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-26 votes
1 answer

Why did Stack Overflow not maintain its own DNS services?

I am reading up on DNS and came across an article in which it's mentioned that Stack Overflow chose to go with 3rd party services because of maintenance complexity (paraphrasing). I find it hard to ...
Vishal's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

What kind of Access Control is used on Stack Overflow?

Recently I have done some research about different Access Control models and policies. My accent was on Role-Based Access Control, and one of the main disadvantages of it is that it is not dynamic (...
Ana Svitlica's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Helpful directions when closing questions

This question, How to implement multi-tenant billing in Azure? seems like a reasonable one for Stack Overflow to me, it's asking for architectural insight. But I'm not familiar with the nuances of a ...
Irwin's user avatar
  • 12.8k
4 votes
1 answer

Database versioning system used by Stack Overflow

I know Stack Overflow is in the .NET stack and as a micro ORM they use their own Dapper project. What about database versioning/migrations system? Which system is used by the Stack Overflow team?
Serg046's user avatar
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-14 votes
1 answer

How does Stack Overflow generate the user id?

How does stack overflow generate user ids? Judging by the number of digits in ids, it seems they have more than a million users. How do they handle id collisions?
Bob Krypt's user avatar
-10 votes
3 answers

Why are deleted answers containing hate/obscenity still accessible/viewable?

I feel that this question can't be answered by anyone other than a core member of Stack Overflow who has worked in or has taken part in the architecture's creation and is being misinterpreted/...
Funk Forty Niner's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow Version Control System used for Questions and Answers

What is the Version Control System that Stack Overflow uses for managing revisions of questions and answers, and is there information on the architecture employed? I had come across a post on MSE ...
xnakos's user avatar
  • 10.2k
39 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow index page points to videos

It was expected to see an error page when index.html was appended to But when I change the URL to, it is redirecting to YouTube Why ...
Tharif's user avatar
  • 13.9k
6 votes
0 answers

Reason for including

What is the reason for SO/SE to include data from and Are there any downsides for me or SO/SE having NoScript and uBlock blocking them? The ...
ikaerom's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How redis is used in Stack Overflow?

My curiosity dragged me to find what is the stack, that Stack Overflow is based on, caching in particular. And the site here , gave description of how things are build up. But this gives the ...
Abhiram mishra's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How does Stack Overflow maintain the number of views per post?

I have been an active user on Stack Overflow for the last two years and I really like the way it is designed. For the last few days I have been thinking about the design behind maintaining the number ...
Bhargav Kumar R's user avatar