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2 votes
1 answer

Is the "new activity on a starred question highlighting" missing, poorly visible or removed?

I'm fairly certain that if there was new activity on a question I favorited/starred (as denoted by the blue "1"), when I clicked the favorites tab, any of those with new activity would be highlighted. ...
James Webster's user avatar
51 votes
1 answer

Can we increase the contrast on the top users score values

Apologies if this question has already been asked or discussed, I personally am not too bothered by most of the changes but agree that they could be improved but this one got me. If you view the Top ...
EdChum's user avatar
  • 393k
2 votes
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Small Design Disliking

this is not another hate post (I personally, kinda like the new design...) I've just noticed a very minor error (possibly?), when deleting my post this blue-on-red background was present, it was kind ...
user avatar
-4 votes
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How long before I get the Werewolf Hunter hat?

The Werewolf Hunter Hat: earn a silver badge I got the epic badge more than 24 hours ago and I still have not got the hat. Timeline below: 2014-12-26 23:41:39Z Got a +1 that pushed me past the ...
Salman Arshad's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

No hats on meta?

I am unwontedly pretty, on account of my stylish new hat collection, everywhere except meta sites. Is this intentional? Is meta just tooooo serious for such trivialities? (tentatively tagging as a ...
chiastic-security's user avatar
32 votes
1 answer

Why number of Suggested Edits showing different?

I have clicked on the button given in the title bar for giving review for suggested edit. but, I could not see any pending review for suggested edit in ...
Shell's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How can an answer posted by a 3.5k rep user get used as an Audit in the "First-Post" review queue?

I know that the automatic system can make some weird choices on audits.. But taking a post made by a 3.5k rep poster as a First-Post audit is a little bit off the track.. This screenshot was taken ...
Sifu's user avatar
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