Questions tagged [accepted-answer]

The accepted answer is the answer the question owner thought best met their needs. This tag is for discussing issues related to accepted answers, not indicating that a question has an accepted answer.

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9 votes
1 answer

What should be done when questioner asks for answers irrelevant to original question in comments?

I have seen an issue where the questioner asks about a problem, when the solution is given (even as accepted answer), the questioner asks for further help in comments, like he/she wants more features ...
ruddra's user avatar
  • 51.4k
3 votes
0 answers

When some one asks a question that is duplicate or has answer on another question, accept answer?

When someone asks a question that is exactly duplicate or has answer to the question on some other question then rather than just upvote, shouldn't there be privilege to accept the answer as the ...
Neji's user avatar
  • 6,699
68 votes
3 answers

Deemphasise the accept mark if there's an answer the community strongly prefers? [duplicate]

Any accepted answer currently get a bright, big green accept mark. While everyone on SO a bit longer should know this only indicates the OPs acceptance and not the community's judgement, it is quite ...
Deduplicator's user avatar
  • 45.3k
10 votes
1 answer

Statistics for Stack Overflow site

I am interested to know statistics on, average time a question remains unanswered on stack overflow, average questions per 1000 that are unanswered, average number of answers per question. Has any ...
coder hacker's user avatar
  • 4,839
8 votes
1 answer

My Technically Incorrect Answer Accepted, Downvoted and Corrected

TL:DR - My answer was accepted then downvoted. Although the answer has been corrected the downvotes remain. Is there anything I can/should do? Okay, here is my issue. Sorry if I waffle a little, you ...
Rudi Kershaw's user avatar
  • 12.6k
4 votes
1 answer

How select correct answer if there were few?

I have situation - there were few answers on my question. Both are not what I need, not complete solution at least, but both of them gave me idea for right solution. What should I do?
andrey.shedko's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Should I give the checkmark to the answer that directly answers the question, or the answer that suggests an better alternative?

In this question: An elegant way to get a boolean to represent 1 and -1, I have a specific question, and I post some code which gives it context. This answer answers the question correctly. However, ...
dwjohnston's user avatar
  • 12.1k
39 votes
5 answers

Mark questions or answers as out of date?

It would really help for finding relevant answers if there was a way to mark questions and answers as out of date. I have been searching SO for various questions and have often found that there are ...
kjbartel's user avatar
  • 10.5k
9 votes
1 answer

How would I award my own Eureka moment?

Look at this: Getting depth-first traversal insted of breadth first in T-SQL I struggled a bit with this before I posted it, and couldn't find the answer I was looking for. (I must have had a lapse ...
Christian Wattengård's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

What if a comment should be the (best) answer? [duplicate]

My question was answered while "chatting" in comments. (I know that's bad and I try to minimize it as good as it gets). What if the user, which gave me the solution, knowing that I'll appreciate his ...
toesslab's user avatar
  • 5,151
47 votes
3 answers

Is it wrong to rewrite an entire answer of mine, long after it has been accepted, if it's a big improvement?

Today I got this comment on a 2 year old answer of mine: Can you please fix the english and punctuation errors? What does gray in the corner indicate? Why is its color lighter? What is 4x? Width of ...
David Rönnqvist's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Why can people only accept one answer on a question?

I recently asked a question which received three good answers. It was my first question and I was surprised to find that it was only possible to accept one answer. All three were helpful and did what ...
laurencevs's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Why downvote an already accepted answer?

Earlier today, I posted an answer to this question. The series of events that followed are The answer was accepted Someone downvoted my accepted answer I commented, asking for an explanation for the ...
Rich Scriven's user avatar
  • 98.5k
-1 votes
1 answer

Accepted answers by self?

In This Question the accepted answer is from the OP. Under what conditions is that possible?
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
37 votes
4 answers

How should accepted link-only answers be handled?

Is the accepted answer of the question Highlight a word with jQuery not a link-only answer? I have raised a flag about it. A moderator has declined it. Here is a screenshot of the reply from the ...
Satpal's user avatar
  • 133k
467 votes
11 answers

Dealing with an answer that wasn't accepted (maybe because a user is a newbie on Stack Overflow)

I answered somebody's question. It was a new person who joined Stack Overflow today. He/she thanked me and said it works, but he/she hasn't accepted my answer. The question is here for your reference:...
AleAssis's user avatar
  • 376
-5 votes
1 answer

What if I want to choose another answer as correct one?

After reading this question it is obvious that we should give the community a chance. But if we are talking about full chances, maybe time versus quality. Should not answers be ranked like: First ...
ProllyGeek's user avatar
  • 15.7k
6 votes
1 answer

How do we conclude whether an answer is correct?

Stack Overflow is very useful for getting answers to our questions and give answer to other questions to help others. Many users accept the answer sometimes so that we conclude that either that ...
svrushal's user avatar
  • 1,612
122 votes
4 answers

Why can't I accept an answer in the first 15 minutes after asking the question?

I have just noticed there is a short time span of 15 minutes after asking a question when you cannot accept an answer. I'm really curious why it does so, because I can't think of a reason for having ...
Toby van Kempen's user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

How can I accept an answer and which one should I choose?

Someone commented to me: please do not forget to update and accept answers But I can't figure out how to do this, or which one to choose.
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