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45 votes
3 answers

Impale the [vlad]!

I've noticed that the tag vlad is used ambiguously in the following two cases: Vlad the deployer, an application deployment automation for Ruby/Rake? VLAD (vector of locally aggregated descriptors), ...
hbaderts's user avatar
  • 14.3k
31 votes
0 answers

Has anybody [interpreted] the purpose of this tag?

The interpreted tag has 33 questions and no wiki. It's a very ambiguous tag and the questions tagged with it vary greatly in topic. Questions include: Can you convert literal string to an ...
Aaron Christiansen's user avatar
107 votes
1 answer

Let's split the [atom]

I keep an eye on atom-editor daily. I noticed a while ago that it is very common for atom to be misused as a tag on these questions. The atom tag is for the Atom XML syndication format, where atom-...
Dan Lowe's user avatar
  • 56.2k
125 votes
1 answer

We no longer need to [hijack]

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted. A recent ...
Jamiec's user avatar
  • 136k
16 votes
1 answer

More angular tag madness: "angularjs-2.0"

I just noticed the existence of an angularjs-2.0 tag with 119 questions. This should be removed with extreme prejudice. Of course it should be angular. How do we do that again? (No, this is not a ...
user avatar
185 votes
1 answer

Watson wants to get rid of [ibm]

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted. Watson's AI ...
Floern's user avatar
  • 33.9k
15 votes
1 answer

Burnination request: [jquery-contents]

I stumbled over the jquery-contents tag in the review queue today. I don't see any reason why a specific function of the query framework would need to have its own tag. There are just 10 questions ...
BDL's user avatar
  • 22.1k
54 votes
1 answer

How much gadgetry does SO need in its tags?

I was reviewing (and rejecting) a proposed change to the question What's the "gadget vulnerability"? which added the tag windows-gadgets to the existing duo of windows-desktop-gadgets and gadget, and ...
Jonathan Leffler's user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

Can we bring the hammer down hard on [statistical-analysis-soft]?

This is a burninate request on the statistical-analysis-soft tag. This tag is vague. Software specific tags typically exist (eg, [r], [stata], [sas], [spss]) The more specific tags are what we want --...
lmo's user avatar
  • 38.5k
63 votes
3 answers

Now can we burninate the Angular4 tag?

Angular2 was discussed at length here, however I feel the discussion has moved on. When Angular2 was released, it was known as Angular2, so it made sense to have a tag reflecting that. As we know, ...
JJJCoder's user avatar
  • 16.9k
4 votes
1 answer

Burninate [andriod] misspelled [duplicate]

Seems to be a misspelling of android
Viktor Mellgren's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Should we start a transaction for burninating [transactional]?

transactional looks more a type-squatted tag than anything else. Should it be burninated? Or can it be made an alias for transactions automatically moving all ~600 questions tagged?
Your Common Sense's user avatar
236 votes
1 answer

The [amazon] tag has been burninated

The amazon tag keeps popping up. It currently has 3744 questions tagged. Why suggest to burninate? It is ambiguous -- is it referring to "Amazon Web Services (AWS)", or the " ...
John Rotenstein's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

Let's stop [language-identification]

This burninate request is based on this meta question. I really suggest you read it, to understand why this tag is off-topic. language-identification This tag can be used when the question contains ...
Mistalis's user avatar
  • 18.2k
46 votes
1 answer

Blacklist the [data] tag

The data tag was burninated once before. It was re-created yesterday and has since gained 27 new questions. Can we please burninate it again and blacklist it? March 8: It took two weeks to finally ...
Kara's user avatar
  • 6,206
17 votes
1 answer

Let's stop the [backlink]s

backlink (almost always used in conjunction with everyone's favorite tag seo) There's no on-topic usage for this. Backlinks are an SEO metric that search engines use to measure a site's popularity (...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.6k
19 votes
0 answers

This tag is literally [gibberish]

I had to laugh when I saw this tag: gibberish "Gibberish" or "gobbledygook" refer to speech or other uses of language (e.g, text) that is nonsense, or that appears to be nonsense. There are 42 ...
castletheperson's user avatar
35 votes
1 answer

What's the util(ity) of the [util] tag?

