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Why some PluralsightIQ assessments does not show relevant tag [closed]

I have finish a few PluralsightIQ assessments and wanted to share that in my SO developer story. For express the tag was automatically added, and for angular there is no tag added. What is the reason ...
NeNaD's user avatar
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Can I combine two universities in the Stack Overflow developer story data source? [closed]

Right now there are two different universities that pop up when I enter my school's name. What is the source of this data? Is there any way I can merge them? Example with Eckerd College:
RayB's user avatar
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Error on reimporting GitHub repository to the developer story [closed]

I recently finished to add a new project into my GitHub account, called "Sender". I added it also successfully to my developer story tag. Then I found out that by mistake I uploaded the code ...
Or Assayag's user avatar
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Stack Overflow Jobs profile completed, but matches still on hold [closed]

I know this is an exact duplicate of Job matches are on hold - although everything is completed but I tried to contact support at with the right topic days ago and I ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Developer story won't let me add past Positions [duplicate]

I want to create a resume on Stack Overflow with past positions. But if I try to add a past position, the UI just gives me the possibility to add one position (my current position) to my developer ...
Stevan's user avatar
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Why this tag don't appear in developer history top X% [closed]

I was looking at the tag react-context and in the top user Shubham Khatri doesn't have that tag on top 1% on his developer history. I also looked at other developer history and looks like nobody ...
Vencovsky's user avatar
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Why don't PluralSight IQ scores show up to employers on Stack Overflow? [closed]

This Pluralsight IQ thing doesn't show up on the developer story being sent to employers in my case. I tried downloading a version of the one sent to the employer and nothing regards the Pluralsight ...
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Company selection behaves unexpectedly [duplicate]

I am trying to add this company ( in which I am currently employed in my developer story, however whenever I write the company name, it does not ...
GiamPy's user avatar
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Joined Stack Overflow. Twice! [closed]

Browsing the site, I came across this Developer Story: I'm not sure what to make out of those two join dates. The only explanation I have is, that this is what an account looks like, once it got ...
IInspectable's user avatar
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Company/Organization image not showing [closed]

When I edit my developer story and select company, it shows the company image But just after the save it disappears
Pradeep Singh's user avatar
48 votes
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Method to prevent opening in Developer Story [closed]

I have chosen not to provide a great deal of information about myself in my profile and I have selected, not interested in Jobs. However, Stack Overflow seems determined to gain information about me. ...
Rolf of Saxony's user avatar
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Developer story bug - 'save as pdf' no email shown [closed]

When I save the developer story as a PDF, there is no email in the top right like there used to be. I checked my preferences page and anywhere else I could think of to input an email and made sure ...
Wes's user avatar
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Job matches are on hold - although everything is completed [closed]

Note: this question may seem similar to this one and this one On my developer story I am seeing this: On the two other questions I've linked to, this error message is showing because the user hasn't ...
Luka Kerr's user avatar
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Developer Story warning won't go away [closed]

A warning badge keeps showing on my "Developer Story" tab that states: "You are open, but not actively looking for a job. We need more information before sending you matches." When I click either the ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Cannot remove duplicate GitHub repo from Developer Story [closed]

I tried to add GitHub repo to a Developer Story but it did not appear in Story View. The start date and end date were both November 2016, and it should have appeared on top. Screenshot: Then I tried ...
Yaroslav Mytkalyk's user avatar
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Public Developer's Story 404 [closed]

I setup my developer's story and made it public but when I try to open it using an "incognito" browser to simulate someone other than me or someone who is not logged in to view it I get a 404 error. ...
TJB's user avatar
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