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Questions tagged [advertising]

For discussion about the explicitly commercial advertising that appears on this site (if any), as well as the Community Promotion Ads which are voted on by users of each site.

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25 votes
0 answers

Beta test for short survey in banner ad slots starting on June 10th on SO

[EDIT: This beta previously ran from December 4th to January 13th. It is being run again from June 10th to July 10th to validate initial data results. ] TL;DR: Starting on June 10th, we will be ...
22 votes
1 answer
413 views causes mixed content error on main site [closed]

It looks like there is an asset loaded from that is breaking the HTTPS configuration, causing the site to be flagged with the mixed content warning (hence downgraded to insecure). ...
3 votes
1 answer

Advertisement banner not responsive [closed]

A while ago I opted in to see more ads to test some new feature that was released. Today thus fired back at me. I was browsing a question in responsive mode in my phone and this obscenity landed on my ...
8 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow Jobs widget showing jobs in different city [closed]

The Stack Overflow Jobs widget is showing jobs in a different city (Sydney) to the one I'm staying in (Melbourne). I've checked that my profile information lists that I'm in Melbourne and even that ...
16 votes
1 answer

Use location mentioned in profile for job adverts [closed]

I'd like this feature to be present so the job ads that come up in SO are actually relevant to me and not just wasting my screen space. It's great that SO jobs uses the IP address to provide jobs in ...
9 votes
1 answer

Way to change location for SO Careers ads (sidebar)?

I use a VPN sometimes, and so the sidebar ads I see for SO Careers job postings are all for jobs in and around the location where the VPN is hosted, rather than my actual current location. Is there ...
150 votes
2 answers

Bring some sanity to job titles by forbidding all-caps (and possibly emojis) [closed]

There is a job currently posted on Stack Overflow Jobs. Its title is in ALL CAPS. That makes it ugly and difficult to read. Is there a way to restrict that, so that the entire job title cannot ...
2 votes
0 answers

Disturbing ad with black circles and crosses [duplicate]

This ad has been showing a lot in the ads column to the right: It's massive, ugly and disturbing with its crosses in circles. I have tried using the "report this ad" link but nothing has ...
15 votes
0 answers

Massive images in job ad sidepanel

A few times now, I've seen images in the side panel that look like they're probably larger than intended: I think the "X" button is meant to be small? And the profile image above it seems ...
110 votes
3 answers

Why is SO running a promoted tweet with scaremongering Wikipedia misinformation?

The following "promoted" tweet has shown up repeatedly in my Twitter timeline as an advertisement for the SO podcast. Link The claim it makes—that a photo is taken of anyone who edits ...
38 votes
1 answer

Bright, red, aggressive color ads in Stack Overflow

This is related to the question Make the 'Check out these companies' sidebar have less aggressive colors in dark mode Stack Overflow seems to have been recently inundated by advertisements ...
39 votes
1 answer

Please don't show Collectives surveys to people who aren't in Collectives

I just got a "How are we doing? Help us improve Twilio" banner survey notification when I visited a twilio question: Separating User Speech from Chatbot Speech in Real-Time Audio Streams ...
40 votes
0 answers

Why do I get a banner "How are we doing? Please help us improve AWS. Take our short survey"?

I just got a new banner on Stack Overflow: The survey starts with: Thank you for helping us understand your experience with AWS. Sharing your feedback about AWS will help them to make future ...
-103 votes
9 answers

Testing native, sponsored banner ads on Stack Overflow (updated August 14)

UPDATE: We have concluded our tests of the native banner ads on Stack Overflow on July 20th, 2023. With your feedback on this post and the ads’ performance metrics, we have gathered sufficient ...
5 votes
2 answers

Could linking to search results on my page in an answer be considered as spam/self or product promoting?

