Questions tagged [answers]

This tag is for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.

127 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is it ok to copy/paste myself?

This question has been asked few weeks ago. No upvote for the question, nor any feedback from the OP even my own answer (IMO) answers to OP's question. Today, this similar question has been asked. ...
Auzias's user avatar
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Move answer to related question

I have search questions but I did not found any related with this. Is it possible to move valid answer to another question which is asking for same help. I found that there are lots extra ordinary ...
Mehul Patel's user avatar
  • 22.9k
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Is giving sometimes funny answer in good or bad tone?

I wonder if adding a little bit of humor to Stack Overflow answers will be good or bad. For the serious, let's say - mainstream - part of questions, probably not. But there are sometimes questions so ...
Konrad Kokosa's user avatar
5 votes
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Answer not being posted and captcha error

I've been trying to submit an answer for the question: Can't assign Value to php date Box However, the answer is not submitting. When I try to browse the page as an anonymous user from another ...
Joshua Kissoon's user avatar
4 votes
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Deleted questions affect the rules of downvoting on answers?

Recently I Downvoted on answer because I found that is not an answer (that is comment) & I flagged that answer as Not an answer By default, I lost my 1 reputation due to Downvote on answer After ...
Ritesh Khandekar's user avatar
4 votes
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How to handle users spreading lots of code across multiple answers

When I was reviewing I came across this review. When looking a bit further I saw that this user had been posting a lot of code and images spread across multiple answers. Not only on this question but ...
André Kool's user avatar
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What are the criteria for low-quality automatic answer bans on meta sites?

Related: Does the same mechanism for an automatic question ban apply on MSO? Is negative rep on Meta taken into Consideration for a Question ban Downvotes on Meta are confusing: do they *really* ...
Tetsuya Yamamoto's user avatar
4 votes
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Can we clean up answers on the question about passing data from PHP to JavaScript?

The question How to pass variables and data from PHP to JavaScript? currently has 15 answer, of which most either repeat what's already in other answers, or provide very poor solutions, which don't ...
Michał Perłakowski's user avatar
4 votes
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Accept your answer to somebody else's question where you opened a bounty

I recently found a question that was very relevant to a problem I was facing. Since it had no answer, I opened a bounty. I dug into the problem myself and found the answer. Since I didn't write the ...
Ricky Robinson's user avatar
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Should we point out unrelated possible improvements to the question, in our answer?

Imagine there is a question, with code in it, asks for a specific problem. Besides, its code is in bad practice. For example: if (obj.exist()) { return true; } else { return false; } while ...
zhm's user avatar
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Why does the downvote privilege page contradict the tooltip?

It was brought to my attention earlier today due to an answer being posted (in which the question was a typographical error) that the downvote privilege page almost contradicted the tooltip shown for ...
Andrew Li's user avatar
  • 57.1k
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If a correct answer to a question is edited, should / does the questioner get informed?

So a question has various answers and the question asker marks the best one for their situation as correct, we all know how that work and it's pretty basic. My question is this: If a question ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 22.4k
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Should I repeat other answers to form a complete one?

If a question has multiple solutions and someone has already provided one solution. Should I include that solution in my answer in an attempt to create one complete answer? Or is it better to just ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 10.9k
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Is it ok to expand the answer to side related topics that might be useful?

In this question the user asks how to obtain a Visual Studio 2013 trial ISO. I answered him how to exactly achieve that. But given the context I thought it might be useful to give him more options, ...
Oscar Foley's user avatar
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Lucky tag scores

While I agree that quality is more important than quantity, there is an element of a lucky answer which attracts a high number of votes, possibly as it gets a high rank on a search engine. For ...
Peter Lawrey's user avatar
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Question with incorrect tags and answers for those tags

How can I convert ticks to a date format? is tagged with c# sql-server sql-server-2005 while the code provided in the question is SQL. The accepted answer is also SQL, but the other answers ...
user247702's user avatar
4 votes
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Solutions added to existing answers

I was kinda surprised by this 'Community' edit: By now, I've learned that it was actually an anonymous edit that was accepted by the Community, but ...
GolezTrol's user avatar
  • 115k
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Syntax for functions documentation

I often see people (myself included) linking to a JavaScript function documentation with the format Object#function. Example: String#split Is there a reason why we use #? I've grown used to it, ...
Zenoo's user avatar
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Deleted answers are listed in the order they were posted - can this be changed?