The util tag has 3 followers, 133 questions, no wiki, and no significant top users — most people have 1, one has 2, a couple have 3, no-one has more for the answerers; the top askers are all 1. The ...
Jonathan Leffler's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Request burnination of [toggleclass]

I just happened across the tag toggleclass in my daily perusing of JavaScript questions. The tag description indicates that it is used to mark the jQuery.toggleClass method. I believe this tag should ...
AmericanUmlaut's user avatar
44 votes
1 answer

Should we burninate or retag [edge]?

The edge tag (716 391 questions) "Edge detection in image progress etc. -- For the Microsoft Edge browser, use the microsoft-edge tag." is very similar to the edge-detection tag (537 questions) ...
HugoRune's user avatar
  • 13.7k
2 votes
1 answer

A surge to burninate [surge]

I came across the tag surge while reviewing triage questions. I came across a question, but not the normal type of questions on here - one to do with lazer eye surgery: There's only 3 questions in ...
The Codesee's user avatar
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61 votes
1 answer

Give [dual-boot] the boot

There are a handful of questions tagged dual-boot on Stack Overflow and all of these are about troubleshooting dual-boot or multi-boot configurations. None of these questions are on-topic on Stack ...
Govind Parmar's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Burninate request for tag: webshperemq [duplicate]

The tag webshperemq is a misspelling of the brand name "WebSphere". The product in question was WebSphere MQ and as of a recent IBM branding change is now called IBM MQ. We have a thriving community ...
T.Rob's user avatar
  • 31.8k
119 votes
2 answers

Useless [use] now used less

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted. Current ...
Justin Wood's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

One too many tags: maxtotalconnections? [closed]

Is there some point to having maxtotalconnections as a tag which I haven't seen? There are five questions tagged thusly, and none of them benefit from that tag. Later... OK, I've removed that tag ...
Andrew Morton's user avatar
87 votes
3 answers

Should we burninate [software-engineering]?

I stumbled across the software-engineering tag, and there are over 1,700 questions in it. Many of them are grossly off-topic for here, and I doubt that any that are eligible to migrate would make ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
5 votes
2 answers

Overload the [dynamically-loaded] tag

There were something like 10 questions tagged with dynamically-loaded. It is a tag without tag info and is not used very much. As I edited all the questions that used it, can we now delete this tag?
Mistalis's user avatar
  • 18.2k
83 votes
2 answers

Stop speaking this [language]

I think we should burninate language. Its tag description is practically a plea for removal: Don't use this tag. It is ambiguous, and too broad to be meaningful. There are currently 414 0 ...
MD XF's user avatar
  • 6,411
48 votes
0 answers

The Devil is in the [details]

For some reason there is a details tag which is being applied to everything from the HTML <details> element to getting details about a file. 148 questions No excerpt No wiki "Details" is a ...
j08691's user avatar
  • 208k
122 votes
5 answers

No more time for the flaming [arrow]!

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted. There are 465 ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
35 votes
1 answer

CSP tag is ambiguous

There are some 40 questions tagged with csp (a tag without any tag info or usage guidance). It is used, amongst other things, for Content Security Policy (there is already a tag content-security-...
Eike Pierstorff's user avatar
101 votes
3 answers

This tag has been [level]led

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted. Apparently: ...
abligh's user avatar
  • 25.1k
33 votes
0 answers

[mutual]ly assured destruction

The mutual tag (3 followers, 55 questions) should be burninated. Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous? It does, but it fails the ambiguity test....
Ken Y-N's user avatar
  • 15k
147 votes
2 answers

Does this tag have any [functionality]?

