Linked Questions

5 votes
1 answer

How do I avoid misusing tags?

How do I know if I'm misusing tags, how can I avoid it? Return to FAQ index Markdown link sample: Please see: [How do I avoid misusing tags?](
172 votes
2 answers

How do I create a React Stack Snippet with JSX support?

In the Stack Snippets editor, I can see a drop-down box for including a version of React, but how do I actually create a snippet using React with JSX in it? Return to FAQ index
248 votes
2 answers

Why should I provide a Minimal Reproducible Example for a very simple SQL query?

I've asked a question about a simple SQL query, and now some users are telling me that I need to include a Minimal, Reproducible Example (MRE/MCVE). Obviously I've read the help pages, but my question ...
64 votes
1 answer

Why are fellow users removing thank-you's from my questions?

I asked a question on the main site with the words "Thanks (in advance)"/"Thank you" at the end. Later on, a user edited them out! Why is this done? Should I rollback/reject the edit? If it's not OK ...
179 votes
1 answer

How do I deal with non-English content?

What action should I take if I come across non-English content? Does the amount of non-English content make any difference? Return to FAQ index
69 votes
3 answers

Advice for non-native English speakers

I'm not a native speaker of English, but I want to ask a question on Stack Overflow. When I finish typing it out, my question gets a lot of downvotes and comments about the grammar being wrong. How ...
169 votes
2 answers

Why should I not upload images of code/data/errors?

I am new to Stack Overflow, and I have asked about 5 questions so far. I have uploaded images of my code on most of my questions. On two separate occasions, two different users advised me not to ...
666 votes
8 answers

Why is "Can someone help me?" not an actual question?

To an asker, their question seems pretty good. They've explained the context of their project, there's a detailed list of what they want to accomplish, and they've shown what they have tried / their ...
118 votes
2 answers

How can I create a table in a post?

I want to create a table to better illustrate my question, but I cannot find any option to do so. Return to FAQ index
62 votes
1 answer

Tips for asking a good Structured Query Language (SQL) question

Are there some particular items I should be including in my SQL questions that would help others better understand the problem and attract more useful answers? Return to FAQ index Canonical link (of ...
86 votes
2 answers

When should code formatting be used for non-code text?

I reviewed an edit that did no change to the post apart from introducing code formatting like this to words that aren't code, such as iOS and Android (while curiously leaving Delphi untouched). I didn'...
258 votes
1 answer

How do I format my code blocks?

How do I post text so that it is formatted as code? What do I need to do so that my code shows up properly—not escaped or removed—when posted? And how do I get the correct syntax ...
133 votes
0 answers

FAQ Index for Stack Overflow

Community FAQ (For Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Overflow) For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center. Stack Overflow is part of a wider network; for issues that apply to Stack ...
749 votes
10 answers

How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users?

I'm well aware that some research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users before they post any new questions, but I'm not sure just how much research effort is considered adequate. I asked a ...
335 votes
1 answer

Something in my web site or project doesn't work. Can I just paste a link to it?

I have a CSS, HTML, or JavaScript problem on a website I'm working on. I would like to just describe the problem and paste a link to the external site in question. Can I do this instead of posting ...

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