occurs on; it ...
NobodyNada's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Merge chat.SO into chat.SE

This has been in the back-burner long enough. There isn't any good reason other than historical that prevent this. I'm aware that this will remove some complexities on chat.SE, since the SO ...
Braiam's user avatar
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164 votes
23 answers

How can we support languages other than English in Stack Overflow's chat... And should we?

This old question has come up again, this time sparked by a heaping pile of flags in a room dedicated to Gujarati Android developers. But the question isn't new; two years ago, this was the lament: ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
-70 votes
5 answers

A cause for self moderation and query on the events of 20 May '16

Early this morning, a regular in the C# chat room posted a crude but inoffensive message wishing everyone a happy Friday. The message wasn't hostile to anyone, it was however flagged as offensive. Due ...
Sidney's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

Non-English discussions in Stack Overflow chat

This is a follow-up discussion on this recently raised question, specifically about Shog9's answer. This part in particular: If concerns are raised over the appropriateness of a room's conversation, ...
Magisch's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Can I save or export all starred messages of a (frozen) chat room?

Recently, one of the most helpful and active chat room named The Great Gujarati Android Developers Ever! has been frozen, because of this request on Meta. I don't mind, SO rules may be to talk in ...
Pratik Butani's user avatar
97 votes
1 answer

Users with short names (2 characters excluding spaces) can't be pinged by mentions in chat

Users such as T J cannot be mentioned in chat. Replies work :(TJ_message_id) reply, but simple mentions @TJ do not. There is no ping, hovering on the message has no effect when it should highlight ...
Kyll's user avatar
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45 votes
3 answers

How to handle non-English chat flags

This morning I saw a bunch of flags from The Great Gujarati Android Developers Ever ! chatroom: The only message I could really make heads or tails of was U r intelligent Girl yar. I m impressed ...
JAL's user avatar
  • 42.4k
40 votes
0 answers

Can Chat Stack Overflow have a different icon?

It's just a minor thing. So you know when you pin a tab in Firefox or Chrome, it removes the title from the tab, right? Or when you have so many tabs opened, it does requires time to distinguish ...
Daniel Cheung's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why do "retry" messages show up on wrong order for other users at chat?

When I send messages on the chat I usualy get some 'unsent' warnings: It does happens mainly because of my internet connection quality which is currently low (3g modem). It occurs more often when I ...
L777's user avatar
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11 votes
0 answers

Shortcut key for select @name

Is there a keyboard shortcut available to select @name from options? A shortcut will really be very helpful in a long conversation.
KDeogharkar's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Invalid "let us continue this discussion in chat" link? [duplicate]

See last comment on question at Nullptr and checking if a pointer points to a valid object. It's there but the pointed page has been deleted, shouldn't the link be automatically removed as well?
TWiStErRob's user avatar
  • 46.2k
17 votes
0 answers

Export starred messages

There is a way to export all the event of chat group, but can we have same thing for starred messages also? As we cannot copy single-single message if we have more number of starred message, we can ...
Ravi's user avatar
  • 35.4k
74 votes
4 answers

Chat room owner abuses powers - any recourse?

There is a room owner in the Python chat room who kicks members out of chat for fairly trivial reasons. The last one I witnessed was him kicking a member out for not using correct punctuation, a user ...
wim's user avatar
  • 357k
4 votes
1 answer

What does "starred" mean?

So there is the Talkative badge on Stack Overflow. It says: Post 10 messages, with 1 or more starred, in chat. What does starred even mean?
Alex Weitz's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

A Welcome Notification Bar gets displayed every time when opening chat

A Welcome Notification Bar gets displayed on the top every time I open chat, though I have opened it many times and I have 20 reputation also. It's quite annoying to see it again and again on the top. ...
zeeali's user avatar
  • 1,594
35 votes
1 answer

Why does a welcome pop up appear upon entering the chat room?

I am a chat room owner for two years, so I'm not quite new to chat. I just opened my browser and clicked on the tab on which I had opened my chat room. I get shown a welcome pop up, which shouldn't ...
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Create a chat room that has history from an existing solution [duplicate]

I often want to create a chat room to further discuss the issues surrounding an ordinary Stack Overflow solution that I have written I have no problem creating a chat room and offering its URL to the ...
Borodin's user avatar
  • 127k
1 vote
1 answer

Can we lower the minimum reputation points requirement for chat based on other factors?

Using these questions as a bench mark that people are wanting to talk to low rep users in chat: Allow inviting people with rep < 20 to private chat? Invite low rep users to participate in chat ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Make rejoin favorite chatrooms (optionally) automatic

There's already a button to rejoin favorite chat rooms in the chat UI. Please can there be an option to make that automatic. I.e. when I join any chat room I automatically join all my regular ones ...
Flexo - Save the data dump's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Chat login broken?

I, for some reason can't login to the SO chats, at all. The page that lists all the rooms show's me as logged of, but when I try to log in, the page just refreshes, hitting log in in the chat room, ...
Rando Hinn's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

No upload button for chat on mobile site

Many times I use SO chat from mobile website. Recently the site has been upgraded. Older version was not having the upload button but I was surprised that the newer version also doesn't have it! (at ...
Mangesh's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Chat room issue found?

Check the below snapshot. I refresh the page but still the same issue. Chat Room
M D's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Automatically ignore users in chat who have ignored me

In chat, it is incredibly infuriating to find out that somebody is ignoring you after you've answered their questions, not knowing they simply aren't seeing it. Please make it so that if you are ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
57 votes
0 answers

Stack Exchange logo not visible in chat

The one-box image of is transparent and not visible boldly unlike the one-box image. It looks clear only when you look close. Perhaps it needs the ...
Bhargav Rao's user avatar
  • 51.7k
9 votes
0 answers

Chat-room starred data >9 then it won't scroll up-down

In a chat room I recently got one issue as per the below image; When I got inside then it's showing starred only show top 1. I clicked then I got the below view: and I clicked again on starred ...
M D's user avatar
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-16 votes
1 answer

Let user know when other person is typing

In our chat, can we have a little spiral or something that lets you know when the person you are talking to is typing? It would make Chat a lot more efficient... Something like a message saying: ...
Ruchir Baronia's user avatar
34 votes
0 answers

Chat keeps telling me I need 20 reputation points to talk there

I asked a question a few days ago and another user and I got into discussion in the comments. We then transferred this communication to the chat, but it seems that it no longer exists. I assume that ...
Spontifixus's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

"Logout" of is not working?

Steps to re-produce this bug - Login to SO, navigate to chat Click on upper left Arrow Logout link System asks for confirmation - "Are you sure you want to logout?" After confirming the ...
Ved's user avatar
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-25 votes
1 answer

Sound clips in chat rooms

Would it be possible to enable the user to upload audio clips, and display the players as a 'onebox' in chatrooms? I was thinking of an audio clip 'onebox' looking like this:
edition's user avatar
  • 678
16 votes
2 answers

New chat room, Old ID.

This chat room was recently created (well, the info page says Jan 10) but has assumed the very low room number of 8. How did this happen? Was the 'created' date reset? Did the room get recycled? Was ...
rlemon's user avatar
  • 17.6k
60 votes
1 answer

Typo of highlit(sic) in Chat FAQ

tl;dr: The Chat FAQ uses the word "highlit" (sic) - this should be changed to "highlighted". Full question: On the FAQ for, it says (emphasis mine): To get ...
Wai Ha Lee's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to see all chat rooms that you have ever used?

I am looking for a way to quickly see all the chat rooms I've ever spoken in, without having to star each one to keep track of it. Is this something that is currently supported?
TARehman's user avatar
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