Linked Questions

54 votes
1 answer

Is there a place where I can see information (chatrooms, Q&A, and results) for previous elections?

The text for all of the Stack Overflow elections appear to change retrospectively so that when one changes, e.g. to update the link to the "The candidates answer your questions" or the Election Chat ...
228 votes
16 answers

Should I be nice to new users?

In the First Posts queue I encountered this question: It's terrible, of course. ...
414 votes
4 answers

Can a machine be taught to flag comments automatically?

TL;DR: Yes it can. Background On June 27, 2014 Skynet awoke. It looked at Stack Overflow and thought "Why are all these people being so chatty and talking about obsolete things? I should nuke ...
34 votes
4 answers

Why is this heavily downvoted question not yet removed from Meta Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I have a heavily down-voted question (Does Stack Overflow support code bidding?). I raised a moderation attention flag, and it was marked as helpful. However, my question is not yet removed from Meta ...
67 votes
1 answer

What is the proper route for a disassociation request?

I have a question that I asked a couple of years ago, that didn't go down too well (it is too specific and is extremely unlikely to help others, even if the upvotes on the answers say otherwise). I ...
61 votes
3 answers

Does this site value / accommodate contributions of people with disabilities?

Not everybody does (or can) think or work the same way as everyone else. I can get good results but I've never been able to do it quickly or head on. I just have never been able to get things right ...
320 votes
14 answers

On large communities decaying over time, being nice or mean, and Stack Overflow

Wandering about the Internet, I stumbled across why online communities decay over time. This is a rather good article and should be read in conjunction with a group is its own worst enemy. I strongly ...
8 votes
1 answer

Should we add Software Recommendations as a migration target?

An inclusion of in the migration links:
71 votes
20 answers

Declining Numbers of Women in Programming, What Can SO do to Help?

Edit Summary for the TLDR People are asking for a summary due to the enormity of this thread of posts and comments. In summary this post is to discuss the link of diminishing numbers of women in ...
307 votes
22 answers

Let's improve Stack Overflow's "Ask a Question" page!

We've all heard and done our fair share of complaining about declining question quality. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Various ideas have been floated, but haven't gotten significant traction for various ...
-14 votes
1 answer

Is Stack Overflow a welcoming place for beginners? [duplicate]

Recently, I have asked a basic question about C++ templates. Although, I have worked with other technologies, I know very little of templates and asked a question explaining my concern. The question ...
131 votes
31 answers

2018 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

Stack Overflow is scheduled for its tenth election next week, March 12th. In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the ...
22 votes
2 answers

How is this question "not even close to being off-topic"?

This meta question was asked the night of Christmas Eve. It does not appear to be about Stack Overflow or the software that powers the Stack Exchange network, within the scope defined in the help ...
56 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow logged in information leak - Part 2

This is very similar to an issue that was recently reported: SO should stop leaking information to other websites about whether we are logged in However, the apparent solution of not returning any ...
318 votes
13 answers

Educating people to flag spam and not vote to close

TL DR Is there anything we can do to help educate users to use their flags and not their close votes on spam? It is not uncommon to see people voting to close spam. Spam should be flagged as spam and ...

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