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Should my answer to a bad question have been downvoted? [duplicate]

A recent answer I posted provides precisely what the OP was looking for and yet it has been downvoted, which I do not fully understand. I reckon the question shows a clear lack of research and ...
niko's user avatar
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Was I wrong to answer question which showed no research effort? [duplicate]

Today I came across this question which already had a downvote and a comment from a high-rep user prompting the asker to explain what they'd already tried and what exactly they were stuck on (a ...
3N1GM4's user avatar
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If a question is badly asked, does answering it mean I am "encouraging" the one who asked to make crap posts? [duplicate]

So if a question is crap, does this mean that I shouldn't answer the question because I'll be "encouraging" the asker? I mean, if I understood the question, it doesn't mean that no one will understand ...
Ali Bdeir's user avatar
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Stance on answering "bad" questions [duplicate]

Just a few minutes ago, I came across (and flagged as off-topic) this question, asked by someone who joined just before posting. The thing is, it got an answer, which made me wonder what the official ...
Nic's user avatar
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