For example in my related answers I'd like to link to my Vite or Vue answers like: The problem is that Vite/Vue community support is bad and I ...
-72 votes
12 answers

We’re bringing advertisements for technology courses to Stack Overflow

UPDATE: We have concluded this pilot study, and will discontinue serving advertisements for technology courses on Stack Overflow starting May 31st, 2023. With your feedback on this post and the ads' ...
28 votes
3 answers

Stack Overflow is adding a 1st party targeting cookie

We have created a new 1st party targeting cookie, “prov_tgt”. This cookie collects the information we will use to serve targeted course advertisements. You can find this new cookie in the list of ...
33 votes
0 answers

Despite claims to the contrary, course recommendations are not curated based on my interests or relevant to the question

Stack Overflow is currently serving advertisements for technology courses in the sidebar. On this question, I see the following ad in the sidebar: In other words, on a question tagged c++ and winapi (...
10 votes
0 answers

The "Report ad" functionality doesn't work; the URL it attempts to post to results in a 500 error

I'm trying to report an ad (for reasons that are not relevant here). I open the "Report Ad" dialog, fill in the information required, including a screenshot of the ad itself, but the attempt ...
19 votes
1 answer

Dismissed jobs in "Looking for a job" still show up in search results [closed]

When I dismiss a job in the looking for a job advertisement why does it still show up in job search? It seems as though the two functions are not equal and are separate in terms of how this all works....
38 votes
1 answer

Can SO put "Paid Advertisement" or similar headers on blog posts that are written as extended advertisements?

"Blog" posts like are actually just extended long-form advertisements. Can this be disclosed at the beginning of ...
13 votes
1 answer

Follow Follow Follow Follow

I just got this ad while using the Brave browser: The buttons work: Otherwise, nothing else happens (the ad doesn't open another page). It's not scrollable either. What is this an ad for? Is this a ...
3 votes
0 answers

Make the 'Check out these companies' sidebar have less aggressive colors in dark mode

I use Stack Overflow in dark mode. It helps me concentrate and I found it more pleasant than the bright mode. In general the menus and sidebars are well integrated in terms of colors, however recently ...
-132 votes
4 answers

The Future of our Jobs Ad slots [closed]

Over the course of the next few weeks, you may see some changes to the content in the right-sidebar on Stack Overflow, and I am here to let you know what to expect. For background, as you probably ...
68 votes
1 answer

“Report this ad” does not rotate ads (Or: Can we have ads that don't have faces staring back at us?)

Lately, I've been seeing this ad for Azure (...even though I'm already an Azure customer): It's unsettling when faces on my screen stare right back at me. So I clicked the “Report this ad” link and ...
66 votes
2 answers

Anyone else annoyed by this advertisement?

There's one advertisement that frequently appears in the right margin of Stack Overflow pages, that I find annoying and distracting. Does anyone else feel the same way? The advertisement in question ...
31 votes
0 answers

Should ads on Stack Overflow be accessible?

I saw the following ad on Stack Overflow (English version, but it is targeted to my language). On the left side is the alt attribute, which roughly translates to: You receive money from foreign ...
127 votes
7 answers

Why do I see this annoying Teams banner?

I hit F5 just now and saw this on top of my page: Was it added just now, or is it something weird that happens? How can registered users opt-out (forever) from all future Teams ads, including banners,...
7 votes
1 answer

Send feedback button disappear when reporting ad

When I try to report an ad in Stack Overflow, this popup comes up to report it. But after I attach an image and select Other, the Send Feedback button disappears from the screen. The main issue is, ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can we get rid of Stack Overflow for Teams advertising forever?

I'm asking the question that wasn't answered in this question - how can we get rid of all future banners, popups, links, ads, etc. for Stack Overflow for Teams (SOFT)? A few occasional ads are fine, ...
-8 votes
2 answers

Why is Stack Overflow not using Adverts services like Google Adsense

Why SE not using advert services like google adsense, and selling ad space instead. Is that more profits? It can use them along with ad space selling itself even(at least until it get customers for ...
5 votes
1 answer

Why does the main site keep showing me "empty" ads?

