Linked Questions

48 votes
0 answers

Let us opt-out of UI experiments

There appears to be a UI experiment running, currently. Vote counts are being "censored" if a post scores below -1. This experiment interferes with my normal use of Stack Overflow, and I want to opt ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
17 votes
1 answer

Attempting to downvote a -3 post on Teams makes the score display as -1 [closed]

I am in the -1 group in the current Stack Overflow experiment. On the Charcoal Team, there is this post. It has -3 score and vote count +2/-5. I have six reputation there, and thus can't downvote it. ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
26 votes
1 answer

Can we please show negative votes for red flags?

It's weird to see 0 votes on a spam post. Any alternative suggestion? I am not against the change and welcome new users, but spam posts should be an exception. Is there any way to prevent seeing a ...
4b0's user avatar
  • 22.3k
-52 votes
1 answer

Delay display of down votes that don't offer a suggestion [duplicate]

Down votes that don't offer a suggestion make the user experience more "Negative". I suggest delaying the display of such votes ( Or just barring them ). This also fits well with SOs overall quality ...
Ole's user avatar
  • 45.8k
-53 votes
1 answer

Change downvotes with negative points to something else [duplicate]

We should promote positivity in the site. Thus usage of negative values for downvotes should be changed. My proposal: Avoid showing any number at all. Since it does not matter whether it is downvoted ...
GeneCode's user avatar
  • 7,580
-32 votes
2 answers

Limiting downvoting on questions by new users who haven't had a chance to respond to requests for improvement [duplicate]

Here's a first-time question-asker at -11, fifteen minutes after he asked the question. He hasn't been back yet to see the comments. I see this sort of thing fairly regularly. I know as well as ...
15ee8f99-57ff-4f92-890c-b56153's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Different post notices from different machines

This is the post notice I see from my home machine: And this is the post notice I see from my work machine for the same question: According to my understanding, this should not happen; from the Meta ...
desertnaut's user avatar
  • 59.9k

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