Linked Questions

-14 votes
4 answers

Why does the community mourn for ex-moderators instead of forging a new community? [duplicate]

First off, the title itself might look a bit disrespectful or cheeky - that by no means is my intention. I'd like to know why some members of this community, clearly unhappy about the recent ...
Matěj Štágl's user avatar
1219 votes
54 answers

Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? [closed]

I've been using Stack Overflow for a few years, and initially most questions you asked got a positive reception: happy comments and answers, people that tried to help you out regardless of the ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
1107 votes
50 answers

Question quality is dropping on Stack Overflow

I'm seeing a rapid trend towards worse and worse question quality. It gets to the point where I'm asking myself "Why did I even help this guy? He neither has the will nor the capacity to understand ...
Tomalak's user avatar
  • 335k
326 votes
73 answers

What can we do to encourage downvoting?

Downvoting is a bigger privilege than upvoting and it plays a crucial role in keeping the content on this site clean. Downvoting is our most powerful tool for us, non-moderator users. Downvotes are a ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32.1k
628 votes
26 answers

When is Stack Overflow going to stop demonizing the quality-concerned users who have made the site a success?

Yes, it's another meta question about the "Stack Overflow isn't very welcoming" blog post. As someone who has been on this site for almost a decade, who has tried to post good questions, who has ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
696 votes
14 answers

New home page makes it seem like SO doesn't allow free use any more

I will start off by saying that I'm a bit of an oddball. I browse exclusively in private browsing mode. When I'm logged in to Stack Overflow and close a tab, I'm no longer logged in. So despite ...
user1118321's user avatar
  • 25.9k
624 votes
19 answers

The Stack Overflow I wish to build and participate in is no longer supported

tl;dr: There is no tl;dr. If you don't wish to read the entire thing, then don't worry about it. I was hoping my month off would've cooled me off a bit or at least given me a different perspective ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 105k
211 votes
24 answers

What does our long term community need? What does our long term community need to feel valued?

My thoughts There's been a focus on new user retention. Which is pretty much what's been the crux of the issue since the welcoming blog all those months ago. The NetWork is concerned about new user ...
user avatar
432 votes
8 answers

When is it justifiable to downvote a question?

In light of recent discussion, the quality of questions on Stack Overflow is dropping rapidly, and as such, I find myself being more of a critic than I used to be a year ago. Questions which hardly ...
aevitas's user avatar
  • 3,783
297 votes
7 answers

Congratulations to EdChum for 100,000 close reviews!

The Close Votes review stats page shows that EdChum performed 100,000 close vote reviews. Getting content properly rated is very important to me because this helps me use the site and I would like to ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 6,210
188 votes
9 answers

Declaring a Review strike until efficiency improvements are implemented

Reviewing (together with interlinking existing content) is one of the key tasks for the SO community now that the site is past its initial growth stage. And the infamous overload of review queues and ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
158 votes
10 answers

Can we be more welcoming by managing expectations?

I've just cleared the First Posts review queue. Only one of the questions I could assess did not merit a vote-to-close or a VLQ flag. How "welcome" do you suppose those newcomers feel? We already ...
Raedwald's user avatar
  • 47.8k
178 votes
3 answers

Can we talk about the voting culture here on Meta?

I'd like to start with saying that I emailed @Shog9 back in August with the text below, because I'm not a particularly good writer, and I was hoping he'd be able to write up a nice post here. A couple ...
user247702's user avatar
97 votes
5 answers

How should we address the "I assigned you this homework" answer shared on /r/ProgrammerHumor?

This answer is a bad answer of which half the content is irrelevant. The question asks how to insert a string in the middle of another string (and notes that the asker wants to do this numerous times)....
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 148k
9 votes
6 answers

UX research time! July 2019 and how people are learning and teaching code

🙋🏻‍♀️Hello! This is July’s installment of UX research updates for Meta! You can check out past installments here, or last month’s data science update here. Today, I’ll be talking about findings from ...
Donna's user avatar
  • 101
218 votes
7 answers

Why is the popular "How much research effort is expected" answer deleted?

This answer has been deleted as of yesterday. Similar to Jon Skeet's Stack Overflow question checklist, this answer has been used by many users as a go-to link to comment when a question with no ...
adiga's user avatar
  • 34.9k
70 votes
2 answers

What happened on Stack Overflow on 31 May 2019?

I was analyzing the proportion of questions which received at least one answer within 48 hours, using Bigquery: select da, avg(answered) from (SELECT, date(a.creation_date) as da, max(case when ...
Saharsh Agarwal's user avatar
61 votes
5 answers

Why is there such a large quantity of beginner Python questions that concern Pandas?

Something that I've noticed during my time on here is an excessive quantity of programming questions related to Pandas. Normally, given the package's popularity, this wouldn't raise any eyebrows. ...
Libra's user avatar
  • 2,595
13 votes
2 answers

Is it acceptable to answer a closed question by editing the answer into the question? [duplicate]

I've just come across a debugging question which was judged to be lacking in debugging details and closed. (I'm not convinced that was the right decision, but that is not relevant to my point.) After ...
Stephen C's user avatar
  • 710k
18 votes
7 answers

Where do history-focused questions belong?

Obviously the question should be somewhat related to programming or software development, but it feels a bit odd putting them on Stack Overflow because of the nature of the topic - oftentimes they are ...
cyqsimon's user avatar
  • 3,173
-48 votes
8 answers

Are we collectively wired to be 'rude'? [closed]

I respect and appreciate the attempts being made to make SO more 'friendly'. I certainly have felt unwelcome on more than one occasion. But honestly, I think it's a lost cause. The smartest people ...
Tracy's user avatar
  • 690
42 votes
0 answers

Letting go of SO

Stack Overflow has been a major part of my Internet and professional life for the last six years. Over the last two months, my visits to SO have increasingly made me wonder "what unpleasant surprise ...
cxw's user avatar
  • 16.9k
-35 votes
1 answer

How about paying content makers? [duplicate]

I don't have a good model for this as yet.. I'll be thinking about it. But I'd like to hear the community's thoughts on it. Content creators/curators on SO (and SE in general) are the driving force ...
Sam Axe's user avatar
  • 33.6k
-898 votes
26 answers

We’re removing “Hot Meta Posts” from Stack Overflow's sidebar for now; moderators now control the [featured] tag [duplicate]

tl;dr: We're removing the "Hot Meta Posts" from Stack Overflow's sidebar while we work on looking at how Meta can better meet its goals. To ensure that moderators are able to bring important ...
user avatar
-1143 votes
102 answers

Feature test: Thank you reaction

We just announced a new feature test for the "thank you" reaction on The Overflow blog. We discovered that “thanks” appears in 1 of 6 comments left under answers. Although it's less common ...
Lisa Park's user avatar
  • 101