The "main" site keeps showing me "empty" ads, like this: Why is this? Is this a defect, or is there simply no ad to show me? If there's no ad, why show me an empty box?
17 votes
1 answer

Blazor tag has incorrect icon

The blazor tag which is for blazor has an incorrect icon. The correct icon for Blazor is I feel that we have been though this previously (here), that someone shouldn't be able to pay for an icon on ...
2 votes
0 answers

Advertisement when clicked loaded stackoverflow in a frame [duplicate]

Today I was browsing Stack Overflow, and there was an ad for a world-building site. When clicked, it loaded Stack Overflow in a frame.
5 votes
0 answers

Mixed content due to ads

There is mixed (https and http) content appearing occasionally to me. It seems to appear at the same time, but maybe not always as it couldn't catch it again a couple of days ago when I first noticed ...
2 votes
0 answers

Side ad link opens in the wrong place [duplicate]

Not always, but sometimes I see ads on the right that point to other SE sites with hot questions and similar. The problem is that when I try to open such link, it opens it in the space of the ad, the ...
11 votes
0 answers

Texts in Ads is not so readable in Dark Mode

I saw the below Ad today, apparently the benefits in the ads is not readable. Is this bug is happening because of I am using Dark mode or the Ad is just like that ? I think this is not providing a ...
3 votes
0 answers

Empty space for ads between “Questions tagged” title and the description of the tag

In Google Chrome, I always see an empty space between the title of “Questions tagged” and the description of the tag, an you can see it here: and here: I think this space is reserved for ads. Is ...
14 votes
1 answer

One of the Open Source Community Promotion Ads is not displaying properly

This page displays the currently eligible Open Source Community Promotion Ads. Note that the image for the 9th ad (bottom-right corner) is not being properly displayed. Looking at that page's HTML ...
5 votes
2 answers

How many display ads are there supposed to be on each page?

It's my understanding that there are at least 2 display ads on each question page, as is shown here. But I have seen question pages with 1 display ad only. Other than the one on top, there is no other ...
1 vote
0 answers

Page cannot be redirected when clicking on advertisment [duplicate]

I saw an ad with title: Can I move MSSQL backup files on a running database? while viewing question on the main site. But when I clicked on it, something looked like: Client (me) made a request to ...
23 votes
1 answer

SendGrid logo attached to email, mail, gmail type tags

It seams that a large number of tags have been infected with the send grid logo. it appears to be mostly related to email, mail, gmail type tags. I am not sure if this is related to Excel tag ...
36 votes
1 answer

Is Stack Overflow advocating nice weather? [duplicate]

I just saw the following ad in the sidebar: What exactly is this an ad for? Is it just me, or is there some information missing here? When I inspect the frame, all I see is code like: <script ...
38 votes
0 answers

Azure ad is intercepting touch events and opening itself

It's nearly impossible to scroll past this Azure ad on my phone, because it apparently intercepts touch events and then opens itself as soon as my finger is lifted. My browser history tends to look ...
17 votes
1 answer

Advertisement redirects to a Staff user profile

There is an advertisement in the Stack Overflow side bar ("Opportunity doesn't knock twice"), when clicking on that it redirects to a Stack Exchange Staff user profile. It seems a bug to me, or the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Animated external ad appearing: 2019 edition

Just noticed an AWS/Verizon ad which was animated on the Stack Overflow homepage. I am assuming the ad policy hasn’t changed and this is just the 2019 version of this similar 2018 issue. I captured a ...
43 votes
2 answers

Does every Stack Overflow question really save 90 minutes of developer time?

I recently saw the following Stack Overflow for Teams advertisement while using the site in desktop mode: Can someone make public the research behind what led to this statistic? For example, if the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is "partner content" on the SO blog supposed to have a special tag?

I just read the "Einstein Analytics and Go" article, on Stack Overflow blog. The disclaimer indicates content from partners will be indicated "with tags", yet the tags just below this disclaimer text ...
108 votes
2 answers

Are animated ads on SO questions accepted?

I thought from this question that animated ads were not acceptable, but, at least on a question-specific page, I'm still seeing one from IBM and Red Hat -- the same one I mentioned in a comment on ...
15 votes
1 answer

The Daimler advert is way more than 300px wide and overflows out of the side bar

Every other advert is 300px wide and fits nicely in the side bar, e.g.: The image used in the Daimler advert is 728px wide: This causes it to overflow out of the side bar, necessitating a ...

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