Linked Questions

7 votes
1 answer

Can't figure out formatting error while posting this question [duplicate]

I get the error below while posting a question on Stack Overflow. I've looked up elsewhere, used Ctrl + K, and added extra lines after the heading, but I am still getting this error. Your post ...
Uzair Khan's user avatar
9 votes
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How is table with code formatted incorrectly? [duplicate]

Why is this table not formatted correctly? Base (base) Exponent (exp) Math.pow(base, exp) numeral(n).format('0[.]00e+0') logFormatter(n, base) 10 -5 0.000009999999999999999 10e-6 1 x 10⁻⁵ 10 -2.445 ...
Nickofthyme's user avatar
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Stack Overflow will not allow me to post this table (code not formatted as code error) [duplicate]

When I post the following table into an answer on Stack Overflow, it gives me the "Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code. " error. I was able to circumvent ...
andrewb's user avatar
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Why can I publish a post here, but I get an error when I try to post the same text on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I don't understand why I can't post my question on Stack Overflow, but I can post it here. The text is exactly the same, but when I want to post it on Stack Overflow I can't do it because a message ...
Donny's user avatar
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Is this the desired result of the algorithm for detecting incorrectly formatted code? [duplicate]

I think I have a case where the algorithm for detecting incorrectly formatted code isn't producing the desired result. I could be wrong, or this could be a non-fixable issue. Here's what happened: I ...
BeeePollen's user avatar
2 votes
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Formatting code [duplicate]

I attempted to post a question and am getting the error message: Your question couldn’t be submitted / Resolve 1 issues before posting Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted ...
NewSites's user avatar
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Why can't I edit my post? [duplicate]

I posted a question, and now I cannot edit it. I was initially unable to successfully post as I kept getting the indent error until I wrapped my table in a code block. Someone edited my post and fixed ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Why do these tables stop my question from being submitted to Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Tables appear correct in preview, but appear as code to Stack Overflow's checkers The tables in my questions look good in preview, but Stack Overflow's checkers won't let me submit. How do I change my ...
Matthew David Jankowski's user avatar
4 votes
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Can't post due to code format error

I am trying to post this for hours. But it always prevented due to some code format issue: your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code Please advise. Why Python ...
OJNSim's user avatar
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3 votes
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Table containing array/list errors as "code that is not properly formatted as code"

Summary The following table fails formatting checks when I attempt to include it in a Stack Overflow answer. I am not sure how to format this table to avoid an error from Stack Overflow. Expected ...
smurphy's user avatar
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