Oftentimes I notice that the count of answers that I've written reduces (even though I did not explicitly delete any of my answers). Certainly, this happens when a question is deleted, but if the ...
cs95's user avatar
  • 392k
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In need of help regarding a down-voted accepted answer

Before I ask my question, I would just like to say that I know that similar questions have been asked here before, but none of them can give me an answer regarding my specific situation. I answered ...
BFG's user avatar
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question about standards/conventions: occasional observation adequate for an answer?

I would like some guidance regarding a heated comments exchange over an answer I downvoted on SO. original question about file naming: Are there any standard or guide to follow to know when to use [...
333kenshin's user avatar
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What's the best way to share a crucial missing detail in an answer?

I recently ran into a coding problem that took me over an hour of googling and reading through docs to figure out. When I search for this particular error, I keep coming to the same SO thread with ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
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Edited an existing answer, yet it posted a new answer

I wrote an answer to a question which had a slight flaw in the logic. I clicked the edit button below the answer to amend it. The answer was replaced by the usual editor, pre-populated with my answer ...
Rory McCrossan's user avatar
3 votes
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Do well accepted questions lifts out answer ban?

I am currently in an answer ban, yes it sucks, maybe because I'm a newbie, but the reason I got poorly received answers is that my answers were not voted up nor voted down. This happens because the ...
Freak's user avatar
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Should we do something about the answers to "Remove Server Response Header IIS7"?

Remove Server Response Header IIS7 is a popular question that deals with a security topic. It has a number of answers with a different approach, but according to the comments, some of these answers ...
user247702's user avatar
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Answering a question with other problems

This question is similar to this one regarding SQL injection. Assuming somebody posts a question (like this one) saying "What's wrong with my query?" and the answer is syntax related, or something of ...
scrowler's user avatar
  • 24.4k
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Should this answer be flagged?

Should this answer be flagged? It showed up in the Suggested Edits queue, and I wasn't sure how to handle it. It starts out with a question for the OP, then suggests a possible reason, implying that ...
user avatar
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Could we display tag badges against users answers if they have any?

As a bit of extra information for people asking questions and future viewers, could we show any tag badges (question specific) that answering users may have against their answers? I'm aware ...
Tanner's user avatar
  • 22.5k
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Flag disputed on "I'm having this problem too" Answer

I recently found this question about integrating the MapBox API into a iOS Swift project. I flagged this answer as NAA because it does not really attempt to answer the question, and is mostly an "I'm ...
JAL's user avatar
  • 42.1k
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Getting a notification when a question that's not yours is answered

Stack Overflow should be enhanced with a "Need Answer" functionality. A user could mark a question that's not his, and then a notification will be generated when a new answer arrives for that question....
Kushal's user avatar
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Auto Award bounty to already auto awarded answer?

I already got auto awarded for an answer. The questioner wanted more information so he commented and declared another bounty. I replied my answer as comment to that question and not edited my answer....
Durai Amuthan.H's user avatar
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Referring to another answer

I recently found this answer in a first post review queue. I wasn't sure how to review this answer, so I skipped it. Basically, the answer referred to another answer (on the same question), and ...
ryanyuyu's user avatar
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How can I improve that kind of answers?

Here is a question which can be easily answered with little research. Q: How to include a Double Variable in a String Variable in Java? Answers just give the solution. A: Joiner's "You can use". ...
user avatar
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How can I improve the quality of my answer?

