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Should you be allowed to up vote your own posted documentation? [duplicate]

I am aware that you cannot up vote your own post, be it a question or an answer. But I just recently posted something in the documentation section for CodeIgniter on StackOverflow. I up voted my post ...
always-a-learner's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Can't track reputation drop [closed]

Today I've noticed a +400 rep drop, by searching in the rep section I can't track from where comes the drop, but I suspect that my contribution to this angular performance somehow does not count ...
ZEE's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Use special characters like | in markdown table dialects in Documentation [closed]

When creating Documentation, how are special characters like | treated in SO documentation, especially within tables? This does not get rendered properly, hence there there should be a way to escape ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
32 votes
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Did I just lose my hard-worked Newly Created Topic? [closed]

Edit: Can I now go and create the Topic with 3-4 examples and a Remarks section or it will be lost again? Edit-after-Answer: Thank you SO again, as promised here is the Partitions topic, awaiting ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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21 votes
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Proposed change leads to Oops! Something Bad Happened! [duplicate]

In the C++ Documentation there is this proposed change to user defined literals. When clicking on it, it brings you the Oops! Something Bad Happened! page. This has been like this for at least a ...
NathanOliver's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Why can't I commit to this documentation proposal? [closed]

castle-windsor Documentation Proposal Who can commit: Must have 150 reputation With at least 1 positively scored answer in castle-windsor I meet both the reputation requirement and the ...
Scott Hannen's user avatar
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How do I "select at least one draft to publish"? [closed]

I was working on some documentation and started a topic that a user had requested. I'd written up three examples and then submitted for review. Then, I realized that I wanted to add a bit more to ...
Joshua Taylor's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I get rid of the zombie topic I've just created? [closed]

There was a topic with a single example in a tag on documentation. I moved it to another topic. The move dialogue told me that this is going to delete the then empty topic. My edit got approved, the ...
null's user avatar
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