Linked Questions

77 votes
1 answer

Why is user1114 no longer a moderator?

As of yesterday, user1114 was a moderator on Stack Overflow. Today they are not. What happened? (I am aware that nobody is obliged to answer this question, but this doesn't make it different from any ...
-3 votes
2 answers

Was a user suspended for their political beliefs? [closed]

On the Meta question Does Stack Exchange really want to conflate newbies with women/people of color?, a user posted an answer that heavily criticized the recent blog post. He was temporarily banned a ...
9 votes
5 answers

Practical suggestions on welcoming communication

This question is motivated by Joel Coehoorn's answer to Can we do more than just deleting rude comments?: Answering or commenting on a question is critical by it's nature, and it's harder to be nice ...
140 votes
7 answers

Request: edit/clarify the "Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming" blog post

TL;DR I claim that several arguments made in the "Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change. " blog post are ridden with serious flaws (naive assumptions about human ...
83 votes
4 answers

What should the user community do about incivility on Stack Overflow?

Incivility on Stack Overflow is not a new topic. But apparently it's been given new life. So here's your chance to sound off on what we, as a community, can do about it. But first, some of my own ...
111 votes
9 answers

Please ask if there is a problem before telling us there is a problem

I'm concerned about the most recent blog post Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change.. I worry about seeing an outright blog post telling me that there is something wrong ...
113 votes
2 answers

Policing in the aftermath of The Blog Post of Welcomingness

I want to talk about taking action in our trying time of The Blog Post. Consider it a plea for sanity. Background I know the problems concerning minority groups are very real even on Stack Overflow. ...
205 votes
9 answers

Ask a question template v1 experiment results

Last month we ran an experiment to test using a template to help new question askers ask better questions. This experiment is the first in a series addressing the top voted theme for TeamDAG to work ...
94 votes
8 answers

Why are there so many bad questions?

I mostly lurk here and have been browsing some of my favorite tags. What I notice is the vast majority of questions are awful. It's becoming a chore to wade through all of them because most of them ...
175 votes
9 answers

Mentorship Research Project - Results + Wrap-Up

Check out SO Podcast 117 to hear Kristina talk about the mentorship experiment. First, if you haven’t read the original announcement post about the Stack Overflow Mentorship Research Project, you ...
1639 votes
44 answers

Time to take a stand

I am extremely upset by President Trump’s executive order on immigration. It is immoral, unconstitutional, and fundamentally un-American. The community on Stack Overflow is made up of users from all ...
-14 votes
1 answer

How can Stack Overflow be more welcoming? [duplicate]

I have been on Stack Overflow for a little over a year now, and while I've had many of my questions resolved by kind and well-meaning people, I for some reason have never totally felt welcome here. ...
118 votes
1 answer

The Un-shipping of Teams

For almost the past year, we've had Teams in private beta and while we believe in its potential value, after a lot of consideration we've decided to un-ship the idea for the time being. Teams ...
12 votes
1 answer

Merge request, after seeing how the the other half experiences SO

I ran an experiment after seeing a few posts on Meta Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Exchange. Most notably this post which suggested: Create a new profile (low rep points) that can be recognized ...
413 votes
20 answers

Can Stack Overflow and Meta's logos be changed temporarily to the "#LoveOverflows" logo?

Stack Exchange just tweeted this image following the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in favor of gay marriage: #LoveWins #LoveOverflows Please can this be made the logo for a couple of ...

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