I recently answered this. The question the poster asked was : How do I use HTML to make [a bulleted text] another color for certain web pages? Reading the question made it pretty obvious that the ...
Sifu's user avatar
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How should one handle controversial answers which already sparked a discussion in the comments?

While this answer actually answers the question, it does so by ranting about function with no arguments first. That lead to a stream of comments, and a handful of downvotes. The fact that the original ...
Zeta's user avatar
  • 105k
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Is it ok to post draft answers and make extensive edits?

I'm only referring to my own answer, here. My answer here looks like a lot more editing than I really did, and some of my changes aren't visible. I think part of the reason is I moved the paragraphs ...
David Wilkins's user avatar
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Notification for answers of closed questions as animation to edit the question

Similar to Warn answerers on close candidates I think that answering bad questions isn't really helping the site. While that feature-request is mostly about warning users that are about to answer (and ...
PlasmaHH's user avatar
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Why doesn't answering or editing community wiki answers raise the question up like normal questions?

I answered a community wiki question for the first time and I didn't see it when I return to the stackoverflow homepage. Why is that? In that case how can people see the new answers in it? Also, if I ...
phuclv's user avatar
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Best approach to providing book recommendations to augment an answer

I often read a question, to which a part of my answer could easily be simply put... Read a book. To be a little more helpful, I have begun suggesting a couple of titles that helped me enormously ...
andrewbuilder's user avatar
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Aren't we supposed to get rid of answers that address a comment rather than the original question?

Today I found an answer that answers a follow-up question made by the OP in a comment under the question. According to this discussion, it seems the community consensus is that this type of answers ...
Tomerikoo's user avatar
  • 18.9k
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Should I keep or delete my own question (solution found) with no answers yet?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Two javascript snippets using websockets were expected to be similar in behavior but they aren't A few hours after posting the question above, I had an ...
alfo_1205's user avatar
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Got a good answer before realizing question is a duplicate

I asked a question. Then, after doing some research, found that it was actually a duplicate. I've handled the duplication, flagging my question as a duplicate myself. However, in the meantime, I got ...
CAFEBABE's user avatar
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Answering by uploading a Jupyter notebook/Download as notebook

A quick story: Today I found myself trying out some Python code from StackĀ Overflow straight into Colab (Google Jupyter), making a new code cell for every code block. At some point I thought, why not ...
Cesar's user avatar
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How to handle an answer that answers the question, but doesn't involve programming?

In the Late Answers review queue, I came across an answer to this self-answered question about how to write a batch file to perform a particular task. The new answer, instead, suggested using an app ...
John Montgomery's user avatar
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When is the "Your Answer" popup above the answer box shown?

I was thinking about alternatives to the feature request proposed here and started thinking about a placeholder text-based solution (once proposed here). While tooling around while logged out from ...
Radiodef's user avatar
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Using others answer as an edit in my answer

Related question: Oracle SQL - Get records with latest date on non-unique data In this question dbajtr posted an answer before me that was wrong - as mentioned by OP in comments -, After that I posted ...
shA.t's user avatar
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Why aren't answers of equal score displayed chronologically?

I would have expected answers of equal score on a question to be displayed in the order they were posted. This makes sense especially on questions where multiple users reply within a relatively ...
tao's user avatar
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Is it worth answering question if someone provides a link for a good documentation?

Several times I was thinking whether I should answer a question like the Some information about ,,addrinfo" in c?. The question is well formed and I know the answer. There is already a comment ...
Zaboj Campula's user avatar
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Review audit flaw for updated answer!

This is the message you got when SE says that you fail the audit This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass. I have carefully looked the answer and I found ...
T D Nguyen's user avatar
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Good answer with a link to company website

Saw this answer. It's a lengthy, descriptive and good answer. The anonymous answerer has left a signature-kind of line at the end of Summary: For additional assistance, please do not hesitate to ...
Keshava GN's user avatar
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