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120 votes
3 answers

"Page not found" is a bit of a mess

I came across a Page Not Found and realised how much of a mess it is: Annotated image for people who like images Words for search engines who don't First off "Page Not Found" implies that ...
4 votes
0 answers

Flagging comment design/UI bug?

was just about to flag a comment with the "other" field and the textarea seems to come up like this. Full Image Notice how it expands all the way to the right? Tested on: Chrome Version: 40.0....
2 votes
1 answer

Small Design Disliking

this is not another hate post (I personally, kinda like the new design...) I've just noticed a very minor error (possibly?), when deleting my post this blue-on-red background was present, it was kind ...
-4 votes
1 answer

How long before I get the Werewolf Hunter hat?

The Werewolf Hunter Hat: earn a silver badge I got the epic badge more than 24 hours ago and I still have not got the hat. Timeline below: 2014-12-26 23:41:39Z Got a +1 that pushed me past the ...
27 votes
4 answers

No hats on meta?

I am unwontedly pretty, on account of my stylish new hat collection, everywhere except meta sites. Is this intentional? Is meta just tooooo serious for such trivialities? (tentatively tagging as a ...
32 votes
1 answer

Why number of Suggested Edits showing different?

I have clicked on the button given in the title bar for giving review for suggested edit. but, I could not see any pending review for suggested edit in ...
19 votes
2 answers

How can an answer posted by a 3.5k rep user get used as an Audit in the "First-Post" review queue?

I know that the automatic system can make some weird choices on audits.. But taking a post made by a 3.5k rep poster as a First-Post audit is a little bit off the track.. This screenshot was taken ...