Linked Questions

353 votes
52 answers

What can we put in a question template to help people ask better questions?

Update: Our v1 experiment is done. We used a template loosely based on enderland's answer for this experiment. See this post for an overview of the results. Based on your feedback the DAG team is ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.3k
337 votes
36 answers

New Navigation Release Candidate [closed]

Administrative Note July 6, 2017: development for this project is currently on hold; if you find it useful you may continue to use it and report bugs or suggestions, but fixes / improvements may not ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
  • 31k
324 votes
13 answers

The world is big and I am SO small. What are the implications for our meta community with the changes in Stack Overflow?

TL DR: The input from meta carries far less sway than it used to. The Stack Overflow Company (I'll refer to as the network) is making the decisions on site changes. We need to adapt to our new limited ...
user avatar
270 votes
25 answers

Tearing Down the Structure of Documentation [closed]

If you have told us (or privately thought) Documentation isn't working: You are correct. It isn't. Yet. Since early on in the private beta of Documentation, we’ve used a simple, rigid structure: Tags =...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.3k
160 votes
2 answers

Let me save the intersection of 2+ tags as a favorite

Suppose I'm a C# developer, but I only program in Windows Forms. I might add c# as a favorite tag, but then I get C# web questions too. I might put in windows-forms as a favorite, but then I get VB....
Ryan Lundy's user avatar
  • 209k
138 votes
33 answers

How do active answerers find questions to answer?

Last month, more than 35,000 users submitted at least one upvoted answer on Stack Overflow. It's an inspiration to see how many people are out there willing and able to help fellow devs be more ...
samthebrand's user avatar
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132 votes
10 answers

What’s Happening With Channels? [closed]

Like we have done with other ongoing projects 1, 2, 3, we're going to try to provide regular announcements about Channels. For those who aren’t aware of what Channels is, we're working on: a feature ...
Taryn's user avatar
  • 246k
94 votes
8 answers

Why are there so many bad questions?

I mostly lurk here and have been browsing some of my favorite tags. What I notice is the vast majority of questions are awful. It's becoming a chore to wade through all of them because most of them ...
user5680735's user avatar
66 votes
1 answer

Triage implementation has been (silently) abandoned midway, how bad is that?

I recently learned that triage development has been abandoned midway: Triage was predicated on us rewriting all of the views. Which... Very nearly happened. And then didn't. (side note for readers ...
gnat's user avatar
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56 votes
1 answer

Where are all the bountied questions? [closed]

I opened Stack Overflow in a browser I don't usually and noticed a series of buttons that I don't have when logged in. Not logged in and visiting python Logged in and visiting python "Bounties" ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 50.3k
51 votes
3 answers

How am I supposed to moderate and watch any / my top tags using the old navigation? [closed]

Judging from the latest edit on Retiring New Navigation (beta) in preparation for Navigation 3.0 the "New Navigation" has been removed and we have gone back to a system of navigation I do not know and ...
luk2302's user avatar
  • 56.9k
45 votes
1 answer

Why is 'unanswered' not a tab?

Edit: I just noticed this is the standard behaviour, it doesn't happen just for tags. I still find this a bit confusing though. I search for a tag, for example [gnuplot] and I see this: The first ...
Gabriel's user avatar
  • 42.3k
44 votes
9 answers

What do SO's top users do to answer questions so quickly?

Sometimes I ask a question on SO and a few minutes later I find a brilliant answer. How was the answerer notified that my question was posted? I do not think people stare at https://stackoverflow....
UnDiUdin's user avatar
  • 15.2k
44 votes
2 answers

Does it pay to spin off sites?

This week, we are launching a new site for Emacs questions. It's been pointed out that there are already 11k questions tagged emacs on Stack Overflow. Setting aside the question of whether new sites ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.3k
41 votes
1 answer

Browser history/pagination doesn't remember the page I was at (when navigating back from a question) [closed]

This applies to all the pages with pagination (for example, just the "Home"). Use the pagination to go to any other page than page 1 Click a question in the new page Navigate back from the question ...
Pete TNT's user avatar
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