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted. Should the ...
Marco13's user avatar
  • 54.6k
11 votes
0 answers

Burninate, merge or retag [aws-sdk-v2]?

aws-sdk-v2 has 75 questions tagged and the following tag description: Questions pertaining to V2 of the AWS SDK But... v2 of which AWS SDK? There are 11 official AWS SDKs, and each of them are ...
Anthony Neace's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Burninate [delphi-berlin] [duplicate]

Correct name for this tag (a valid delphi version name) is delphi-10.1-berlin. I replaced all delphi-berlin tags (a handful or two) with delphi-10.1-berlin, so can we burninate this tag, please?
LU RD's user avatar
  • 34.9k
53 votes
2 answers

The [pc] tag description is not very PC

There is a two year old burninate request, but it seems the only outcome was to add this rather questionable tag description to pc: Anything about personal computers. A quick look shows that yes, ...
Ken Y-N's user avatar
  • 15k
6 votes
0 answers

Merge tags: [vuejs] [vue.js] [vuejs2] [vue2]

There are many duplicates tags on vue.js. Especially now v.2.0 is released (and very similar to v.1): vue.js vuejs vue2 vuejs2 I would suggest to keep only vue.js.
François Romain's user avatar
174 votes
1 answer

The end of [violation]

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted. This tag is such ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.6k
70 votes
2 answers

This burnination was perfectly [balance]d

As-of September 2016: Questions tagged with it: 91 questions 3 tag watchers no usage guidance As-of October 2020: 166 questions 12 tag watchers no usage guidance, but a tag wiki: balance is used ...
Łukasz Rogalski's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Time to stop using [webtools]

The webtools tag currently has 32 questions and 5 followers. I don't think it serves any purpose. So, time for the standard questions: Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is ...
CerebralFart's user avatar
  • 3,490
2 votes
1 answer

Delete [emr] - it's a duplicate of [amazon-emr]

Those are synonyms. I suggest to merge them. Leave amazon-emr and delete emr, as amazon-emr is easier to find.
piotrek's user avatar
  • 14.5k
310 votes
3 answers

I want my (overcooked) [Apple] pie!

Let’s remove apple once and for all! But first let’s blacklist it, so we can edit it without fighting against users putting it into their questions. (and remove the documentation proposal). Quoth ...
Jed Fox's user avatar
  • 3,025
4 votes
1 answer

Burninate [reservation] tag? This tag has 0 followers, the major users of this tag have <100 rep, most questions are either closed as off topic or have negative votes, ...
Isaac's user avatar
  • 11.8k
12 votes
1 answer

Burninate the `aspnet-core` tag

I have noticed 2 synonymous tags with a single dot being the difference This tag has proper usage guidance, and over 5000 questions related ...
svarog's user avatar
  • 9,791
5 votes
1 answer

Burn the [scripting-runtime] tag

The scripting-runtime tag has just five questions attached to it and not usage information to support it. I found it had application to potentially be used in VBA with filesystemobject, but its usage ...
Gary Evans's user avatar
  • 1,880
7 votes
1 answer

processingjs == processing.js

I'll just cut to the chase: The processingjs tag should be deleted, and the 3 questions in it should be retagged with the processing.js tag. I can just manually edit the tags to remove them, but then ...
Kevin Workman's user avatar
404 votes
5 answers

Should we burninate [godaddy]?

The outcome of this process hasn't been a complete burnination but instead a tag warning has been implemented by Shog9. That is final In Kill the [godaddy] tag with fire, we clearly agreed, that ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Burninate [slimframework]

The tag slimframework is a duplicate of slim, also its only used 10 times. So it should get replaced with slim and then removed.
jmattheis's user avatar
  • 11.1k
6 votes
1 answer

Please keep your [support-bintray-release] in the upright and locked position

The tag support-bintray-release doesn't make any sense, it has no description, it is not used, and generally what does it even mean? bintray tag is specific enough. I am with JFrog, the company ...
JBaruch's user avatar
  • 22.9k

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