Linked Questions

85 votes
6 answers

Is it always a good idea to demand the OP "post some code"?

Obviously, a question with an MCVE is almost always best. But we get a lot of questions (at least, my review queue is full of questions) that are basically just two or three screens of unreadable ...
David Moles's user avatar
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80 votes
8 answers

Can we support users who do not understand how to debug their code?

Honestly I think this situation broke me since it's so paradoxical. In light of recent events, I'd like to keep the tone neutral and apply this in general since I don't think we've actively thought ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
212 votes
2 answers

Comments asking for clarification or an MCVE are not rude/abusive

This is the latest comment to be flagged in what is becoming a trend in faux rude/abusive flags. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I cannot see anything rude or abusive in this comment, in fact they use ...
user avatar
94 votes
1 answer

What should a 'minimal, reproducible example' include for problems with automating web browsers using Selenium?

I've been cruising the C# selenium questions for quite some time now. I frequently find myself down-voting these questions and voting to close them as needing details or clarity, or needing debugging ...
Greg Burghardt's user avatar
34 votes
8 answers

Discouraging questioners from posting data in table form for questions on R/SQL

Questions based on R are much easier to answer if the questioner posts a small example of their data using a function such as dput, so that the answerer can paste the data quickly into their own ...
user438383's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

Can we introduce the concept of a MCVE to people before they even have a question?

The concept of a minimal, complete, and verifiable example is actually pretty tricky. It's entirely learnable, and most experienced Stack Overflow users have probably internalized it, but it's still ...
user2357112's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

Should my canonical about read_clipboard usage in Pandas be on Meta or Main?

If you've ever tried answering questions in pandas, you'll know 90% of them cannot be answered unless the OP posts their data (or, at least a sample) that gives us an idea what they're working with ...
cs95's user avatar
  • 401k
15 votes
4 answers

Mention online compilers on the Minimal, Reproducible Example page?

(Note: This is mainly motivated by what I observe in the C++ tag - other tags may have different experiences - please share!) Many times a day we link people to the Minimal, Reproducible Example site....
Max Langhof's user avatar
  • 23.7k
17 votes
2 answers

How should I handle questions where there is a clear problem that has multiple possible causes?

I saw a question today, and looked to see if I could answer it. Most SO questions go something like this: Asker: I have this problem. Answerer: Here's a solution. This question, though, goes ...
Chris Akridge's user avatar
138 votes
0 answers

Better support for sample data and perhaps table schemas in SQL questions

I've been around SO since almost the beginning, and in that time I've answered a LOT of SQL related questions. One point of pain in this area has always been posting sample data or query results. We'...
Joel Coehoorn's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

What's the best way to post a "How to ask a good question?" article for a specific subject?

I've seen, which I suspect most people haven't. What I'm wondering is what is the best way to provide information about asking a question about a specific ...
dougp's user avatar
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76 votes
0 answers

Add fragment identifiers to MCVE page sections for easy linking

Sometimes, when I link to the MCVE page, I want to highlight one specific aspect using a fragment identifier. For instance, a question be minimal and complete, but not verifiable. It would be nice to ...
phihag's user avatar
  • 287k
39 votes
1 answer

Should we add an example in how to MCVE?

New users usually fail to post an MCVE, despite helpful commentary linking to How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. I am thinking why.. Could the link be more helpful by ...
gsamaras's user avatar
  • 73.3k
13 votes
1 answer

Should I create a tag-specific question template and ask new users to refer to it for asking good question?

I work on the tag mongodb most of the time on SO. Usually, the questions are about some query composing, like "how can I achieve behaviour xxx?". For us, people who are trying to help, ...
ray's user avatar
  • 15k
2 votes
2 answers

How to improve a canonical question, that may appear to be "too broad"?

I keep finding myself posting an [mcve] link in comments to questions with either too much or too little code, but askers seem to be having a hard time actually producing a "Minimal, Complete, ...
IInspectable's user avatar
  • 51.1k

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