Linked Questions

-27 votes
5 answers

A Welcoming Change: What do we have to lose?

Several questions here on Meta these last few days have raised objections to Jay Hanlon's blog post, Stack Overflow Isn't Very Welcoming. It's Time for That To Change. Jay's post can be summarized ...
Katie Kilian's user avatar
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-7 votes
4 answers

Should moderators be able to delete answers on questions they answer themselves?

Pretend someone answers a question with what they feel is a valid answer. Currently, a moderator could delete that answer and immediately post their own. If the original answer writer were to flag ...
user avatar
67 votes
1 answer

Reasonable suggested edit but inappropriate edit summary

Today I came across this suggested edit review. I rejected it mostly because of the comment going with the suggested edit but also because in my opinion the suggested edits don't really improve the ...
André Kool's user avatar
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-9 votes
2 answers

So this is what "feeling unwelcomed" actually looks like

In light of this and my most recent experience a few minutes ago I submit this post for discussion. To be extremely clear, I would never condone or excuse in the slightest those that are actually rude ...
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-37 votes
3 answers

What to do about good questions (ie. documentation-related) being closed too quickly [duplicate]

TL;DR - a request to avoid pedantic door-slamming on documentation- related questions, specific in this case: re. TensorFlow. More of a comment than a question. I try not to use Stack Overflow ...
gemesyscanada's user avatar
-48 votes
8 answers

Are we collectively wired to be 'rude'? [closed]

I respect and appreciate the attempts being made to make SO more 'friendly'. I certainly have felt unwelcome on more than one occasion. But honestly, I think it's a lost cause. The smartest people ...
Tracy's user avatar
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31 votes
1 answer

Are there trends towards being "more welcoming"?

Obviously it is a bit early to ask, but still I am wondering if "things" are already changing. I just used an enforced one-day cool down period to have a look around, and it seems to me that at least ...
GhostCat's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

Content, rules, and perceptions

From my experience with the site, with trying to help user moderation, and with the recent mentorship program; often, low-quality and off-topic content comes from confused users who do not understand ...
Travis J's user avatar
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-10 votes
1 answer

Add a blog-post tag for Meta Stack Overflow

Recently, there has been a lot of questions/discussions regarding blog posts, and it wouldn't surprise me if in the future, it kept happening. That's why I think it would be a good idea to have a tag ...
TwiN's user avatar
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4 votes
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Voting takes me to the main page

I have tried to vote on some posts on MSO the last hour, and in some cases it takes me to the Meta Stack Overflow main page. The strange this is that with answers, the one above or under the answer I ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Stack Overflow's Public Relations Mistake About "Welcoming" and How to Fix It by Implementing an Index of Examples as Reference Material

I read Jay Hanlon's post on Welcoming and, in spite of a number of problematic mistakes, I think I understand what Stack Overflow is trying to say, but I do not think they know how to say it. In fact, ...
OCDev's user avatar
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