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Tag edits no longer have quick wiki access

Recently behaviour has changed when editing tags on & after clicking 'edit' for the whole post or 'Edit tags' for just the tags. There is ...
philipxy's user avatar
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Tag popup text overflows due to URL addresses

I just noticed that for some tag popups, the inside text is flowing out. I think it's because the URL address can't be wrapped: It's happening on Windows 10 and Chrome browser Version 71.0.3578.98 (...
JCM's user avatar
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Overzealous stripping of tag excerpt in tag search

The tag excerpt for the stack-overflow tag is as follows: DO NOT USE THIS TAG TO REFER TO THE Stack Overflow website. If you have a question regarding the site, please go to http://meta....
Michał Perłakowski's user avatar
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Minor tag summary display bug

Here's the current tag summary for opalrb: Opal is a fast and very small (<40kB) Ruby-to-JavaScript compiler that can be run in any browser. On the tag info page, it displays correctly: ...
GoBusto's user avatar
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I edited a tag and it got approved, but is displaying incorrectly

I edited a tag and my change was approved, but, unfortunately, it's not displaying properly. The change consisted in adding a [tag:gradle] (which I thought would display the tag; however, this turned ...
carlspring's user avatar
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Why are some tag excerpts cut on the Tags page?

Go to the Tags page and look at the c# tag: Now look at its excerpt: Why is "C# is" cut on the first view?
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Link in a tag wiki summary not displayed as an actual link [duplicate]

On this page, you can see that the link in the excerpt is not an actual click-able link : it is displayed as a "regular" text, like the one you are reading right now. Here is a screenshot with the ...
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