Linked Questions

924 votes
1 answer

How does the Triage review queue work?

I recently got the privilege to review questions in Triage, and I'm pretty sure I'm already doing it wrong. I've read some of the Q&A about the Triage review queue here on Meta, but I was ...
522 votes
27 answers

Triage needs to be fixed urgently, and users need to be notified upon receiving a review ban!

Prologue Since late 2019, I have been investigating why posts are ending up in the Help & Improvement (H&I) review queue when it should have been closed in Triage. Unfortunately, due to the ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 78.1k
146 votes
3 answers

Please rename the "Should be improved" button

The HIQ is currently full of questions that indeed can be improved, as they don't contain enough details, however that's not the purpose of the HIQ. Should be improved seems to be incorrectly ...
Cristik's user avatar
  • 32.1k
108 votes
29 answers

Help Improve The Help & Improvement Queue! [closed]

A short time ago, we introduced the new triage queue - a place where users can quickly sort questions into various categories, where one of those categories is 'needs improvement'. Until now, we've ...
user avatar
108 votes
12 answers

Should "Very Low Quality" flags be offloaded entirely to tag experts?

Some of the Stack Overflow moderators were having (yet another) discussion about what makes "not an answer" fundamentally different from "very low quality", since the former ...
user avatar
93 votes
3 answers

The incorrect usage of "Requires Editing" is still causing problems. Can we do something about it?

So, I read this question yesterday and I posted a suggestion in an answer (now deleted) which I'm going to re-post here. The OP of that question addressed the fact that the "Help and Improvement" ...
41686d6564's user avatar
  • 19.4k
65 votes
1 answer

Triage implementation has been (silently) abandoned midway, how bad is that?

I recently learned that triage development has been abandoned midway: Triage was predicated on us rewriting all of the views. Which... Very nearly happened. And then didn't. (side note for readers ...
gnat's user avatar
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62 votes
3 answers

What's the point of the "Very low quality" flag action, in "Help and Improvement" reviews? Where's the downvote / close option?

In the "Help and Improvement" review queue, there are 3 possible actions to complete the review: Edit Skip And, a little more obscure: A link saying "question is very low quality", which flags the ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 71.8k
59 votes
2 answers

"Help and Improvement" is dead, can we please let it die

After going through the H&I queue today, I estimate that at least 90% of the questions there are irredeemable trash that could best be helped and/or improved by destroying them with the heat of a ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
54 votes
1 answer

It seems many misunderstand the "Requires Editing" option in Triage review

As it stands, the immediate definition of "Requires Editing" is: for questions that you can make clear and answerable by editing I understand that this is clearly stating "questions that you can ...
Jake's user avatar
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44 votes
0 answers

Are there statistics for "help and improvement"?

While writing this answer (where I express my frustration that the "help and improvement" queue seems to almost only consist of low-quality questions that could, if at all, only be improved by the ...
GhostCat's user avatar
  • 139k
28 votes
2 answers

I don't really Stack Overfollow you there

I might not be the better person in terms of UI/UX, but I am wondering if the term "following" is the best choice for the link under a followed question: Especially considering all the ...
β.εηοιτ.βε's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

In close queue, prioritize questions triaged as unsalvageable to unconditionally stay on top

The system can prioritize questions in the close vote review queue based on various criteria as explained here. I propose that if the question has been triaged as unsalvageable the system should ...
gnat's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Is there a correct way to give feedback to "bad triage" voter (besides flagging for mod attention)?

Giving feedback to inexperienced users gives a specific example, and the only answer there suggests to flag the person doing bad reviews. Is there really no correct other way? Assume I flag another ...
GhostCat's user avatar
  • 139k
-19 votes
7 answers

Stack Overflow vs. Stack Overflow - What can we as a community do to improve the relationship with the company that backs us?

The relationship between us, the community, and the company is far from perfect. Yet we depend on each other: Stack Overflow (the community) would not exist without Stack Overflow (the company) ...
Jonas Wilms's user avatar